Domestic policy of the George W. Bush administration

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President George W. Bush signs into law S.2590, the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Looking on are Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Chairwoman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and from left: Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA).
President George W. Bush signs into law S.2590, the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 in the Dwight D. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Looking on are Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), Chairwoman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, and from left: Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA).

This article discusses the domestic policy of the George W. Bush administration, from January 20, 2001 to the present day.


[edit] Domestic security

President George W. Bush meets with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi of Malaysia during Bush's visit to New York City for the United Nations General Assembly.
President George W. Bush meets with Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi of Malaysia during Bush's visit to New York City for the United Nations General Assembly.

Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Bush administration proposed and Congress approved, a series of laws stated to be necessary in prosecuting the "war on terror". These included a wide variety of surveillance programs, some of which came under heavy fire from civil liberties interest groups that criticized the new regulations for infringing upon certain civil liberties. The administration has also been criticized for refusing to back various security measures relating to port security in 2003 and 2004 and vetoing all US$39 million for the 2002 Container Security Initiative.

[edit] Bush security initiatives

  • Through an act of Congress, the creation of a Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a cabinet-level agency designed to streamline and coordinate the various agents of federal government bureaucracy charged with protecting domestic soil from terrorist attacks. The White House had opposed the creation of this department for several months.
  • A Total Information Awareness (TIA) program was proposed by the Defense Department. The TIA program did not receive funding from Congress and is not currently operating. There have been reports of similar ARDA programs surfacing.
  • The USA PATRIOT Act which greatly expands the government's powers of surveillance and arrest. The act passed soon after September 11, 2001.
  • Creation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review which will review government acts of domestic spying.
  • "Project Lookout", which distributes "watch lists" of people alleged to be suspicious, or have ties to terrorist groups to a variety of different organizations and institutions. These included specific "No-fly" lists of U.S. residents who should not be allowed to board any aircraft into or out of the United States.
  • "Operation TIPS", which would encouraged people who have access to U.S. homes, like plumbers, to report suspicious activity. This proposal was rejected after an initial outcry.
  • The Worldwide Attack Matrix, an intelligence document describing covert operations abroad to defuse terrorist threats to U.S. interests.
  • "NewRuleSets.project", which provides a strategic framework for intervening in countries to move them into the "functioning core" of world societies and out of the "non-integrating gap" from which national security threats arise.
  • "Policy Analysis Market", a program that was intended to help better predict major global political events. The idea was almost immediately retracted.

Some accused the Bush administration of using the threat of terrorism as an excuse to clamp down on political dissent; many of Bush's critics were quick to allege that they were being unfairly targeted by the new security measures. Defenders of the president's security policies have said that the continual criticism of his policies in both print and visual media shows there is no such crackdown.

Others accused the administration of over-reacting to the threat of terrorism, and participating in Big Brother style tactics with little justification. Critics of that view say that the prior administration under-reacted to the World Trade Center bombing on February 26, 1993, treating it as a criminal matter rather than an act of war.

Currently, a major controversy in the United States Congress is the debate over whether or not to expand the USA PATRIOT Act into a new Act known as USA PATRIOT Act II and whether to repeal some or all of the PATRIOT Act itself. This proposal could increase government surveillance on people in the United States suspected of terrorist activities and reduce judicial oversight over surveillance, authorize secret trials, and give the Justice Department the authority to revoke U.S. citizenship of anyone who belonged to an organization that the government deemed subversive.[1]

Supporters of the law cite the potentials of large-scale terrorism as justification for Americans to shift their priorities more from civil liberties to security. Additionally, they point out that against earlier predictions, nearly two years have passed without a single terrorist act in the United States. Opponents allege that the new law enforcement powers have resulted in arrests of people who have not been publicly charged with anything, in violation of the U.S. Constitution and basic human rights.

In any event, the debate over the proper role of government in people's lives will continue. Ultimately, the Supreme Court and lower Federal courts may rule on the constitutionality of the new laws.

[edit] Diversity and civil rights

[edit] Faith-Based Initiatives

In early 2001, President Bush worked with Republicans in Congress to pass legislation changing the way the federal government regulated, taxed and funded charities and non-profit initiatives run by religious organizations. Although prior to the legislation it was possible for these organizations to receive federal assistance, the new legislation removed reporting requirements which required the organizations to separate their charitable functions from their religious functions. Bush also created the White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives.[2] Days into his first term, Bush announced his commitment to channeling more federal aid to faith-based service organizations. Bush created the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to assist faith-based service organizations. Critics claimed that this was an infringement of the separation of church and state.[3][4]

President George W. Bush meets with his cabinet after his re-election.
President George W. Bush meets with his cabinet after his re-election.

[edit] Sexual identity

As Texas Governor, Bush had opposed efforts to repeal the criminal prohibition on "homosexual conduct", the same law that the United States Supreme Court overturned in 2003. (Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003)). During the 2000 campaign he did not endorse a single piece of gay rights legislation, although he did meet with an approved group of Log Cabin Republicans, a first for a Republican presidential candidate.[5]

In his first four years of office, his views on gay rights were often difficult to ascertain, but many experts feel that the Bush White House wanted to avoid bad publicity without alienating evangelical conservative Christian voters. Thus, he did not repeal President Clinton's Executive Order banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the federal civilian government, but its critics felt it was being ignored.[6] He did not attempt to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, nor made an effort to change it. He has threatened to veto The Matthew Shepard Act, which would have included sexual orientation in hate crimes.

While President Bush had always been on record as opposing the legal recognition of same-sex marriages, the 2004 Republican campaign strategy was to focus on "value issues" such as a Federal Marriage Amendment, that would prohibit same-sex couples from obtaining any legal recognition. President Bush endorsed this proposed amendment, but late in the campaign told ABC News and Larry King that he did not have a problem with state legislators enacting some type of civil unions legislation, although critics charged that the constitutional amendment he endorsed did not permit recognition of such unions.

Bush still expressed support for the Federal Marriage Amendment in his February 2, 2005 State of the Union address and during the 2006 midterm election, but given that it did not even receive majority support in the Senate, has ignored this issue in his most recent public statements and speeches.

Bush is the first Republican president to appoint an openly gay man to serve in his administration, Scott Evertz as director of the Office of National AIDS Policy.[7] In addition, during Bush's first term, his nominee as ambassador to Romania, Michael E. Guest, became the first openly gay man to be confirmed by the Senate as a U.S. ambassador. The first openly gay ambassador, James Hormel, received a recess appointment from Bill Clinton after the Senate failed to confirm the nomination.

[edit] Racial diversity

According to a CNN exit poll, Bush's support from African-Americans increased during his presidency from 9% of the black vote in 2000 to 11% in 2004.[8] An increase in Ohio (from 9% to 16%,[8] each ± about 5%) may have helped give the victory to Bush over Kerry.

Although Bush expressed appreciation for the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the selection of college applicants for purposes of diversity, his Administration filed briefs against it. Bush has said he opposes government sanctioned and enforced quotas and racial preferences, but that the private and public sector should be encouraged to reach out to accomplished minorities to increase employment diversity.

In August 2005, a report by the United States Commission on Civil Rights states that "the government fails to seriously consider race-neutral alternatives as the Constitution requires."[9] Chairman Gerald A. Reynolds explained, "Federal agencies do not independently evaluate, conduct research, collect data, or periodically review programs to determine whether race-neutral strategies will provide an adequate alternative to race-conscious programs." Civil rights groups have expressed concern that this report is an attack on affirmative action inconsistent with Grutter v. Bollinger.

In his first term, Bush appointed Colin Powell as Secretary of State. Powell was the first African-American man to serve in that position, and was succeeded by Condoleezza Rice: Rice became the first African-American woman to hold the post. In 2005, he appointed Alberto Gonzalez as the United States Attorney General, the first Hispanic to hold that position. In total, Bush has appointed more women and minorities to high-level positions within his administration than any other U.S. President.

Although President Bush did meet with the National Urban League, the nation's oldest civil rights organization, he has been criticized for failing to meet with the NAACP, a longstanding civil rights group, during his term in office; he is the first sitting President not to do so since Herbert Hoover, although he did meet with them during the 2000 campaign. During the 2004 campaign, Bush declined an invitation to speak, at first citing scheduling conflicts; later on, several of Bush's staff also cited critical political advertisements that the group ran as a reason not to attend.

[edit] Science

On December 19, 2002, Bush signed into law H. R. 4664, far-reaching legislation to put the National Science Foundation (NSF) on a track to double its budget over five years and to create new mathematics and science education initiatives at both the pre-college and undergraduate level.[10] In the first three years of those five, the R&D budget has increased by fourteen percent.[11][12] Bush has long been dogged by criticism that his administration ignores or suppresses scientific advice.[13]

[edit] Stem cell research

Bush opposes any new embryonic stem cell research, and has limited the federal funding of existing research. Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research was first approved under President Bill Clinton on January 19, 1999,[14] but no money was to be spent until the guidelines were published. The guidelines were released under Clinton on August 23, 2000.[15] They allowed use of unused frozen embryos. On August 9, 2001, before any funding was granted under these guidelines, Bush announced modifications to the guidelines to allow use of only existing stem cell lines.[16] While Bush claimed that more than 60 embryonic stem cell lines already existed from privately funded research, scientists in 2003 said there were only 11 usable lines, and in 2005 that all lines approved for Federal funding are contaminated and unusable.[17] Adult stem cell funding has not been restricted, and is supported by President Bush as a more viable means of research.

[edit] Space exploration

President George W. Bush waves as he prepares to depart the White House aboard Marine One from the South Lawn en route to Andrews Air Force Base for his trip to Michigan.
President George W. Bush waves as he prepares to depart the White House aboard Marine One from the South Lawn en route to Andrews Air Force Base for his trip to Michigan.

On January 14, 2004, Bush announced a Vision for Space Exploration,[18] calling for the completion of the International Space Station by 2010 and the retirement of the space shuttle while developing a new spacecraft called the Crew Exploration Vehicle under the title Project Constellation. The CEV would be used to return American astronauts to the Moon by 2018, with the objective of establishing a permanent lunar base, and eventually sending future manned missions to Mars.[19] To this end, the plan proposes that NASA's budget increase by five percent every year until it is capped at US$18 billion in 2008, with only inflationary increases thereafter.[20] The planned retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet in 2010 after the ISS is completed is also expected to free up US$5 billion to US$6 billion a year. The US$16.2 billion budget for 2005 proposed by NASA met with resistance from House and Senate spending committees, and the initiative was little-mentioned during the presidential campaign.[21] Nonetheless, the budget was approved with only minor changes shortly after the November elections.

Supporters believe that this plan will be an important part of what Bush set in place while in office. However, the policy has been criticized on two fronts. Firstly, critics have opined that the United States should deal with solving domestic issues before concentrating on space exploration. Secondly, of the funding over the next five years that Bush has proposed, only US$1 billion will be in new appropriations while the remaining US$11 billion will be reallocated from NASA's other programs, and therefore inadequate to fully realize this vision. Most of the spending for the new program, and most of the budget cuts for existing programs, are scheduled after the last year of the Bush presidency. It is unclear how the space vision will be reconciled with budgetary concerns in the longer term.

President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office Monday evening, September 11, 2006, marking the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. President Bush said, "The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation.".
President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office Monday evening, September 11, 2006, marking the fifth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001. President Bush said, "The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation.".

In January 2005 the White House released a new Space Transportation Policy fact sheet (pdf) which outlined the administration's space policy in broad terms and tied the development of space transport capabilities to national security requirements.

[edit] Environment

Environmental groups note that many Bush Administration officials, in addition to Bush and Cheney, have ties to the oil industry, automotive industry, and other groups that have fought against environmental protections. In December 2003, Bush signed legislation implementing key provisions of his Healthy Forests Initiative. Another subject of controversy is Bush's Clear Skies Initiative, which seeks to reduce air pollution through expansion of emissions trading.

Bush signed the Great Lakes Legacy Act of 2002 authorizing the federal government to begin cleaning up pollution and contaminated sediment in the Great Lakes, as well as the Brownfields Legislation in 2002, accelerating the cleanup of abandoned industrial sites, or brownfields, to better protect public health, create jobs, and revitalize communities. During his first presidential bid, Bush stated he supported the Kyoto protocol global warming treaty, but once in office he reversed that position, saying it would harm the U.S. economy. However, Bush claims his reason for not supporting the Kyoto Protocol is that it unfairly targets the U.S. while being unduly lenient with developing countries, especially China and India. Bush stated, "The world's second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases is China. Yet, China was entirely exempted from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol." He has also questioned the science behind the global warming phenomenon, insisting that more research be done to determine its validity.[22]

Further information: Kyoto protocol#United States

[edit] Global warming

Upon arriving in office in 2001, President Bush withdrew United States support of the then-pending Kyoto Protocol, an amendment to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change seeking to impose mandatory targets for reducing "greenhouse gas" emissions - carbon dioxide emitted in the burning of fossil fuels. Bush asserted that uncertainties existed in the climate change science regarding the degree to which human activity is the cause and cited concerns regarding the treaty's impact on U.S. industry and economy and the fact that China and India had not yet agreed.[23]

In 2002, the Bush Administration's Environmental Protection Agency issued a Climate Action Report concluding that the climate changes observed over several decades "are likely mostly due to human activities".[24] However the effects of global warming have already been known for decades, and most all scientists agree that they are man-made problems.[25] While the EPA report was initially hailed by environmentalists critical of the Bush administration as a "180-degree turn on the science" reversing "everything the president has said about global warming since he took office," within days President Bush dismissed the report as being "put out by the bureaucracy" and reaffirmed his opposition to the Kyoto Protocol.[24]

The White House has come under criticism for downplaying reports that link human activity and greenhouse gas emissions to climate change and that a White House official and former oil industry advocate, Philip Cooney, adjusted descriptions of climate research that had already been approved by government scientists. The White House has denied that Philip Cooney watered down reports.[26] In June 2005, State Department papers showed the administration thanking Exxon executives for the company's "active involvement" in helping to determine climate change policy, including the US stance on Kyoto. Input from the business lobby group Global Climate Coalition was also a factor.[27]

The Bush Administration's stance on global warming, and in particular its questioning the consensus of scientists, would remain controversial in the scientific and environmental communities during his presidency. In 2004, the Director of NASA's Goddard Institute, James Hansen, came out publicly and harshly accusing the Administration of misinforming the public by suppressing the scientific evidence of the dangers of greenhouse gases, saying the Bush Administration wanted to hear only scientific results that “fit predetermined, inflexible positions” and edited reports to make the dangers sound less threatening in what he asserted was "direct opposition to the most fundamental precepts of science."[28][29] Other experts, such as former U.S. Department of Energy official Joseph Romm, have decried the Bush administration as a "denier and delayer" of government action essential to reduce carbon emissions and deter global warming.[30]

President Bush believes that global warming is real[31] and has said that he has consistently noted that global warming is a serious problem but asserted there is a "debate over whether it's manmade or naturally caused" and maintained that regardless of that debate his administration was working on plans to make America less dependent on foreign oil "for economic and national security reasons."[32] In his 2007 State of the Union Address, President Bush renewed his pledge from his 2006 State of the Union Address to work toward diminished reliance on foreign oil by reducing fossil fuel consumption and increasing alternative fuel production, saying, "America is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil. And these technologies will help us be better stewards of the environment, and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change."[33]

The position Bush has taken on climate change has shifted with a gradual increasing acceptance that global warming is a problem, and that it is partly caused by human activity. The United States has signed the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, a pact that allows signatory countries to set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions individually, but with no enforcement mechanism. Supporters of the pact see it as complementing the Kyoto Protocol whilst being more flexible Critics have said the pact will be ineffective without any enforcement measures. Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, along with 187 mayors from US towns and cities, have pledged to adopt Kyoto style legal limits on greenhouse gas emissions.[34]

Other environmentalists have argued that Bush has been unfairly demonized as an opponent of gas emission caps. Writer Rod Dreher laments that the media has not given Bush credit for pushing the 2004 Methane to Markets initiative through Congress. Dreher stated that methane is "twenty-three times more potent a contributor to global warming than the carbon dioxide emissions the Kyoto treaty aimed at cutting" and asserted that Bush's methane treaty "cut just as much of that atmospheric gas as Kyoto promised to cut carbon dioxide in the best-case scenario." [35]

President George W. Bush gestures as he addresses his remarks to the media in Camp David, MD, following a meeting with his economic advisors, from left to right, Edward P. Lazear chairman Council of Economic Advisors; Rob Portman, director of the Office of Management and Budget; U.S. Secretary of Labor, Elaine Chao; Vice President Dick Cheney; U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson; U.S. Sec. of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez; U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services Michael O. Leavitt and Allan Hubbard, director of the National Economic Council.
President George W. Bush gestures as he addresses his remarks to the media in Camp David, MD, following a meeting with his economic advisors, from left to right, Edward P. Lazear chairman Council of Economic Advisors; Rob Portman, director of the Office of Management and Budget; U.S. Secretary of Labor, Elaine Chao; Vice President Dick Cheney; U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson; U.S. Sec. of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez; U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services Michael O. Leavitt and Allan Hubbard, director of the National Economic Council.

[edit] Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

For economic and national security reasons, Bush proposed tapping the oil reserves in a 2,000-acre (8 km²) area of the 19 million acre (77,000 km²) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Pro-exploration supporters argue that US companies have the most stringent environmental requirements, and that by doing the drilling in the middle of the winter, it would create a very small environmental footprint.[36] Anti-exploration supporters claim that it is the last untouched wilderness left in the US, and that the majority of oil dug from the refuge will be sent to foreign countries, such as Japan, where larger profits can be made. The House has repeatedly voted to allow drilling in ANWR over the years, only to see it filibustered in the U.S. Senate[37]

[edit] The Clear Skies Act of 2003

Initially announced by President Bush in 2002,[38] the Clear Skies Initiative was aimed at amending the Clean Air Act to further reduce air pollution through the use of emissions trading programs. The goal of the initiative was to drastically cut the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and mercury emissions of power plants over the course of 15 years, while saving consumers millions of dollars.[38] The initiative has been criticized for what its opponents see as a weakening of the current regulations in place. The initiative was introduced to Congress as the Clear Skies Act of 2003, but failed to make it out of committee.

Among other things, the Clear Skies Act would:

  • Weaken the current cap on mercury pollution levels from five tons per year to 26 tons.
  • Weaken the current cap on nitrogen oxide pollution levels from 1.25 million tons to 2.1 million tons, allowing 68 percent more nitrogen oxide pollution.
  • Weaken the current cap on sulfur dioxide pollution levels from two million tons to 4.5 million tons, allowing 225 percent more SO2 pollution.
  • Delay enforcement of smog-and-soot pollution standards until 2015.
  • Allow industrial buildings undergoing renovation, modernization, or expansion not to install machines that allow the building to come into current environmental standards compliance.
  • By 2018, it would allow 450,000 more tons of nitrogen oxides, one million more tons of SO2, and 9.5 more tons of mercury than what would be allowed by enforcement of the Clean Air Act.[39]

[edit] Education

[edit] No Child Left Behind

In January of 2002, Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act, with Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy as chief sponsor,[40] which aims to close the achievement gap, measures student performance, provides options to parents with children in low-performing schools, and targets more federal funding to low-income schools. Critics, including Senator John Kerry and the National Education Association, say schools were not given the resources to help meet new standards, although their argument is based on premise that authorization levels are spending promises instead of spending caps. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce said that the Department of Education's overall funding increased by US$14 billion since the enactment of NCLB in fiscal year 2001, going from US$42.6 billion to US$56.6 billion in fiscal year 2005.[41] Some state governments are refusing to implement provisions of the act as long as they are not adequately funded.[42]

In January of 2005, USA Today reported that the United States Department of Education had paid US$240,000 to African-American conservative political commentator Armstrong Williams "to promote the law on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalist to do the same."[43] Williams did not disclose the payments.

The House Education and Workforce Committee stated, "As a result of the No Child Left Behind Act, signed by Bush on January 8, 2002, the Federal government today is spending more money on elementary and High School (K-12) education than at any other time in the history of the United States."[44] Funding increases have to a large degree been offset at the state level by increased costs associated with implementing NCLB, as well as the impacts of the economic downturn on education budgets.

[edit] Sex education

Most recently, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration made Oregon health officials rename their conference from "Suicide Prevention Among Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Individuals" to "Suicide Prevention in Vulnerable Populations."[45]

[edit] Creation-evolution controversy

On August 1, 2005, Bush took a controversial stance favoring the teaching of Intelligent design alongside evolution in science classes, saying, "I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought, and I'm not suggesting — you're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas, and the answer is yes."[46] Many academic institutions, such as the National Academy of Sciences,[47] view teaching Intelligent Design in public schools as a grave mistake.[48]

See also: Creation-evolution controversy

[edit] Economy

George W. Bush speaks to firefighters on November 4, 2003, as California Governor-Elect Arnold Schwarzenegger and Governor Gray Davis listen.
George W. Bush speaks to firefighters on November 4, 2003, as California Governor-Elect Arnold Schwarzenegger and Governor Gray Davis listen.

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the economy suffered from a recession that lasted from March 2001 to November 2001. During the Bush Administration, Real GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 2.5%.[49]

Inflation under Bush has remained near historic lows at about 2-3% per year. The recession and a drop in some prices led to concern about deflation from mid-2001 to late-2003. More recently, high oil prices have caused concern about increasing inflation.

Long-term problems include inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rapidly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, sizable trade and budget deficits. Under the Bush administration, productivity has grown by an average of 3.76% per year, the highest such average in ten years.[50]

While the GDP recovered from a recession that some claim Bush inherited from the previous administration,[51] poverty has since worsened according to the Census Bureau. The percent of the population below the poverty level increased in each of Bush's first four years, while it decreased for each of the prior seven years to an 11-year low. Although the poverty level increased the increase was still lower from 2000 to 2002 than it was from 1992 to 1997, which reached a peak of 39.3% in 1993. In 2002 the poverty rate was 34.6% which was almost equal to the rate in 1998, which was 34.5%. Poverty was at 12.7% in 2004.[52][53]

[edit] Taxes

President Bush has implemented three tax cuts during his term in office: The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 (JCWA), and Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA).

During his first term, Bush sought and obtained Congressional approval for three major tax cuts. These temporary cuts, scheduled to expire a decade after passage, increased the standard income tax deduction for married couples, eliminated the estate tax, and reduced marginal tax rates. The cuts are currently scheduled to expire a decade after passage. Bush has asked Congress to make the tax cuts permanent, but others want the cuts to be wholly or partially repealed even before their scheduled expiration, seeing the decrease in revenue while increasing spending as fiscally irresponsible.

Bush's supporters claim that the tax cuts increase the pace of economic recovery and job creation. They also claim that total benefits to wealthier individuals are a reflection of higher taxes paid. Individual income tax rate provisions in the 2001 law, for instance, created larger marginal tax rate decreases for people earning less than US$12,000 than any other earners.[54]

President George W. Bush addresses the media during a visit to the National Security Agency in Fort Meade, Maryland.
President George W. Bush addresses the media during a visit to the National Security Agency in Fort Meade, Maryland.

His opponents contest job prediction claims, primarily noting that the increase in job creation predicted by Bush's plan failed to materialize. They instead allege that the purpose of the tax cuts was intended to favor the wealthy and special interests, as the majority of benefit from the tax cut, in absolute terms, went to earners in the higher tax brackets. Bush's opponents additionally claim that the tax cuts are a major reason Bush reversed a national surplus into a historic deficit.

In an open letter to Bush in 2004, more than 100 professors of business and economics at U.S. business schools ascribed this "fiscal reversal" to Bush's "policy of slashing taxes - primarily for those at the upper reaches of the income distribution."[55]

By 2004, these cuts had reduced federal tax revenues, as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product, to the lowest level since 1959. The effect of simultaneous record increases in spending and tax reductions was to create record budget deficits in absolute terms, though as recently as 1993, the deficit was slightly larger than the current 3.6% of the GDP. In the last year of the Clinton administration, the federal budget showed an annual surplus of more than US$230 billion.[56] Under Bush, the government returned to deficit spending. The annual deficit reached an absolute record of US$374 billion in 2003 and then a further record of $413 billion in 2004.[57][58]

[edit] Spending

Federal spending in constant dollars increased under Bush by 26% in his first 4 and a half years. Non-defense spending increased 18% in that time.[59]

The tax cuts, recession, and increases in outlays all contributed to record budget deficits during the Bush administration. The annual deficit reached record current-dollar levels of US$374 billion in 2003 and US$413 billion in 2004. National debt, the cumulative total of yearly deficits, rose from US$5.7 trillion (58% of GDP) to US$8.3 trillion (67% of GDP) under Bush,[60] as compared to the US$2.7 trillion total debt owed when Ronald Reagan left office, which was 52% of the GDP.[61]

According to the "baseline" forecast of federal revenue and spending by the Congressional Budget Office (in its January 2005 Baseline Budget Projections,[62] the budget deficits will decrease over the next several years. In this projection the deficit will fall to US$368 billion in 2005, US$261 billion in 2007, and US$207 billion in 2009, with a small surplus by 2012. The CBO noted, however, that this projection "omits a significant amount of spending that will occur this year — and possibly for some time to come — for U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and for other activities related to the global War on Terrorism." The projection also assumes that the Bush tax cuts "will expire as scheduled on December 31, 2010." If, as Bush has urged, the tax cuts were to be extended, then "the budget outlook for 2015 would change from a surplus of US$141 billion to a deficit of US$282 billion." Other economists have disputed this, arguing that the CBO does not use dynamic scoring, to take into account what effect tax cuts would have on the economy.

Of the US$2.4 trillion budgeted for 2005, about US$450 billion are planned to be spent on defense. This level is generally comparable to the defense spending during the cold war.[63] Congress approved US$87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan in November, and had approved an earlier US$79 billion package last spring. Most of those funds were for U.S. military operations in the two countries.

[edit] Trade

Bush supports free trade policies and legislation but has resorted to protectionist policies on occasion. Tariffs on imported steel imposed by the White House in March 2002 were lifted after the WTO ruled them illegal. Bush explained that the safeguard measures had "achieved their purpose", and "as a result of changed economic circumstances", it was time to lift them.[64]

President Bush signed the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement into law on August 2, 2005. The agreement is designed to create a free trade zone similar to the one embodied in the North American Free Trade Agreement.

[edit] Employment

Unemployment percentage, 2000–2005
Unemployment percentage, 2000–2005

During Bush's presidency, the U.S. population has risen by about three million people per year. Private employment (seasonally adjusted) originally decreased under Bush from 111,680,000 in December 2000 to 108,250,000 in mid-2003. The percentage drop in jobs was the largest since 1981-1983. The economy then added private jobs for 25 consecutive months from (July 2003 to August 2005), and the private employment seasonally adjusted numbers increased as of June 2005 when it reached 111,828,000. Considering population growth, that still represents a 4.6% decrease in employment since Bush took office. The administration and many economists have suggested that the growth in employment resulted from the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (JGTRRA), which President George W. Bush signed into law on May 27, 2003.[65]

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of unemployed was nearly 6.0 million in January 2001 and 6.9 million in September 2006. The unemployment rate was 4.2% in January 2001 and 4.6% in September 2006. Employment peaked in late 1999 and declined through 2003.[66]

Poverty Rate, 1973 to Present
Poverty Rate, 1973 to Present

The Current Population Survey (aka Household Survey) measures the percentage of the population that is employed and unemployed. The result can be multiplied by population estimates to get total employment estimates. This survey has the advantage over the payroll survey in that it includes self-employed. The Household Survey is less accurate in producing total numbers since it requires population estimates and in that it samples many fewer people (60,000 households versus 400,000 business establishments). For better or worse, the Household Survey counts multiple jobs held by one person only once, and it includes government workers, farm workers, unpaid family workers, and workers absent without pay. The Household Survey indicates that the percentage of the population employed decreased from 64.4% in December 2000 and January 2001 to 62.1% in August and September of 2003. By August 2005, it had recovered only to 62.9%. In absolute numbers, this corresponds to a drop of 1.6 million jobs but an eventual net gain of 4.7 million jobs during the Bush administration.[67]

Under Bush, the seasonally adjusted Unemployment Rate based on the Household Survey started at 4.7% in January 2001, peaked at 6.2% in June 2003, and retreated to 4.9% in August 2005.

In September 2005, total private average weekly earnings in constant dollars as measured by the Payroll Survey dropped to their lowest level since July 1998. While Hurricane Katrina and associated price increases may have played a role, real earnings had decreased for seven of the prior eight months. Through 2002-2004, earnings had been slightly higher than when Bush came into office.

[edit] Economic Report

In 2004, a full chapter on Iraq's economy was excised from the Economic Report of the President, in part because it doesn't fit the "feel good" tone of the writing, according to White House officials.[68]

[edit] Health care

In July of 2002, Bush cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Bush claimed that the UNFPA supported forced abortions and sterilizations in the People's Republic of China,[69] a claim unsubstantiated by the Administration and later discredited by US and UN investigations. The defuding of UNFPA set the stage for the Bush Administration's efforts to narrow women's reproductive rights in the United States, and drew the ire of advocacy groups such as Americans for UNFPA.

Bush signed the Medicare Act of 2003, which added prescription drug coverage to Medicare (United States), subsidized pharmaceutical corporations, and prohibited the Federal government from negotiating discounts with drug companies. Critics claim that health care plans still are not affordable for those in lower income brackets. Bush said the law, estimated to cost US$400 billion over the first 10 years, would give the elderly "better choices and more control over their health care". Seniors can buy a Medicare-approved discount card for US$30 or less to help offset the increasing costs of prescription drugs. The legislation also adds prescription drug coverage to the federal health insurance program for the elderly, starting in 2006. The bill encourages insurance companies to offer private plans to millions of older Americans who now receive health care benefits under terms fixed by the government, an idea against which several Democrats have lashed out.

Bush signed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003, having declared his aim to "promote a culture of life". The law has not yet been enforced, having been ruled unconstitutional by three District Courts. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld one of these rulings. Enforcement of the law has been enjoined pending a Supreme Court review. The federal law would have prohibited Intact dilation and extraction procedures "in which the person performing the abortion partially vaginally delivers a living fetus before killing the fetus and completing the delivery". Several liberal and conservative critics alike feel that the law is merely a political gesture, as a fetus could technically be aborted inside of the womb and removed thereafter.

[edit] Social Security

Shortly after his second inauguration, Bush (here seen with a panel in Omaha, Nebraska) toured the nation to promote his proposal for Social Security (United States) personal accounts.
Shortly after his second inauguration, Bush (here seen with a panel in Omaha, Nebraska) toured the nation to promote his proposal for Social Security (United States) personal accounts.

Bush is an advocate of the partial privatization of Social Security wherein an individual would be free to invest a portion of his Social Security taxes in personal retirement accounts.

Bush has called for major changes in Social Security, identifying the system's projected insolvency as a priority early in his second term. From January through April of 2005, he toured the country, stopping in over 50 cities across the nation warning of an impending "crisis". Initially, President Bush emphasized his proposal for personalized accounts would allow individual workers to invest a portion of their Social Security Tax (FICA) into secured investments. The main advantage of personal accounts within Social Security is to allow workers to own the money they place into retirement that cannot be taken away by political whims.

Most Democrats and some Republicans are critical of such ideas, partly because of the large (US$1 trillion or more) federal borrowing the plan would require, which might actually worsen the imbalance between revenues and expenses that Bush pointed to as a looming problem; and partly because of the problems encountered by the United Kingdom's privatized pension plan. See Social Security debate (United States). In addition, many Democrats opposed changes that they felt were turning Social Security into a welfare program that would be politically vulnerable. Portions of the Bush's bill exempting private companies from social security payments have led to complaints that Bush's plan was created to benefit private companies, and that it would turn Social Security into just another insurance program.

[edit] Capital punishment

George W. Bush is a strong supporter of capital punishment. During his tenure as Governor of Texas, 152 people were executed in that state, maintaining its record as the leading state in executions and making George W. Bush the holder, by a great margin, of the record for the most number of executed inmates during a governorship tenure in US history.[70] As President of the United States, he has continued in his support for capital punishment, including presiding over the first federal execution in decades, that of convicted terrorist Timothy McVeigh. Although Bush's support of the death penalty is known, controversy broke in 1999 when journalist Tucker Carlson revealed that the Governor had mocked the plight of Karla Faye Tucker in an interview.[71]

[edit] Other issues

[edit] Abortion

On his first day in office, Bush moved to block federal aid to foreign groups that offered counselling or any other assistance to women in obtaining abortions.[72] Bush also successfully pushed for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, enacted in 2003 with some bi-partisan support but criticized by pro-choice groups as incursive on legalized abortion rights.

[edit] Euthanasia

Bush staunchly opposes euthanasia. He supported Ashcroft's decision to file suit against the voter-approved Oregon Death with Dignity Act, which was ultimately decided by the Supreme Court in favor of the Oregon law.[73] As governor of Texas, however, Bush had signed a law which gave hospitals the authority to take terminally ill patients off of life support against the wishes of their spouse or parents, if the doctors deemed it medically appropriate.[74] This became an issue in 2005, when the President signed controversial legislation forwarded and voted on by only three members of the Senate to initiate federal intervention in the court battle of Terri Schiavo.[75]

[edit] Amber Alert

Bush signed the Amber Alert legislation into law on April 30, 2003, which was developed to quickly alert the general public about child abductions using various media sources.[76] On July 27, 2006 Bush signed the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act which establishes a national database requiring all convicted sex offenders to register their current residency and related details on a monthly instead of the previous yearly basis. Newly convicted sex offenders will also face longer mandatory incarceration periods.[77]

[edit] National preserves

On June 15, 2006, Bush created the seventy-fifth, and largest, National Monument in U.S. history and the largest Marine Protected Area in the world with the formation of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument.[78]

[edit] Energy

In 2005-06, Bush emphasized the need for comprehensive energy reform and proposed increased funding for research and development of renewable sources of energy such as hydrogen power, nuclear power, ethanol, and clean coal technologies. Bush proposed the American Competitiveness Initiative which seeks to support increasing competitiveness of the U.S. economy, with greater development of advanced technologies, as well as greater education and support for American students. In the 2007 State of the Union speech, President Bush proposed a 20:10 policy, where as a nation, United states would be working to reduce 20% of the national energy usage in next 10 years by converting to ethanol.

[edit] Tariffs

Bush's imposition of a tariff on imported steel and on Canadian softwood lumber was controversial in light of his advocacy of free market policies in other areas; this attracted criticism both from his fellow conservatives and from nations affected. The steel tariff was later rescinded under pressure from the World Trade Organization. A negotiated settlement to the softwood lumber dispute was reached in April 2006, and the historic seven-year deal was finalized on July 1, 2006.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Broader domestic spying in works / Justice Dept. mulls ideas for snooping beyond Patriot Act
  2. ^ Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
  3. ^ Buckley, Thomas E.. "Church, State and the Faith-Based Initiative", America, The National Catholic Weekly, 2002-11-11. Retrieved on 2006-06-30. 
  4. ^ Brancaccio, David. "Faith-based Initiatives", God and Government, NOW, PBS, 2003-09-26. Retrieved on 2006-06-30. 
  5. ^ National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
  6. ^ Official Says Law Doesn't Cover Gays
  7. ^ NEWSMAKER PROFILE / Scott Evertz / New AIDS Czar Called a Skillful Bridge Builder / Evertz the first gay man to hold position
  8. ^ a b Election 2004
  9. ^ U.S. Commission on Civil Rights - FOIA
  10. ^ Public Policy Report for 12/20/2002
  11. ^ AAAS R&D Funding Update on R&D in the Final FY 2005 National Science Foundation Budget - December 2
  12. ^
  13. ^ Reports: Scientific Integrity in Policy Making
  14. ^ CNN - U.S. government to fund controversial stem cell research - January 19, 1999
  15. ^ - Health - Guidelines for stem cell research kindle controversy - August 24, 2000
  16. ^ President Discusses Stem Cell Research
  17. ^ - House passes embryonic stem cell bill - May 24, 2005
  18. ^ "President Bush Delivers Remarks On U.S. Space Policy" 14 January 2004. Release from NASA Facts.
  19. ^ - Bush unveils vision for moon and beyond - Jan. 15, 2004
  20. ^ "Strategy Based on Long-Term Affordability" - A January 14, 2006 graph showing a plan for NASA's long-term budget.
  21. ^
  22. ^ President Bush Discusses Global Climate Change
  23. ^ "George W. Bush: The Un-science Guy", AlterNet, 2001-06-19. Retrieved on 2006-11-05. 
  24. ^ a b Bush Disses Global Warming Report. CBS News (2002-06-04). Retrieved on 2007-01-22.
  25. ^ An Inconvenent Truth produced by Al Gore
  26. ^ BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Bush aide 'edited climate papers'
  27. ^ Revealed: how oil giant influenced Bush | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited
  28. ^ NASA Scientist Rips Bush on Global Warming. MSNBC (2004-10-27). Retrieved on 2007-01-22.
  29. ^ 60 Minutes: Rewriting the Science. CBS News (2006-03-19). Retrieved on 2007-01-22.
  30. ^ Joseph Romm's 2006 book Hell or High Water. (Publisher description here) Romm calls Bush's "don't rush to judgment" and "we need to ask more questions" stance a classic delay tactic. Part 2.
  31. ^ "Interview with President Bush", White House Transcript, Politico, 2008-05-13. Retrieved on 2008-05-14. "Q. Mr. President, for the record, is global warming real? A. Yes, it is real, sure is." 
  32. ^ Press Conference. White House (2006-06-26). Retrieved on 2007-01-22.
  33. ^ Full text (and video) of 2007 State of the Union address
  34. ^ BBC NEWS | World | Americas | 'Gas muzzlers' challenge Bush
  35. ^ Rod Dreher's 2006 book Crunchy Cons, p. 173.
  36. ^ Senate votes to open arctic refuge to oil drilling - Environment -
  37. ^ Senate rejects drilling in Arctic refuge - Politics -
  38. ^ a b Executive Summary – The Clear Skies Initiative. White House (2002-02-14). Retrieved on 2007-02-02.
  39. ^ Clear Skies Proposal Weakens the Clean Air Act. Sierra Club. Retrieved on 2007-02-04.
  40. ^ Bush relaxes rules on teacher standards - The Boston Globe
  41. ^ U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce (2005-02-17). "No Child Left Behind Act Guide to "Frequently Asked Questions"". Press release. Retrieved on 2006-10-19.
  42. ^ Dobbs, Michael. "More States Are Fighting 'No Child Left Behind' Law", 2004-02-19, p. A03 publisher = Washington Post. Retrieved on 2006-10-19. 
  43. ^ - Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law
  44. ^ [1][dead link]
  45. ^ Weiss, Rick. "Federal agency balks at word 'gay'", San Francisco Chronicle, 2005-02-15, p. A-2. Retrieved on 2006-10-19. 
  46. ^ Mud: The New Yorker
  47. ^ National Academy of Sciences
  48. ^ National Academy of Sciences: News: Bruce Alberts Statement
  49. ^ Gross Domestic Product. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Retrieved on 2007-07-25.
  50. ^ Archived News Releases for Productivity and Costs
  51. ^ Did Bish 'inherit' a recession? - Answer desk -
  52. ^ US Census Press Releases
  53. ^ Historical Poverty Tables
  54. ^
  55. ^ YubaNet Article Manager
  56. ^ President Clinton announces another record budget surplus - September 27, 2000
  57. ^ Federal Deficit Hits Record $374B, War, Tax Cuts, Weak Economy Push Deficit To Highest Level Ever - CBS News
  58. ^ - Government says 2004 deficit was record $413 billion
  59. ^
  60. ^ The Debt To the Penny information has moved
  61. ^ U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) - Home Page
  62. ^ The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2006 to 2015
  63. ^ Evolution of the FY 2004-2009 Supplemental in Historical Perspective
  64. ^ Bush lifts steel import tariffs - The Boston Globe
  65. ^ Jobs and Economic Growth
  66. ^ Archived News Releases for Employment Situation
  67. ^ Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
  68. ^
  69. ^ BBC NEWS | World | Americas | US to axe family planning funds
  70. ^ Death in Texas - The New York Review of Books
  71. ^ Tucker Carlson
  72. ^ Office of the Press Secretary. "Memorandum for Restoration of the Mexico City Policy", The White House, 2001-01-22. Retrieved on 2006-06-30. 
  73. ^ Johnson, Kevin. "Federal judge backs Oregon suicide law", USA Today, 2002-04-18. Retrieved on 2006-06-30. 
  74. ^ Knight Ridder; Newsday. "As governor, Bush signed right-to-die law", Seattle Times, 2005-03-22. Retrieved on 2006-06-30. 
  75. ^ Babington, Charles; Allen, Mike. "Congress Passes Schiavo Measure", The Washington Post, 2005-03-21. Retrieved on 2006-06-30. 
  76. ^ "Bush signs child protection bill", CNN Inside Politics, 2003-05-01. Retrieved on 2006-07-31. 
  77. ^ Lee, Davidson. "Bush signs, Hatch praises new Child Protection Act", DeseretNews, 2006-07-28. Retrieved on 2006-07-31. 
  78. ^ White House Office of the Press Secretary (2006-06-15). President Bush Establishes Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.

[edit] External links

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