List of Middle-earth peoples

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A list of species, races, peoples, nations and factions of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium.

For descriptions of some of the peoples, see: Middle-earth peoples. For a list of individual characters see: List of Middle-earth characters

Contents Top · 0–9 · A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

Adan - Afterborn - Aftercomers - Ainur - Aratar - Atanatári - Atani - Aulendur - Avari

[edit] B

Bagginses- Balchoth - Balrogs - Barrow-wights - Bëorians - Beornings - Black Númenóreans - Black Riders - Blue Wizards - Boldogs - Brandybucks

[edit] C

Calaquendi - Chieftains of the Dúnedain - Children of Húrin - Children of Ilúvatar - Corsairs of Umbar - Council of Elrond - Council of the Wise

[edit] D

Dark Land - Daughters of Finwë - Dead Men of Dunharrow - Dragons - Drúedain - Drûg - Dúnedain - Dunlendings - Durin's folk - Dwarves

[edit] E

Eagles - Eagles of Manwë - Easterlings - Edain - Edhel - Eldar - Elendili - Elves - Ents - Éothéod

[edit] F

Falathrim - Fallohides - Fathers of the Dwarves - Fëanturi - Feasts in Númenor - List of female hobbits - Firebeards - Forodwaith

[edit] G

Goblins, Giants

[edit] H

Hadorians - Haladin - Half-elven - Haradrim - Harfoots - High-Elves - Hobbits - Horses - House of Bëor - House of Hador - House of Haleth - House of Húrin - House of Marach - Huorn

[edit] I

Istari - Ithryn Luin

[edit] K

Khazad - King's Men - Kings of Arnor - Kings of Arthedain - Kings of Gondor - Kings of Rohan - Kings of Númenor

[edit] L

Laiquendi - Lambengolmor - Last Alliance of Elves and Men - Light Elves - Lindar - Lords of Andúnië - Lossoth

[edit] M

Maiar - Marachians - Men - Middle Men - Moriquendi

[edit] N

Nandor - Nazgûl - Nibin-Noeg - Noegyth Nibin - Noldoli - Noldor - Northmen - Númenóreans

[edit] O

Olog-hai - Oliphaunts - Orcs

[edit] P

Petty-dwarves - Peredhil - Princes of Dol Amroth - Proudfoots

[edit] Q


[edit] R

Rangers of the North - Ringwraith - Rohirrim - Ruffian

[edit] S

Silvan Elves - Sindar - Snowmen of Forochel - Solisimpi - Sons of Fëanor - Southrons - Stewards of Gondor - Stoors - Sundering of the Elves

[edit] T

Teleri - Thains of the Shire - Three Houses of Men - Took - Trolls

[edit] U

Úmanyar - Union of Maedhros - Uruk-hai - Urulóki

[edit] V

Valar - Valaraukar - Vampire - Vanyar - Variags

[edit] W

Wainriders - Wargs - Werewolves - White Council - Wizards - Wood-elves - Woses

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