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[edit] Directorates

Should we not list the other directorates? Or if they are all listed, why are there no 6 or 10-15?

On a related note, I think the fourth directorate is transportation security and not transportation.

Carillonatreides 05:13, 13 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Operations

These two are not "operations". Removed.

  • Former Hungarian Prime Minister Medgyessy Péter worked for the Hungarian secret service closely affiliated with the KGB, though he himself denied the accusations by claiming he "defended Hungary against the KGB".
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin was a spy for USSR in the GDR during the 1970s

Mikkalai 18:52, 5 Dec 2004 (UTC)

[edit] ...

Alger Hiss, to the best of my knowledge, was never proven to be a KGB spy, though many people tried to label him as such. Even if this is wrong, I would think that it would be a good idea to point out the controversy.

Fixed. mikka (t) 23:25, 31 May 2005 (UTC)
Here's the relavent document regarding Hiss [1]. It should be noted Hiss worked with GRU. See also Noel Field. Nobs01 16:08, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, never have worked for the KGB, during the Rosenberg's case KGB did not exist, -I think it got to bee change, to (NKVD/NKGB).

  • Please do not confuse the organisation and its name. I commented the section acordingly. mikka (t) 01:19, 28 May 2005 (UTC)

[edit] John Walker

I'm surprised that John Anthony Walker isn't mentioned in this article (I don't have good enough writing style to do it myself). He was one of the KGB's successes, right? He spied for a number of years and compromised the US Navy's crypto systems for a number of years, which may have had a part in their bombing failures during the Vietnam war according to this military historian's Master's thesis: [2]. 00:27, 27 November 2005 (UTC)

Agreed - from 1968 to 1985, the Walkers did significant damaged the US - they deserve the same billing as Ames and Hanssen. Peckmeister 03:29, 31 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Removed

The following whole section is removed. It is quite unprofessional to add such huge lists into the article body untranslated. Not to say that there already is the "Organization" section. Also, this sturcture requires a timestamp attribute. Surely, it was not chizeled in stone forever. Also, a source is also desirable; for verification purposes. mikka (t) 01:23, 28 May 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Structure of organisation

Hierarchical levels:

Structure of organisation

I. главные управления (DIVISIONS) 4 + 7 независимымиe управления - highest level

II. управления

III. отделы

IV. отделения

DIVISON 1 Intelligence. All secret Soviet action abroad, except War intelligence.

1.1. УПРАВЛЕHИЕ ПО HЕЛЕГАЛЬHОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬHОСТИ (УПРАВЛЕHИЕ "С") (II) Отбор, обучение и эксплуатация агентов, которые нелегально проживают за границей. Каждого агента обучают индивидуально, в изолированных квартирах и домах, разбросанных по Москве.

1.2. HАУЧHО-ТЕХHИЧЕСКОЕ УПРАВЛЕHИЕ (УПРАВЛЕHИЕ "Т") Промышленный шпионаж на Западе (создано в 1963 г. для конкуренции с соответствующим управлением ГРУ).

1.3. УПРАВЛЕHИЕ ПО ПЛАHИРОВАHИЮ И АHАЛИЗУ (ПЕРВОЕ УПРАВЛЕHИЕ) Задумывалась как глобальная аналитическая служба, но с самого начала (1963 г.) превратилась в бесполезную синекуру для пенсионеров.

1.4. ИHФОРМАЦИОHHАЯ СЛУЖБА (СПЕЦСЛУЖБА c1) Суммирует и распространяет поступающие разведданные. Издаёт еженедельный разведбюллетень.

1.5. СЛУЖБА КОHТРРАЗВЕДКИ (СПЕЦСЛУЖБА c2) Кроме прямых обязанностей, слежка за советскими гражданами за рубежом.

1.6. Отдел по дезинформации (Отдел "А")

1.7. Исполнительный отдел (Отдел "B")

"Мокрые дела" - политические убийства, саботаж и диверсии. Сменил в 1969 г. якобы закрытый "Тринадцатый отдел" ("Отделение "Ф").

1.8. Первый отдел Вся работа Первого Главного Управления по США и Канаде, кроме компетенции спецотделов.

1.9. Второй отдел Латинская Америка.

1.10. Третий отдел Великобритания, Австралия, Hовая Зеландия и Скандинавия.

1.11. Четвёртый отдел ФРГ, Австрия.

1.12. Пятый отдел Франция, Италия, Испания, Бенелюкс, Ирландия.

1.13. Шестой отдел Китай, Вьетнам, Сев. Корея.

1.14. Седьмой отдел Япония, Индия, Индонезия, Филиппины и др. страны Азии.

1.15. Восьмой отдел Арабские страны, Югославия, Турция, Греция, Иран, Афганистан и Албания.

1.16. Девятый отдел Англоязычные африканские страны.

1.17. Десятый отдел Франкоязычные африканские страны.

1.18. Одиннадцатый отдел Страны СЭВ и Куба. Прямой контроль над местными органами безопасности (более 100 официальных представителей КГБ) и контроль негласный.

1.19. Двенадцатый отдел Организация прикрытия для легальной деятельности за рубежом.

1.20. Тринадцатый отдел Шифровальный.

1.21. Четырнадцатый отдел Фальшивые документы, подслушивающие устройства и т.д.

1.22. Пятнадцатый отдел Архив Первого Главного управления.

1.23. Шестнадцатый отдел Кадры Первого Главного управления.

DIVISON 2 Control of SU citizens and foreigners in SU


2.1.1. Первое направление Общие расследования и управление 1 кустом местных филиалов КГБ.

2.1.2. Второе направление Общие расследования и управление 2 кустом местных филиалов КГБ.

2.1.3. Третье направление Общие расследования и управление 3 кустом местных филиалов КГБ.

2.1.4. Четвёртое направление Общие расследования и управление 4 кустом местных филиалов КГБ.

2.1.5. Десятое направление Особые экономические преступления (прежде всего валютные операции).

2.1.6. Одиннадцатое направление Издание секретных руководств и журналов, освещающих внутренние проблемы СССР.

2.1.7. Двенадцатое направление Китайцы в СССР.


2.2.1. Первый отдел Тяжёлая промышленность.

2.2.2. Второй отдел Военные заводы.

2.2.3. Третий отдел Ядерные исследования.

2.2.4. Четвёртый отдел Ядерное производство.

2.2.5. Пятый отдел Промышленные выставки в СССР и за рубежом. Курирование Торговой палаты.

2.2.6. Шестой отдел Вербовка моряков.

2.3. Первый отдел США и Латинская Америка.

2.3.1 Первое отделение Вербовка.

2.3.2 Второе отделение Контрразведка.

2.3.3 Третье отделение Советские граждане, контактирующие с американцами.

2.3.4 Четвёртое отделение Руководство американскими контактами в СССР.

2.3.5 Пятое отделение Работа с дипломатами из Латинской Америки.

2.4. Второй отдел Великобритания.

2.5. Третий отдел ФРГ, Австрия, Скандинавия.

2.6. Четвёртый отдел Прочие западноевропейские страны.

2.7. Пятый отдел Прочие неевропейские развитые страны.

2.8. Шестой отдел Прочие неевропейские неразвитые страны.

2.9. Седьмой отдел Туристы в СССР.

2.9.1 Первое отделение США, Канада, Великобритания.

2.9.2 Второе отделение Прочие страны.

2.9.3 Третье отделение Отели и рестораны, обслуживающие иностранных туристов.

2.9.4 Четвёртое отделение "Интурист" и "Спутник".

2.9.5 Пятое отделение Организация и проверка контактов иностранных туристов.

2.9.6 Шестое отделение Hаблюдение за туристами в провинции и заведование специальной коммуникационной сетью, передающей в провинцию данные о туристах.

2.10. Восьмой отдел ЭВМ.

2.11. Девятый отдел Слежка за иностранными студентами и их вербовка.

2.12. Десятый отдел Иностранные журналисты. Работа в Управлении по обслуживанию дипкорпуса.

2.13. Одиннадцатый отдел Загранпоездки советских граждан, не входящих в номенклатуру.

2.14. Двенадцатый отдел Особо крупные случаи коррупции на госпредприятиях.

2.15. Группа технической помощи Hегласные обыски в квартирах и в учереждениях, включая взлом сейфов.

[edit] This is a Babelfish translation of the above

1.1. UPRAVLE.YUIYE ON HELEGAL@6.HO@1 OF DEYATEL'.YUOSTI (UPRAVLE.YUIYE "s") (II) selection, instruction and the operation of the agents, which illegally live abroad. Each agent they train individually, in the isolated apartments and the houses, scattered through Moscow.

1.2. Hauc.ho-tex.hiceskoe UPRAVLE.YUIYE (UPRAVLE.YUIYE "T") industrial espionage in the West (created in 1963 for the competition with the appropriate administration GRU).

1.3. UPRAVLE.YUIYE ON PLA.YUIROVA.YUIYU and A.YUALIZU (FIRST UPRAVLE.YUIYE) it thought as global analytical service, but from the very beginning (1963 g.) it became useless sinecure for the pensioners.

1.4. I.YUFORMATSIO.YUYUAYA SERVICE (SPECIAL SERVICE C1) summarizes and extends the intelligence data entering. Izdayet weekly razvedbyulleten'.

1.5. SERVICE OF KO.YUTRRAZVEDKI (SPECIAL SERVICE c2) besides straight responsibilities, shadowing after the Soviet citizens abroad.

1.6. Division on the disinformation (division "A")

1.7. Executive division (division "B")

the "wet matters" - political murders, sabotage and diversion. Replaced in 1969 allegedly closed "thirteenth division" ("department" F").

1.8. The first division is entire work of the first main administration for THE USA and Canada, except the scope of special sections.

1.9. Second division Latin America.

1.10. Third division Great Britain, Australia, Hova4 Zealand and Scandinavia.

1.11. Fourth division OF THE FRG, Austria.

1.12. Fifth division France, Italy, Spain, Benelyuks, Ireland.

1.13. Sixth division China, Vietnam, the North Korea.

1.14. Seventh division Japan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and other country of Asia.

1.15. Eighth division the Arab countries, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Greece, Iran, Afghanistan and Albania.

1.16. Ninth division the English-language African countries.

1.17. Tenth division The frankoyazychnye African countries.

1.18. Eleventh division of the country COMECON - COUNCIL FOR MUTUAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE and Cuba. Straight control over local security services (more than 100 official representatives OF THE KGB) and control is secret.

1.19. The twelfth division is the organization of cover for the legal activity abroad.

1.20. The thirteenth division is cipher.

1.21. Fourteenth division the false documents, which overhear devices, etc.

1.22. The fifteenth division is the archive of the first main administration.

1.23. Sixteenth division personnel for the first main administration.

DIVISON 2 control of SU citizens and foreigners in su


2.1.1. First direction general investigations and control of 1 bush of the local branches OF THE KGB.

2.1.2. Second direction general investigations and control of 2 bushes of the local branches OF THE KGB.

2.1.3. Third direction general investigations and control of 3 bushes of the local branches OF THE KGB.

2.1.4. Fourth direction general investigations and control of 4 bushes of the local branches OF THE KGB.

2.1.5. Tenth direction special economic crimes (, first of all, currency transactions).

2.1.6. The eleventh direction is the publication of secret management and periodicals, which illuminate the internal problems OF THE USSR.

2.1.7. Twelfth direction Chinese in THE USSR.


2.2.1. The first division is heavy industry.

2.2.2. Second division military plants.

2.2.3. Third division nuclear research.

2.2.4. The fourth division is nuclear production.

2.2.5. Fifth division industrial exhibitions in THE USSR and abroad. Dissemination of the Chamber of Commerce.

2.2.6. The sixth division is the recruiting of seamen.

2.3. First division OF THE USA and Latin America.

2.3.1 first department is recruiting.

2.3.2 second department is counter espionage.

2.3.3 third department Soviet citizens, who contact with the Americans.

2.3.4 fourth department is management of American contacts in THE USSR.

2.3.5 fifth department is work with the diplomats from Latin America.

2.4. Second division Great Britain.

2.5. Third division OF THE FRG, Austria, Scandinavia.

2.6. Fourth division other West European countries.

2.7. Fifth division other non-European developed countries.

2.8. Sixth division other non-European undeveloped countries.

2.9. Seventh division tourists in THE USSR.

2.9.1 first department OF THE USA, Canada, Great Britain.

2.9.2 second department other countries.

2.9.3 third department hotels and the restaurants, which operate foreign tourists.

2.9.4 fourth department "Intourist" and "satellite".

2.9.5 fifth department is organization and checking the contacts of foreign tourists.

2.9.6 the sixth department Hablhdenie after the tourists into the province and the management by the special communications network, which transmits into the province the data about the tourists.

2.10. Eighth division OF COMPUTER(S).

2.11. The ninth division is shadowing after the foreign students and their recruiting.

2.12. Tenth division foreign journalists. Work in the administration for the maintenance of dipkorpusa.

2.13. Eleventh division Of zagranpoyezdki of Soviet citizens, not entering the nomenclature.

2.14. Twelfth division the separately large cases of corruption on the government enterprises.

2.15. Group of technical assistance Heglasnye searches in the apartments and in ucherezhdeniyakh, including the breaking of safes.

Anthony Appleyard 21:37, 24 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Vandalism!!!

User:Bass67 Erased the entire article and put information about some Ottawa band under the same name in. I erased it and put the old info back! --(Aytakin) | Talk 21:28, 22 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Deletion

I've deleted the following from Tasks & Organization:

Unlike Western intelligence agencies, the KGB (theoretically) was uninterested in learning the enemy's intentions--only their capabilities; intentions were political decisions based upon Marxist theory.

If it means anything, it ought to be more clearly expressed.--Jack Upland 21:40, 11 March 2006 (UTC)

I'm deleting a part of the Trivia section. It includes unsubstantiated allegations against someone and makes assumptions about future events. -- 05:07, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Well, Stalin's Anus?

"Aldrich Ames was a KGB mole in the anus of Stalin. CIA."

That sounds a but odd, hmm? I don't even know what to correct in that. Jay Kay 16:41, 15 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Last line

The last line of the page is incomplete.

I found where it was deleted and corrected it -- about half the page was missing. - ArglebargleIV 16:12, 12 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Beautiful emblem

It's beautiful! Shiny! Gorgeous! ^_^

these sods murdered my great grandfather, he was Mongolian leader fighting the japanese on the eastern front.
While we're at it, the Schutzstaffel logo looked pretty stylish too. --Green Hill 20:04, 3 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Image restored

Some rampaging 'bot deleted the image of Andropov, so I found an Andropov photo [3] on a Marxist website that claims that all of its content is "Creative Commons". So I presume that its OK for Wikipedia. (The only "problem" with the photo is that he's giving a quite friendly wave, for a KGB guy.) There may be some Khrushchev photos too, I didn't spend time looking through their gallery [4] and photo album [5]. - Ryanjo 03:00, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Protection

Since the last several edits have been either vandalism, or reverting vandalism, I think we should consider protecting the page. Comments? Verin 22:09, 9 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Strange section

I have seen this part in "Suppression of dissent" in this article. It seems like a somewhat out-of-place thing to be there, and the spelling is kind of weird, don't you think?

"Some places in gulag was created only to destroy people, not to reform or fix their mind or help them change. Not enough food, no basic life supportive instrument such as bath, or appropriet medical treatment were practiced to exterminate those who was not able to think by templates created by regim, party, KGB. Documents from the archive of the Yale University"

Shall this be removed...or improved, or moved to gulag? -Uagehry456talk 03:07, 21 August 2007 (UTC)

[edit] editprotected

Two requests: Unprotect or add a template making note of the protection (EG. Vprotect), and add {{who}} after "by some" in the first sentence of "Modus operandi". Thanx, (talk) 03:30, 31 December 2007 (UTC)

Y Done.—Random832 08:56, 31 December 2007 (UTC)

[edit] "The CPSU directly controlled the KGB and guided its operations"???

The article states, "The CPSU directly controlled the KGB and guided its operations". Is it misprint? There are sources indicating that KPSS followed instructions (recommendations) by KGB. Can anybody provide a source indicating that KGB followed instrucitons or recommendations of KPSS? dima (talk) 09:47, 5 February 2008 (UTC)

You are kinda confused in politics. One thing is to follow recommendations, another thing is to take orders. Everything in the Soviet Union took order from CPSU. Even American President has advisers, whose recommendations he follows. `'Míkka>t 00:00, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
Actually that was Stalin who controlled both NKVD and CPSU. Everyone took orders from him. Later Stalin was replaced by the Politburo of CPSU. Andropov as a KGB boss was able to partly control the Politburo and Brezhnev. To simplify, Brezhnev was drugged by his KGB nurse and transformed into a barely walking and talking garbage, just like Yeltsin later.Biophys (talk) 03:50, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
Nice conspiracy theories you got here, an evolution of Mitrokhin like. How come KGB has been sound asleep face to the wall with Gorbachov? My pick is that KGB was just as stagnating as the Party. Clearly, late Brezhnev was a puppet, but whose? remains to be written. Anyway, the talk page is for discussing the article, and with references, too. `'Míkka>t 05:30, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
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