Boris Bazarov

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Boris Jakovlevich Bazarov (18931939) was a Soviet spy.

He was born in 1893 in Kovno gubernia of the Russian Empire (modern Lithuania). In addition to Russian, he spoke German, Bulgarian, French and Serbo-Croatian.

Bazarov joined the Soviet secret police (OGPU) in 1921 and began working in illegal operations in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia in 1924. From 1924 to 1927, he worked in the Soviet embassy in Vienna, simultaneously supervising Austrian, Bulgarian, Yugoslavian and Romanian agents. In 1927, Bazarov returned to Moscow and supervised the Balkan sector. In 1928, he moved to Berlin and ran the illegal rezidentura which included France, while continuing to work on the Balkan line. In Paris, the rezidentura had eleven agents, in Bucharest six, Sofia two, Zagreb two, and one for Belgrad and Istanbul.

From Berlin, Bazarov pioneered the infiltration of illegal Soviet agents in the United Kingdom. In 1930, he supervised the penetration of the Foreign Office, by recruiting the code clerk Ernest Oldham.

In 1935, Bazarov took up the position of OGPU illegal rezident in the United States, a position he held until 1937. His group included Iskhak Akhmerov, Norman Borodin, and Helen Lowry.

Bazarov was suspected in the Great Purges and shot in 1939. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1956.

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