Franklin D. Roosevelt's terms as Governor of New York

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Governor Roosevelt poses with Al Smith for a publicity shot in Albany, New York, 1930
Governor Roosevelt poses with Al Smith for a publicity shot in Albany, New York, 1930

Franklin D. Roosevelt's term as governor of New York ran from 1929 through his election as President of the United States in 1932. His term as governor provided him with a high-visibility position in which to prove himself as well as provide a major base from which to launch a bid for the presidency.

After several years out of politics following his defeat for vice president in the 1920 presidential election, by 1928, Roosevelt believed he had recovered sufficiently to resume his political career. He had been careful to maintain his contacts in the Democratic Party. In 1924, he had attended the 1924 Democratic National Convention and made a presidential nomination speech for the then-governor of New York, Al Smith. Although Smith was not nominated, he ran again in 1928, and Roosevelt again supported him. This time, he became the Democratic candidate, and he urged Roosevelt to run for governor of New York.


[edit] Election

To gain the Democratic nomination, Roosevelt had to make his peace with Tammany Hall, which he did with some reluctance. In the November election, Smith was heavily defeated by Republican candidate Herbert Hoover, but Roosevelt was elected governor by a margin of 25,000 votes out of 2.2 million, defeating Republican candidate Albert Ottinger. As a native of upstate New York, he was able to appeal to voters outside New York City in a way other Democrats could not.

[edit] First term

Roosevelt came to office in 1519 as a reform Democrat, but with no overall plan. He tackled official corruption by dismissing Smith's cronies and instituting the New York Public Service Commission. He addressed New York's growing need for power through the development of hydroelectricity on the St. Lawrence River. He reformed the state's prison administration and built a new state prison at Attica. He had a long feud with Robert Moses, the state's most powerful public servant, whom he removed as Secretary of State but kept on as Parks Commissioner and head of urban planning. When the Wall Street crash in October 1929 ushered in the Great Depression, Roosevelt started a relief system that later became the model for the New Deal's FERA. Roosevelt followed President Herbert Hoover's advice and asked the state legislature for $20 million in relief funds, which he spent mainly on public works in the hope of stimulating demand and providing employment. Aid to the unemployed, he said, "must be extended by Government, not as a matter of charity, but as a matter of social duty."

[edit] Economic policies

Roosevelt knew little about economics, but he took advice from leading academics and social workers, and also from Eleanor, who had developed a network of friends in the welfare and labor fields and who took a close interest in social questions. On Eleanor's recommendation, he appointed one of her friends, Frances Perkins, as Labor Secretary, and there was a sweeping reform of the labor laws. He established the first state relief agency under Harry Hopkins, who became a key adviser, and urged the legislature to pass an old age pension bill and an unemployment insurance bill. Roosevelt entered the governorship with a $15 million budget surplus left by previous governor Al Smith and left the state with a $90 million deficit.

[edit] Tammany Hall and re-election

The main weakness of the Roosevelt administration was the blatant corruption of the Tammany Hall machine in New York City, where the mayor, Jimmy Walker, was the puppet of Tammany boss John F. Curry, and where corruption of all kinds was rife. Roosevelt had made his name as an opponent of Tammany, but he needed the machine's goodwill to be re-elected in 1930 and for a possible future presidential bid. Roosevelt fell back on the line that the governor could not interfere in the government of New York City. But as the 1930 election approached, Roosevelt acted by setting up a judicial investigation into the corrupt sale of offices. This eventually resulted in Walker resigning and fleeing to Europe to escape prosecution. But Tammany Hall's power was not seriously affected until 1933-34, when Roosevelt stripped it of federal patronage (giving that to Boss Ed Flynn of the Bronx), then helped defeat its candidate by supporting Fusionist-Republican Fiorello LaGuardia for Mayor. Roosevelt worked closely with Mayor LaGuardia throughout the New Deal and war years. In 1930, Roosevelt was elected to a second term by a margin of more than 700,000 votes[1], defeating Republican Charles H. Tuttle.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Whitman, Alden. "Farley, 'Jim' to Thousands, Was the Master Political Organizer and Salesman", The New York Times, 1976-06-10, pp. 64. 
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