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In voting, a plurality vote is the largest number of votes to be given any candidate or proposition when three or more choices are possible. The candidate or proposition receiving the largest number of votes has a plurality.[1] The concept of "plurality" in voting can be contrasted with the concept of "majority". Majority is "more than half".[2] Combining these two concepts in a sentence makes it clearer, "A plurality of votes is a total vote received by a candidate greater than that received by any opponent but less than a majority of the vote."[3]

The plurality voting system, also known as "first past the post", elects the candidate who is the stated first choice of the largest number of the voters who have cast a valid vote.

[edit] Smallest possible plurality

The smallest possible plurality is (v+1)/n, rounded up, where v is the number of members of the group (voters) and n is the number of categories (candidates). Thus in a five-candidate plurality election, just over 20 percent of the vote can theoretically win. If n is 2 then the plurality becomes a majority.

[edit] Religious councils

In religion, the term plurality has been coined to refer to an alternative system of church government, wherein the local assembly's decisions are made by a committee, each typically called an elder; in contrast to the "singularity" of the bishop hierarchy system (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglican churches); or the pastor / president system of many Protestant churches.

The plurality system is commonly encouraged among Presbyterians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Church of Christ, Disciples of Christ, Plymouth Brethren, and some Apostolics.

Plurality is a slang term for Presbyterian ecclesiastical polity.

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