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Antireligion is opposition to religion.

Antireligion is distinct from atheism, although many antireligionists are also atheists. It can be limited to hostility toward organised mainstream religion, or can be extended to include any form of belief in the supernatural or the divine. Antireligion is also distinct from antitheism, which is opposition to belief in deities rather than opposition to religion itself.


[edit] Notable antireligious people

[edit] Antireligious organizations

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Brandon on his song meanings Favorite things is my personal beliefs about religion and how it oppresses the things I enjoy the most. Unfortunately, the simplest things, such as thinking for myself, creating my own reality and being whatever the hell I want to be each day of my life, are a sin. To be a good Christian basically means to give up the reigns of your life and let some unseen force do it for you.
  2. ^ Interview with Brandon Boyd of Incubus "The energy I have experienced has definitely been feminine at its core. At the same time though, I've come to the conclusion that by putting a type of sex on it, one way or the other, you limit the energy. At this point, it, stressing the word "it," is far beyond my capability."
  3. ^ Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let's now stop being so damned respectful! The Guardian, 2001-10-11 "Has the world changed?." The Guardian. Accessed 2006-01-29.
  4. ^ "Dewey felt that science alone contributed to 'human good,' which he defined exclusively in naturalistic terms. He rejected religion and metaphysics as valid supports for moral and social values, and felt that success of the scientific method presupposed the destruction of old knowledge before the new could be created. ... (Dewey, 1929, pp. 95, 145) "William Adrian, [ TRUTH, FREEDOM AND (DIS)ORDER IN THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY], Christian Higher Education', 4:2, 145-154
  5. ^ "We desperately need a public discourse that encourages critical thinking and intellectual honesty. Nothing stands in the way of this project more than the respect we accord religious faith.", S. Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation, 2006.
  6. ^ ""Now, I'm reminded of one of my heroes, Talleyrand,... he said, 'Wherever there's trouble, look for a priest.' He was a defrocked priest so he knew what he was talking about. Honestly, if you look at it, in Northern Ireland, trouble was caused largely by priests on one side or the other. And what's happened in Northern Ireland? The solution has nothing to do with religion. We got the priests out of there, thanks to the EU. The best thing it ever did was make Ireland prosperous. And prosperity made up for religion. This is the only hope for the Middle East, to somehow neutralize the mullahs by creating a small economic miracle. To persuade young Muslims that there's a better life than blowing themselves up by running casinos and whorehouses and hotels and what have you." quoted by Gary Kamiya in Bush's favorite historian, Salon, 8 May 2007.
  7. ^ Established the first instance of official state atheism where possession of religious objects such as a Qur'an or a Bible led to prison sentences.
  8. ^ D. Hume, Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, 1779.
  9. ^ "Rather than theology's organizing academic disciplines, as had been the case in the Middle Ages, metaphysics was more fitting for the modern university, Hutchins suggested, because it ordered and explored important problems, dicsclosed theoretical principles, and promoted the pusuit of virtue wihout demanding religious allegiance." p. 68: Mary Ann Dzuback (1990); Hutchins, Adler, and the University of Chicago: A Critical Juncture; American Journal of Education, Vol. 99, No. 1. (Nov., 1990), pp. 57-76.
  10. ^ Said he "would ban organized religion (except for the Roman Catholic Church and Metropolitan Community Church" because it "promotes the hatred and spite against gays" and "doesn't work."
  11. ^ "Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about the religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class."Lenin, V. I.. "About the attitude of the working party toward the religion.". Collected works, v. 17, p.41. Retrieved on 2006-09-09.
  12. ^ California Legislature Approves Gay Day in Public Schools
  13. ^ What's the Matter with California?
  14. ^ "[T]he Bible, contrary to what a majority of Americans apparently believe, is far from a source of higher moral values. Religions have given us stonings, witch-burnings, crusades, inquisitions, jihads, fatwas, suicide bombers, gay-bashers, abortion-clinic gunmen, and mothers who drown their sons so they can happily be united in heaven." The Evolutionary Psychology of Religion, presentation by Steven Pinker to the annual meeting of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, Madison, Wisconsin, October 29, 2004, on receipt of “The Emperor’s New Clothes Award.”
  15. ^ "I think all the great religions of the world - Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Communism - both untrue and harmful. It is evident as a matter of logic that, since they disagree, not more than one of them can be true. ... I am as firmly convinced that religions do harm as I am that they are untrue." Bertrand Russell, 1957, from My Religious Reminiscences reprinted in The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell[1]
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