List of rulers of Morocco

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This is a partial list of rulers in Morocco, including the historical precursors to the modern state. The common and formal titles of these rulers has varied, depending on the time period. Since 1957 the designation King has been used. Before that the office was generally known as that of the Sultan.


[edit] Barghawata

[edit] Idrisid dynasty

[edit] Fatimid dynasty

[edit] Almoravide dynasty

[edit] Almohade dynasty

[edit] Marinid dynasty

  • Abd al-Haqq I (1195-1217)
  • Uthman I (1217-1240)
  • Muhammad I (1240-1244)
  • Abu Yahya ibn Abd al-Haqq (1244 - 1258)
  • Umar (1258 - 1259)
  • Abu Yusuf Yaqub (1259 - 1286)
  • Abu Yaqub Yusuf (1286 - 1306)
  • Abu Thabit (1307 - 1308)
  • Abu l-Rabia (1308 - 1310)
  • Abu Said Uthman II. (1310 - 1331)
  • Abu Al-Hasan ibn Othman (1331 - 1348)
  • Abu Inan Faris (1348 - 1358)
  • Muhammad II. as Said (1359)
  • Abu Salim Ali II. (1359 - 1361)
  • Abu Umar Taschufin (1361)
  • Abu Zayyan Muhammad III. (1362 - 1366)
  • Abu l-Fariz Abdul Aziz I. (1366 - 1372)
  • Abu l-Abbas Ahmad (1372 - 1374)
  • Abu Zayyan Muhammad IV. (1384 - 1386)
  • Muhammad V. (1386 - 1387)
  • Abu l-Abbas Ahmad (1387 - 1393)
  • Abdul Aziz II. (1393 - 1398)
  • Abdullah (1398 - 1399)
  • Abu Said Uthman III. (1399 - 1420)
  • Abdalhaqq II. (1420 - 1465)

[edit] Wattasid Dynasty

[edit] Saadi Dynasty

Until 1554 only in Southern Morocco:

1603-1659 the Saadian rulers of Morocco based in Marrakesh

1603-1627 the Saadian rulers based in Fes (with only local power)

[edit] Alaouite Dynasty

Until 1666 only ruling in Tafilalt and some southern parts of Morocco.

Sultan Mulay Muhammad al-Rashid bin Sharif, 1st Sultan of Morocco, etc, b. at Sijilmasa (Rissani), Tafilalt, 1631, second son of Sultan Abul Amlak Sidi Muhammad I as-Sharif bin 'Ali, Sultan of Tafilalt, educ. privately. Proclaimed at Toza, on the death of his elder half-brother as Sultan of Tafilalt, 2 August 1664. Proclaimed as Sultan of Morocco, etc. at Fez, 22 October 1664.

Under French Protectorate (1912-1956):

Restored Independence (1956 onwards):

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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