Republican Party of Texas

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The Republican Party of Texas is the affiliate of the Republican Party in Texas. Tina J. Benkiser has been Chairman of the party since 2003. Dr. Robin Armstrong was elected Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas in June 2006.

[edit] Telemarketing Center

The Republican Party of Texas (commonly known as the RPT) ran a highly successful telemarketing center from 1994-1998 in the Southwest Tower Building (nicknamed "Telemarketing Tower") at 211 East 7th Street in downtown Austin, Texas. [1] The slogan of "A dime a day to keep the Democrats away" succeeded in bringing in thousands of dollars for the party in the form of $36.50 donations. Most of the telemarketers were University of Texas students and assorted RPT "vagabons". ("Dialing for Dollars the GOP Way" Austin Chronicle July 23, 1996)

[edit] External links

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