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This article is about the baked good. For other uses, see pretzel (disambiguation).

A pretzel is a baked good that is traditionally twisted into a unique knot-like shape. The pretzel dough is made from wheat flour, water, brown sugar and yeast. Prior to baking, it is dipped into a sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) solution and sprinkled with coarse salt, which gives it a glazed look. During baking, a Maillard reaction then gives the pretzel its characteristic brown color and distinctive flavor. In Bavaria it is a standard component of a Weisswurst breakfast.

German Brezel.
German Brezel.
Several pretzels in a store window
Several pretzels in a store window

[edit] History

An illustration from the 12th century Hortus deliciarum from Alsace may be the earliest depiction of a pretzel, shown at a banquet with Queen Esther and King Ahasuerus
An illustration from the 12th century Hortus deliciarum from Alsace may be the earliest depiction of a pretzel, shown at a banquet with Queen Esther and King Ahasuerus

Sources differ as to the time and place of the pretzel's origin. Its use in the emblems of bakers in Southern Germany at least since 1111 is documented. The 12th century Hortus Deliciarum from the Southwest German (now French) Alsace may be the earliest depiction of a pretzel. It remains very popular in Southern German regions of Swabia and Bavaria where it is known as Brezl and Brezn, respectively. In northern Germany, where it is less popular, it is known as Bre(t)zel.

The History of Science and Technology, by Ronnie Smith and Alexander Hellemans, says that in 610 A.D. "...[a]n Italian monk invents pretzels as a reward to children who learn their prayers. He calls the strips of baked dough, folded to resemble arms crossing the chest, 'pretiola' ("little reward[s]")", however no source, primary or otherwise, is cited to back up this detailed specificity. Other sources derive the name from Latin 'bracellus (a medieval term for "bracelet"),[1] or 'bracchiola ("little arms") (more apparent from Spanish brazo "arm") combined with the southern German dialect diminutive ending -le (or -el).

Kepler's 'Panis Quadragesimalis diagram.
Kepler's 'Panis Quadragesimalis diagram.

Within the Catholic church, Pretzels are regarded as having religious significance and are particularly associated with Lent.[1] In his Astronomia Nova, Johannes Kepler states that if we assume that the Earth is the center of the universe, we must accept that the planets travel in a loopy path "with the appearance of a Lenten bread ('panis quadragesimalis)" i.e. a pretzel.[2]

There are cold, warm, soft, chewy and hard pretzels. Pretzels are most common in Southern Germany (Swabia and Bavaria) and neighboring German-speaking Switzerland, where they are often sliced horizontally, buttered and sold as "Butterbrezn". They are also sold with a soft filling, most often cheese. Cities in the United States like Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York are also famous for their soft pretzels.

Pretzels are typically salted. Hard pretzels are more common than soft pretzels in most of the United States as they can be mass-produced, packaged and stored. In the United States, hard pretzels are often consumed as a beer snack. Chocolate-covered hard pretzels are also popular, especially around Christmas time.

Pretzels can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes. Traditional soft pretzels are about the size of a hand. Most hard pretzels are only 2-3 mm thick. Hard pretzels which are 0.8-1.5 cm thick are called Bavarian pretzels. Hard pretzels are also frequently sold as straight "pretzel sticks" ("Salzstangen" in German).

Hard pretzels are also available with a sweet candy coating of chocolate, strawberry and other flavors. A popular variation is "yogurt-covered pretzels", with a thin coating of yogurt. Some consumers consider them a healthy snack because of this, but the coating increases the fat and sugar content of the pretzel significantly. Other varieties include pretzels dipped in mustard.

The annual United States pretzel industry is worth over $550 million. The average American consumes about 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg) of pretzels per year. Southeastern Pennsylvania, with its large German population, is considered the birthplace of the American pretzel industry and many pretzel bakers are still located in the area. The average Philadelphian consumes about twelve times more pretzels than the national average.[2]

Most bakeries in Southern Germany produce an elongated soft bread roll made of pretzel dough called Laugenbrötchen.

[edit] External links

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