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Theology of Shi'a

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Part of a series on
Basic Muslim Beliefs

Sunni Five Pillars of Islam

Shahādah - Profession of faith
Salat - Prayer
Zakât - Paying of alms (tax)
Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca

Sunni Six articles of belief

Tawhīd - Oneness
Nabi and Rusul - Prophets and Messengers
Kutub - Divinely Revealed Books.
Malā'ikah - Angels
Qiyâmah - Judgment Day
Qadar - Fate

Shia Twelvers The principles of Islam

Tawhīd - Oneness
Adalah - Justice
Nubuwwah - Prophethood
Imamah - Leadership
Qiyâmah - Judgment day

Shia Twelvers Branches of Religion

Salat - Prayer
Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
Zakât - Poor-rate
Khums - One-fifth tax
Jihad - Struggle
Amr-Bil-Ma'rūf - Commanding good
Nahi-Anil-Munkar - Forbidding evil
Tawalla - Loving the Ahl al-Bayt
Tabarra - Disassociating from Ahl al-Bayt's enemies

Shia Ismaili 7 pillars

Walayah - Guardianship
Taharah - Purity & cleanliness
Salat - Prayers
Zakât - Purifying religious dues
Sawm - Fasting during Ramadan
Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca
Jihad - Struggle


Salafi/Kharijite Sixth pillar of Islam.

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In Shi'a Islam, Theology of Shi'a (Usūl al-Dīn) is the five main beliefs that Shi'a Muslims must possess.



The Shi'a Roots of Religion are a set of theoretical theological beliefs, in contrast to the ten practices prescribed in the Shi'a Branches of Religion.

In Shi'a theology, these five articles of faith form the basis for Islam, and it is from these articles that the Branches of Religion are derived.


All books of Resalah start with an explicit disclaimer stating that no proof shall be given for any of the points in the Roots of Religion.

The Marja argue that it is permissible to imitate in matters of practical Islam, for example, how one is supposed to do Salat, without being familiar with evidence and arguments for the conclusions.

However, they argue that the matters in the Roots of Religion are much too important to be merely imitated, and it is the responsibility of each individual to make themselves personally familiar with the arguments and evidence for each article of faith.

Articles of faith

There are five articles of faith in the Shi'a Roots of Religion.

Tawhīd (Oneness)

Tawhīd (also Tawhid or Tauhid or Tawheed; Arabic توحيد) is the Islamic concept of monotheism. In Arabic, Tawhīd means "unification, ie to unify or to keep something unified as one." In Islam, Tawhīd means to assert the unity of God. The opposite of Tawhīd is shirk, which means "division" in Arabic. Muslims view polytheism and idolatry as shirk.

Adalah (Justice)

The Shias believe that there is intrinsic good or evil in things, and that God commands them to do the good things and forbade the evil. They believe that God acts according to a purpose or design, and human reason cannot comprehend this design or purpose in its entirety (though man must always strive to understand as much as he can).

Nubuwwah (Prophethood)

"Nubuwwah" means "Prophethood" and denotes that God has appointed perfect Prophets and Messengers to teach mankind Gods religion.

Imāmah (Leadership)

Imamah (Leadership): God has appointed specific leaders to lead and guide mankind — a prophet appoints a custodian of the religion before his demise. Refer to Sahih Al-Bukari, Sahih Muslim (Books of Hadiths (or sayings of the prophet of Islam) of the Sunnis) etc. The prophet is reported to have said that the Islamic leadership is in Quraysh (i.e. his tribe) and that 12 "Imams" or "Princes" shall succeed him.

Qiyamah (The Day of Judgment)

Yaum al-Qiyâmah (يوم القيامة; literally: "Day of the Resurrection" (Qur'an 71.18), also known as "the Hour (Qur'an 31.34, 74.47)," "Day of the Account," (Qur'an 72.130 "Day of the Gathering," "Day of the Reckoning," "Day of Distress," (Qur'an 74.9) and the "Great Announcement") is the Arabic name for the Last Judgement. Belief in Qiyâmah is part of Aqidah and is a fundamental tenet of faith in Islam. The trials and tribulations of Qiyâmah are detailed in both the Qur'an and the Hadith, as well as in the commentaries of the Islamic expositors and scholarly authorities. Every human, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, is held accountable for his or her deeds and are judged by God accordingly (Qur'an 74.38).

See also

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