Execution by shooting

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Execution by shooting is a form of capital punishment whereby an executed person is shot by one or more firearms. It is the most common method of execution worldwide, used in about 70 countries.[1]

Execution by firing squad is a particular form. In most countries, execution by a firing squad has historically been considered a more honorable death and was used primarily for military personnel.

In some countries, single-executioner shooting is still in use.


[edit] Examples from the Soviet bloc

In 20th century communist states, shooting was a standard form of execution of civilians and military alike, with the Soviet Union setting an example of single-executioner approach. The firing squad, with its usual solemn and lengthy ceremony was used infrequently. The most common way was firing a pistol bullet into the back of the head.

Often the phrase "execution by firing squad" is incorrectly used to translate, for example, the Russian term "расстрел" (rasstrel), which, e.g., in the context of the Soviet Union in the height of the Great Purge, referred to a single-executioner shooting.

[edit] Examples from East Asia

  • As a form of the capital punishment in the People's Republic of China, either an assault rifle shot in the back of the head or in the neck is used or a shot by an automatic rifle in the back from behind, is used. In the past the government collected a "bullet fee"[1] from the relatives of the condemned.
  • In Taiwan, the customary method is a single shot aimed at the heart. Prior to the execution, the prisoner is injected with strong anaesthetic to leave him completely senseless. (See Capital punishment in Taiwan)
  • In Thailand from 1934 until 19 October 2001, a single executioner would shoot the convict in the back from a mounted machine gun.[2][3][4]
  • In India, in the days before the Raj, soldiers who committed crimes were executed by being strapped to a cannon which was then fired. This method, invented by the Mughal emperors, was continued by the British who used it to execute native deserters and mutineers.[citation needed]

[edit] Notes

[edit] References

  • Zelitch, Judah. "Soviet Administration of Criminal Law". University of Pennsylvania Press, 1931

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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