Criticism of Islam

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(Arguments critical to religion in general, or specific to monotheism, such as the existence of God, are not dealt with here. This page describes criticism specific to Islam only, looking at either its historical nature or that of its beliefs and practices.)

Critics of Islam have existed since Islam's formative stages. Early written criticism came from Christians, prior to 1000 CE, many of whom viewed Islam as a radical Christian heresy.[1] Later there appeared criticism from the Muslim world itself, and also from Jewish writers and from ecclesiastical Christians.[2][3][4][5] In the modern era, criticism has come from people both inside and outside Islam, on a wide variety of topics.

Objects of criticism include Islam's intolerance of criticism, attitudes towards perceived heresy and accused heretics, and the treatment accorded to apostates in Islamic law.[6] Another area focuses on the morality of the life of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, both in his public and personal life.[5][7] Issues relating to the authenticity and morality of the Qu'ran, the Islamic holy book, are also discussed by critics.[8][9] Other criticisms focus on the question of human rights in modern Islamic nations, and the treatment of women in Islamic law and practice.[10][11] Recently, Islam's influence on the ability of Muslim immigrants in the West to assimilate has been criticized.[12]


[edit] History of criticism of Islam

[edit] Early Islam

The earliest surviving written criticisms of Islam are to be found in the writings of Christians, who came under the early dominion of the Islamic Caliphate. One such Christian was John of Damascus (born c. 676), who was familiar with Islam and Arabic. The second chapter of his book, The Fount of Wisdom, titled 'Concerning Heresies' presents a series of discussions between Christians and Muslims. John claimed an Arian monk influenced Muhammad and viewed the Islamic doctrines as nothing more than a hotchpotch culled from the Bible. Writing on the Islam's claim of Abrahamic ancestry, John explained that the Arabs were called "Saracens" because they were "empty of Sarah". They were called "Hagarenes" because they were "the bastard descendants of the slave-girl Hagar".[13] According to John V. Tolan, a Professor of Medieval History, John's biography of Muhammad is based on deliberate distortions of Muslim traditions. [14]

The Hadith (written between 844 and 874) contain accounts of criticism of Islam at the time of Muhammad from the pagan, Jewish and Christian inhabitants of Arabia.

[edit] Medieval Islamic world

Over the years there have been several famous Muslim critics and skeptics of Islam from within the Islamic world itself. In tenth and eleventh-century Syria there lived a blind poet called Al-Ma'arri. According to Ibn Warraq, he became well-known for a poetry that was affected by a "pervasive pessimism." He labeled religions in general as "noxious weeds," and said that Islam does not have a monopoly on truth. He had particular contempt for the ulema, writing that:

They recite their sacred books, although the fact informs me that these are fiction from first to last. O Reason, thou (alone) speakest the truth. Then perish the fools who forged the religious traditions or interpreted them![2]

In 1280, the Jewish philosopher Ibn Kammuna criticized Islam in his book Examination of the Three Faiths. He reasoned that incompatibility of sharia with the principles of justice undercuts Muhammad's claims of being a perfect man: "there is no proof that Muhammad attained perfection and the ability to perfect others as claimed."[15] The philosopher thus concluded that people usually convert to Islam from ulterior motives:

That is why, to this day we never see anyone converting to Islam unless in terror, or in quest of power, or to avoid heavy taxation, or to escape humiliation, or if taken prisoner, or because of infatuation with a Muslim woman, or for some similar reason. Nor do we see a respected, wealthy, and pious non-Muslim well versed in both his faith and that of Islam, going over to the Islamic faith without some of the aforementioned or similar motives.[3]

According to Bernard Lewis, just as it is natural for a Muslim to assume that the converts to his religion are attracted by its truth, it is equally natural for the convert's former coreligionists to look for baser motives and Ibn Kammuna's list seems to cover most of such nonreligious motives. [16]

Maimonides, one of the foremost 12th century rabbinical arbiters and philosophers, sees the relation of Islam to Judaism as primarily theoretical. Maimonides has no quarrel with the strict monotheism of Islam, but finds fault with the practical politics of Muslim regimes. He also considered Islamic ethics and politics to be inferior to their Jewish counterparts. Maimonides criticised what he perceived as the lack of virtue in the way Muslims rule their societies and relate to one another.[4]

[edit] Medieval Christendom

  • Some medieval ecclesiastical writers portrayed Muhammad as possessed by Satan, a "precursor of the Antichrist" or the Antichrist himself.[5]
  • Denis the Carthusian wrote two treatises to refute Islam at the request of Nicholas of Cusa, Contra perfidiam Mahometi, et contra multa dicta Sarracenorum libri quattuor and Dialogus disputationis inter Christianum et Sarracenum de lege Christi et contra perfidiam Mahometi.[17]
  • The Tultusceptru de libro domni Metobii, an Andalusian manuscript with unknown dating, shows how Muhammad (called Ozim, from Hashim) was tricked by Satan into adulterating an originally pure divine revelation. The story argues God was concerned about the spiritual fate of the Arabs and wanted to correct their derivation from the faith. He then sends an angel to the monk Osius who orders him to preach to the Arabs. Osius however is in ill-health and orders a young monk, Ozim, to carry out the angel's orders instead. Ozim sets out to follow his orders, but gets stopped by an evil angel on the way. The ignorant Ozim believes him to be the same angel that spoke to Osius before. The evil angel modifies and corrupts the original message given to Ozim by Osius, and renames Ozim Muhammad. From this followed the erroneous teachings of Islam, according to the tultusceptrum.[18]
  • According to many Christians, the coming of Muhammad was foretold in the Holy Bible. According to the monk Bede this is in Genesis 16:12, which describes Ishmael as "a wild man" whose "hand will be against every man". Bede says about Muhammad: "Now how great is his hand against all and all hands against him; as they impose his authority upon the whole length of Africa and hold both the greater part of Asia and some of Europe, hating and opposing all."[19]
  • In 1391 a dialog was believed to have occurred between Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos and a Persian scholar in which the Emperor stated:
Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. God is not pleased by blood - and not acting reasonably is contrary to God's nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats... To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death.

The first sentence of this quotation, when repeated by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006, lead to a series of riots, firebombing of churches and a Fatwa against the life of the Pope (see Pope Benedict XVI Islam controversy).

[edit] Late 19th and Early 20th Century Critics of Islam

See also: Orientalism

During the late 19th and early 20th century, the new methods of Higher criticism were applied to the Qu'ran, claiming that it had a non-divine origin. Ignaz Goldziher and Henri Corbin wrote about the influence of Zoroastrianism, and others wrote on the influence of Judaism, Christianity and Sabianism [20]

Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister through most of World War 2, was a strong critic of the effects Islam had on its believers. He stated in his 1899 book "The River War" [21]:

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.

[edit] Contemporary critics of Islam

Notable contemporary critics include:

Several scholars do not self-identify as critics of Islam but criticize some of its aspects:

  • Bernard Lewis holds that unbelievers, slaves, and women are considered fundamentally inferior to other groups of people under Islamic law. He does write that even the equality of free adult male Muslims represented a very considerable advance on the practice of both the Greco-Roman and the ancient Iranian world.[28][29]
  • John Esposito has written many introductory texts on Islam and the Islamic world. For example, he has addressed issues like the rise of militant Islam, the veiling of women, and democracy.[30][31] Esposito emphatically argues against what he calls the "pan-Islamic myth". He thinks that "too often coverage of Islam and the Muslim world assumes the existence of a monolithic Islam in which all Muslims are the same." To him, such a view is naive and unjustifiably obscures important divisions and differences in the Muslim world.[32]
  • Patricia Crone, is a scholar, author and historian of early Islamic history working at the Institute for Advanced Study. She co-authored the controversial Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World, a book that researched the early history of Islam, coming to conclusions at variance with the traditional view.
  • Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician that wants to ban the Koran in the Netherlands, because he believes it conflicts with the Dutch laws and calls for violence in general.[citation needed]

[edit] Atheists

  • Michel Onfray, a French philosopher and ardent supporter of atheism. Onfray attacks Islam along with other monotheistic religions, speaks of "muslim fascism" that had risen with the Islamic Revolution in Iran and considers Islamic teachings to be "structurally archaic". However, he considers Western consumerist culture to be flawed as well.[33]
  • Richard Dawkins an outspoken antireligionist, atheist, secular humanist, and sceptic, and he is a supporter of the Brights movement.[34]. Dawkins' impassioned advocacy of evolution has earned him the appellation "Darwin's rottweiler".[35]
  • Sam Harris, author of the bestseller The End of Faith, who is skeptical that moderate Islam is even possible, arguing that Muslim extremism is a consequence simply of taking the Qur'an literally.[36] This book has a chapter entitled "The problem with Islam" where puts forward arguments specific to Islam saying "There are good beliefs and there are bad ones and it should now be obvious to everyone that Muslims have more than their fair share of the latter".[37]
  • Christopher Hitchens a vociferous critic of what he describes as "fascism with an Islamic face"
  • Richard Carrier a philosopher and ancient historian, frequently criticises Islam in his writings on the Secular Web.[38]

[edit] Evangelical Christians

  • Pat Robertson who expresses the view that "Islam wants to take over the world and is not a religion of peace", and that radical Muslims are "satanic", and that Osama Bin Laden was a "true follower of Muhammad".[39][40]
  • Jerry Falwell, another American conservative Baptist minister, characterized the prophet Muhammad as being a 'terrorist'.[41]
  • Franklin Graham who described Islam as an 'evil and wicked religion' and suggested that those who believed Islam to be "wonderful" should "go and live under the Taliban somewhere".[42]

[edit] Former Muslims

There are also outspoken former Muslims who believe that Islam is the primary cause for what they see as the mistreatment of minority groups in Muslim countries and communities. Almost all of them now live in the West, many under assumed names because of a legitimate danger to themselves. Many have had death threats made against them by Islamic groups and individuals.

[edit] Muslims

[edit] Responses to criticism of Islam

[edit] Responses from contemporary non-Muslim scholars

Some responses to criticism of Islam have come from non-Muslim scholars such as:

  • William Montgomery Watt who in his book Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman addresses Muhammad’s alleged moral failures. He claims that “Of all the world's great men none has been so much maligned as Muhammad.” Watt argues on a basis of moral relativism that Muhammad should be judged by the standards of his own time and country rather than "by those of the most enlightened opinion in the West today."[62]
  • Karen Armstrong, tracing what she believes to be the West's long history of hostility toward Islam, finds in Muhammad’s teachings a theology of peace and tolerance. Armstrong holds that the "holy war" urged by the Qur'an alludes to each Muslim's duty to fight for a just, decent society.[63]
  • Edward Said, in his essay Islam Through Western Eyes, stated that the general basis of Orientalist thought forms a study structure in which Islam is placed in an inferior position as an object of study. He claims the existence of a very considerable bias in Orientalist writings as a consequence of the scholars' cultural make-up. He claims Islam has been looked at with a particular hostility and fear due to many obvious religious, psychological and political reasons, all deriving from a sense "that so far as the West is concerned, Islam represents not only a formidable competitor but also a late-coming challenge to Christianity."[64]
  • Cathy Young of Reason Magazine claimed that the growing trend of anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim sentiment stemmed from an atmosphere where such criticism is popular. While stating that the terms "Islamophobia" and "anti-Muslim bigotry" are often used in response to legitimate criticism of fundamentalist Islam and problems within Muslim culture, she claimed "the real thing does exist, and it frequently takes the cover of anti-jihadism."[65]

[edit] Responses from contemporary Muslim scholars

The following Muslim Scholars have written responses to criticism of Islam:

[edit] Criticism of the truthfulness of Islam and Islamic Scriptures

[edit] Reliability of the Qur'an

See also: Historicity of Muhammad -- historical authenticity of the Qur'an
See also: Origin and development of the Qur'an

Muslims believe the Qur'an to be the perfect word of Allah, and as such it cannot contain any errors or contradictions, and must be perfectly compatible with science. It is so perfect that readers must conclude it is of divine, rather than human, origin.

Critics argue that:

  • the Qur'an has scientific errors.[68]
  • the Qur'an contains numerous verses which contradict each other.[69]
  • the Qur'an contains incorrect cosmological explanations.[38]
  • there is nothing miraculously new in the Qur'an[38]
  • the Qur'an is not original, but rather shows the influence of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Sabianism, and Samaritanism in its origins. American missionary S Zwemer claimed the Qur'an
is not an invention, but a concoction; there is nothing novel about it except the genius of Mohammad in mixing old ingredients into a new panacea for human ills and forcing it down by means of the sword[citation needed]
  • The traditional account of the history of Islam says there were two verses in the Qur'an (known as the Satanic Verses) that were allegedly added by Muhammad when he was tricked by Satan. These verses referred to "daughters of Allah". These verses were later removed from the Qur'an.[70][62] Allah is said to guarantee that any errors will eventually be corrected.

[edit] Reliability of hadith

Main article: Hadith

Hadith are Muslim traditions relating to the Sunna (words and deeds) of Muhammad. They are drawn from the writings of scholars writing between 844 and 874 CE, more than 200 years after the death of Mohammed in 632 CE.[71] In general, for Muslims the hadith are second only to the Qur'an in importance,[72] although some scholars put more emphasis on the perpetual adherence of Muslim nation to the traditions to give them credibility, and not solely on hadith.[73]. Most of our knowledge about the life of Muhammad comes from the hadith, many of which were biographies of Mohammed. Many Islamic practices (such as the Pillars of Islam) are drawn from the hadith.

However, there is criticism of the historical reliability of hadith. John Esposito notes that "Modern Western scholarship has seriously questioned the historicity and authenticity of the hadith", maintaining that "the bulk of traditions attributed to the Prophet Muhammad were actually written much later." He mentions Joseph Schacht as one scholar who argues this, claiming that Schacht "found no evidence of legal traditions before 722," from which Schacht concluded that "the Sunna of the Prophet is not the words and deeds of the Prophet, but apocryphal material" dating from later.[74]

Other Western scholars, like Wilferd Madelung, are more confident in the reliability of Islamic traditions, rejecting the stance of some historians who show an "extreme distrust" for "Muslim literary sources for the early age of Islam". Madelung wrote in the preface of his book The Succession to Muhammad:

Work with the narrative sources, both those that have been available to historians for a long time and others which have been published recently, made it plain that their wholesale rejection as late fiction is unjustified and that with a judicious use of them a much more reliable and accurate portrait of the period can be drawn than has so far been realized.[75]

Within Islam, different schools and sects have different opinions on the proper selection and use of hadith. The four schools of Sunni Islam all consider hadith second only to the Qur'an, although they differ on how much freedom of interpretation should be allowed to legal scholars.[76] Shi'i scholars disagree with Sunni scholars as to which hadith should be considered reliable. The Shi'as accept the Sunna of Ali and the Imams as authoritative in addition to the Sunna of Muhammad, and as a consequence they maintain their own, different, collections of hadith.[77]

On the extreme end, there have been Muslims who deny the authority of the hadith completely or almost completely (manifestations of which have sometimes been termed the Quran-only movement). Early in Islamic history there was a school of thought that adhered to this view, but it receded in importance after coming under criticism by al-Shafi'i. Daniel Brown describes a modern anti-hadith movement that reached its peak in the 1950s and 1960s, but is now in decline.[78] The Submitters movement today holds to a Quran-only view,[79] although they are considered heretical by more traditionalist Muslims.[80]

[edit] Lack of secondary evidence

See also: Historiography of early Islam

The traditional view of Islam has also been criticised for the lack of supporting evidence consistent with that view, such as the lack of archaeological evidence, and discrepancies with non-Muslim literary sources.[81] (see Hagarism)

[edit] Criticism of the morality of Islam

[edit] Criticism of the morality of Muhammad

Main article: Criticism of Muhammad

Muslims consider Muhammad to be the final prophet, the messenger of the final revelation that he called the Qur’an. Muslims believe that Muhammad is righteous, holy, no more than a messenger, a warner and seal of Prophets. However, critics such as Koelle and Ibn Warraq, as well as some other non-Muslims, see some of his actions as immoral.[5][7] Islamic scholars, such as William Montgomery Watt disagree, especially when a comparison is made between Muhammad and Biblical prophets. Watt, for example, argues that Muhammad should be judged by the standards of his own time and country rather than "by those of the most enlightened opinion in the West today."

[edit] Criticism of the morality of the Qur'an

Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the literal word of God as recited to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel. Criticism of the Qur'an generally consists of questioning traditional claims about the Qur'an's composition and content.

It is a central tenet of Islam that the Qur'an is perfect, so criticism of the Qur'an is considered criticism of Islam.

This is a list of critical arguments:

"Men are the managers of the affairs of women for that God has preferred in bounty one of them over another, and for that they have expended of their property. Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for God's guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them. If they then obey you, look not for any way against them; God is All high, All great." (Koran, Quran, 4:34)

  • Critics claim that because violence is implicit in the Qur'anic text, Islam itself, not just Islamism, promotes terrorism.[82][83]
  • The Quran is criticized for advocating the death penalty.[84][85]
  • Some critics argue that the Qur'an is incompatible with other religious scriptures, attacks and advocates hate against people of other religions.[8][86][87][88][89]

[edit] Human Rights: Apostasy

Decision of a Fatwa committee on the case of a convert to Christianity: "Since he left Islam, he will be invited to express his regret. If he does not regret, he will be killed pertaining to rights and obligations of the Islamic law."
Decision of a Fatwa committee on the case of a convert to Christianity: "Since he left Islam, he will be invited to express his regret. If he does not regret, he will be killed pertaining to rights and obligations of the Islamic law."
Main article: Apostasy in Islam

[edit] Apostasy in Islamic law

Bernard Lewis summarizes:

The penalty for apostasy, in Islamic law, is death. Islam is conceived as a polity, not just as a religious community. It follows therefore that apostasy is treason. It is a withdrawal, a denial of allegiance as well as of religious belief and loyalty. Any sustained and principled opposition to the existing regime or order almost inevitably involves such a withdrawal.[90]

The four Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence, as well as Shi'a scholars, agree that a sane adult male apostate must be executed. A female apostate may be put to death, according to the majority view, or imprisoned until she repents, according to others.[91]

The Qur'an threatens apostate with punishment in the next world only, the historian W. Heffening states, the traditions however contain the element of death penalty. Muslim scholar Shafi'i interprets verse [Qur'an 2:217] as adducing the main evidence for the death penalty in Qur'an.[92] The historian Wael Hallaq states the later addition of death penalty "reflects a later reality and does not stand in accord with the deeds of the Prophet." He further states that "nothing in the law governing apostate and apostasy derives from the letter of the holy text."[93]

William Montgomery Watt, in response to a question about Western views of the Islamic Law as being cruel, states that "In Islamic teaching, such penalties may have been suitable for the age in which Muhammad lived. However, as societies have since progressed and become more peaceful and ordered, they are not suitable any longer."[94]

Some contemporary Islamic jurists from both the Sunni and Shi'a denominations together with Qur'an only Muslims have argued or issued fatwas that state that either the changing of religion is not punishable or is only punishable under restricted circumstances.[95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102] For example, Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri argues that no Qur'anic verse prescribes an earthly penalty for apostasy and adds that it is not improbable that the punishment was prescribed by Muhammad at early Islam due to political conspiracies against Islam and Muslims and not only because of changing the belief or expressing it. Montazeri defines different types of apostasy. He does not hold that a reversion of belief because of investigation and research is punishable by death but prescribes capital punishment for a desertion of Islam out of malice and enmity towards the Muslim.[103]

[edit] Contemporary treatment of accused apostates

Today, out of 57 mostly Islamic countries in OIC, five make apostasy from Islam a crime punishable by death: Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan and Yemen. According the US State Department, there have been no reports any executions carried out by the government of Saudi Arabia for several years.[104] On the other hand, in Pakistan, vigilante attacks against alleged apostates are common.[105]

Abdul Rahman

The recent case of Afghan Abdul Rahman has achieved particular notoriety. In early 2006, Rahman was arrested and held by Afghan authorities on charges that he converted from Islam to Christianity, a capital offense in Afghanistan. Many Muslim clerics in the country pushed for a death sentence, but after international pressure (including a public statement by U.S. Secretary of State at the time Condoleezza Rice) he was released and secretly given asylum in Italy.[106][107]

Nasr Abu Zayd

In 1993, an Egyptian professor named Nasr Abu Zayd was divorced from his wife by an Egyptian court run by Islamic radicals on the grounds that his controversial writings about the Qur'an demonstrated his apostasy. He subsequently fled to Europe with his wife.[108] Another Egyptian professor, Farag Fuda, was killed in 1992 by masked men after criticizing Muslim fundamentalists and announcing plans to form a new movement for Egyptians of all religions.[109]

[edit] Apostasy and Human Rights Conventions

Some widely held interpretations of Islam are inconsistent with Human Rights conventions that recognize the right to change religion.[110][111]

In particular article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [112] states:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

To implement this, Article 18 (2) of the ICCPR states:

No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion of his choice.

The right for Muslims to change their religion is not afforded by the Iranian Shari'ah law, which specifically forbids it [113][111][110]

Muslim countries such as Sudan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, have the death penalty for apostasy from Islam.[114].

These countries have criticized the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its perceived failure to take into account the cultural and religious context of non-Western countries.

In 1990, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference published a separate Cairo Declaration of Human Rights compliant with Shari'ah.[115]. Although granting many of the rights in the UN declaration, it does not grant Muslims the right to convert to other religions, and restricts freedom of speech to those expressions of it that are not in contravention of the Islamic law.

Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami,[116] wrote a book called Human Rights in Islam[117], in which he argues that respect for human rights has always been enshrined in Sharia law (indeed that the roots of these rights are to be found in Islamic doctrine)[118] and criticizes Western notions that there is an inherent contradiction between the two.[119]. Western scholars have, for the most part, rejected Maududi's analysis.[120][121] [122]

[edit] Women

Many have asserted that "women are not treated as equal members" of Muslim societies [10] and have criticized Islam for condoning this treatment.[11] The term "Muslim apartheid" has been used to highlight religious isolation in France as well as gender segregation practices.[123][124]

The Catholic Church has warned christian women about marrying Muslim men because of the "inferior" status of women in Muslim countries and the nonexistence of maternal rights to children. [8]

[edit] Homosexuals

Critics such as Muslim lesbian activist Irshad Manji[125], former muslim Ehsan Jami and the Dutch Muslim-born politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali have criticized Islam's attitudes towards homosexuals. Most international human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, condemn Islamic laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime. Since 1994 the United Nations Human Rights Committee has also ruled that such laws violated the right to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rightsand the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. However (except for nations such as Turkey that were required to change their laws to be eligible to join the European Union) most Muslim nations insist that such laws are neccesary to preserve Islamic morality and virtue.[126]

[edit] Violence towards critics of Islam

Marchers hold signs expressing extremist sentiments outside Danish Embassy in London in 2006
Marchers hold signs expressing extremist sentiments outside Danish Embassy in London in 2006

Despite the claims that Islam is a "religion of peace", it has been criticised as being intolerant and violent towards its critics.

  • Ibn Warraq has collected and published stories of the reported mistreatment of Muslim apostates at the hands of Islamic authorities.[6]
  • German professor Christoph Luxenberg feels compelled to work under a pseudonym to protect himself because of fears that a new book on the origins of the Qur'an may make him a target for violence.[127]
  • Hashem Aghajari, an Iranian university professor, was initially sentenced to death because of a speech that criticized some of the present Islamic practices in Iran being in contradiction with the original practices and ideology of Islam, and particularly for stating that Muslims were not "monkeys" and "should not blindly follow" the clerics. The sentence was later commuted to three years in jail, and he was released in 2004 after serving two years of that sentence.[128][129][130]
  • In recent times fatwas calling for execution have been issued against author Salman Rushdie and activist Taslima Nasreen.[131]
  • On November 2, 2004, Dutch Filmmaker Theo van Gogh was assassinated by Dutch born Mohammed Bouyeri for producing the 10 minute film Submission critical of the abusive treatment of women within Islam. A letter threatening the author of the screenplay, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, was pinned to his body by a knife. Hirsi Ali entered into hiding immediately following the assassination.[132]
  • On September 30, 2005, the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published editorial cartoons, many of which depicted the Islamic prophet Mohammed. The publication was intended to contribute to the debate regarding criticism of Islam and self-censorship - objectives which manifested themselves in the public outcry from Muslim communities within Denmark and the subsequent apology by the paper. However, the controversy deepened when further examples of the cartoons were reprinted in newspapers in more than fifty other countries. This led to protests across the Muslim world, some of which escalated into violence, including setting fire to the Norwegian and Danish Embassies in Syria, and the storming of European buildings and desecration of the Danish and German flags in Gaza City.[133]
  • On September 19, 2006 French writer and philosophy teacher Robert Redeker wrote an editorial for Le Figaro, a French conservative newspaper, in which he attacked Islam and Muhammad, writing: "Pitiless war leader, pillager, butcher of Jews and polygamous, this is how Mohammed is revealed by the Qur'an"; he received death threats and went into hiding.[134]
  • On 4 August 2007, Ehsan Jami was attacked in his hometown Voorburg, in The Netherlands, by three men. The attack is widely believed to be linked to his activities for the Central Committee for Ex-Muslims. The national anti-terrorism coordinator's office, the public prosecution department and the police decided during a meeting on 6 August that "additional measures" were necessary for the protection of Jami who has subsequently received extra security.[135]

[edit] Islam's influence on the ability of Muslim immigrants in the West to assimilate

The immigration of Muslims to European countries has increased greatly in recent decades, and frictions have developed between these new neighbours. Conservative Muslim social attitudes on modern issues have caused much controversy in Europe and elsewhere, and scholars argue about how much of these attitudes are a result of Islamic beliefs.[136] The 24-year-rule was introduced in Denmark, whereby a person must be over 24 years old to marry a foreign born individual. This law came into place to prevent arranged marriages, not uncommon among Muslim immigrants to Denmark.

Some critics say that Islam is incompatible with secular society,[12] and their criticism has been influenced by a stance against multiculturalism advocated by recent philosophers, closely linked to the heritage of New Philosophers. Fiery polemic on the subject by proponents like Pascal Bruckner,[137] and Paul Cliteur has kindled international debate.[138] They hold multiculturalism to be an invention of an enlightened elite who deny the benefits of democratic rights to the rest of humanity by chaining people to their roots. They claim this allows Islam free rein to propagate abuses such as the mistreatment of women and homosexuals, and in some countries slavery. They also claim multiculturalism allows freedom of religion[139] to exceed the realms of personal religious experience[140] and to organize towards mundane ambitions seeking moral and political influence that opposes European secular or Christian values. This tendency to focus criticism of Islam on politics and the non-European identity of its traditions triggered a new debate on Islamophobia.[136]

[edit] See also

Topics regarding Islam and controversy
Criticism of other beliefs

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ De Haeresibus by John of Damascus. See Migne. Patrologia Graeca, vol. 94, 1864, cols 763-73. An English translation by the Reverend John W Voorhis appeared in THE MOSLEM WORLD for October 1954, pp. 392-398.
  2. ^ a b Warraq, Ibn (2003). Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out. Prometheus Books, 67. ISBN 1-59102-068-9. 
  3. ^ a b Ibn Kammuna, Examination of the Three Faiths, trans. Moshe Perlmann (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1971), pp. 148–49
  4. ^ a b The Mind of Maimonides, by David Novak, retrieved April 29, 2006
  5. ^ a b c d Mohammed and Mohammedanism, by Gabriel Oussani, Catholic Encyclopedia, retrieved April 16, 2006
  6. ^ a b Bostom, Andrew. "Islamic Apostates' Tales - A Review of Leaving Islam by Ibn Warraq", FrontPageMag, July 21, 2003. 
  7. ^ a b Ibn Warraq, The Quest for Historical Muhammad (Amherst, Mass.:Prometheus, 2000), 103.
  8. ^ a b Bible in Mohammedian Literature., by Kaufmann Kohler Duncan B. McDonald, Jewish Encyclopedia, retrieved April 22, 2006
  9. ^ Robert Spencer, "Islam Unveiled", pp. 22, 63, 2003, Encounter Books, ISBN 1-893554-77-5
  10. ^ a b See also Timothy Garton Ash. "Islam in Europe", The New York Review of Books, 10-05-2006. 
  11. ^ a b Timothy Garton Ash. "Islam in Europe", The New York Review of Books, 10-05-2006. 
  12. ^ a b Tariq Modood (April 6, 2006). Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A European Approach, 1st, Routledge, 29. ISBN 978-0415355155. 
  13. ^ John McManners, The Oxford History of Christianity, Oxford University Press, p.185
  14. ^ John Victor Tolan, Saracens: Islam in the Medieval European Imagination, Columbia University Press, p.139
  15. ^ Ibn Warraq. Why I Am Not a Muslim, p. 3. Prometheus Books, 1995. ISBN 0-87975-984-4
  16. ^ Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam, p.95
  17. ^ both in vol. 36 of the Tournai edition, pp. 231-442 and 443-500.
  18. ^ J. Tolan, Medieval Christian Perceptions of Islam (1996) p. 100-101
  19. ^ J. Tolan, Saracens; Islam in the Medieval European Imagination (2002) p. 75
  20. ^ Why I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq, p35 [ISBN 1591020115]
  21. ^ Winston S. Churchill, from The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899)
  22. ^ Bio from
  23. ^ Jula Duin ("Washington Times," October 30, 2002 State of 'dhimmitude' seen as threat to Christians, Jews Egyptian-born historian Bat Ye'or and her husband, David Littman, have been making the rounds of several campuses this month to lecture on "dhimmitude," a word she coined to describe the status of Christians and Jews under Islamic governments.
  24. ^ Daniel Pipes Miniatures : Views of the Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics pg 114 The scholar Bat Ye'or explains for non-Muslims that this has meant through history "war, dispossession, dhimmitude, slavery, and death."
  25. ^ Griffith, Sidney H. "The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude, Seventh-Twentieth Century by Bat Yeor, Miriam Kochan, David Littman", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 30, No. 4, November 1998, pp. 619-621
  26. ^ Gibbons, Fiachra. "VS Naipaul launches attack on Islam", The Guardian, October 4, 2001. 
  27. ^ "THE AGITATOR: Oriana Fallaci directs her fury toward Islam.", The Newyorker, May 29, 2005. 
  28. ^ Bernard Lewis, What Went Wrong?, p. 67, 2003, Harper Perennial, ISBN 0-06-051605-4
  29. ^ Lewis, Bernard. "Islamic Revolution", The New York Review of Books, January 21, 1998. 
  30. ^ Esposito, John L. (2002). What Everyone Needs to Know About Islam. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-515713-3. 
  31. ^ Esposito, John L. (2003). Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-516886-0. 
  32. ^ Esposito, John L. (1999). The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?. Oxford University Press, 225-228. ISBN 0-19-513076-6. 
  33. ^ Michel Onfray: Atheist manifesto. The case against Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Carlton, Vic. 2007, pp. 199-214.
  34. ^ Hitchens, Christopher. God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Twelve, 5. ISBN 0-446-57980-7. 
  35. ^ Downey, Robert (1996-12-11). Article in Eastsideweek (title unknown). Eastsideweek. Retrieved on 2006-11-14.
  36. ^ Harris, Sam (2005). The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason. W. W. Norton; Reprint edition, 31, 149. ISBN 0-393-32765-5. 
  37. ^ The End of Faith" by Sam Harris p108 [ISBN 0-7432-6809-1]
  38. ^ a b c Cosmology and the Koran: A Response to Muslim Fundamentalists by Richard Carrier
  39. ^ "Evangelical broadcaster Pat Robertson calls radical Muslims 'satanic'", Associated Press, 2006-03-14. Retrieved on 2006-07-21. 
  40. ^ "Top US evangelist targets Islam", BBC News, 2006-03-14. Retrieved on 2006-07-21. 
  41. ^ "Jerry Falwell calls Islam's Prophet a "Terrorist"", Associated Press. Retrieved on 2006-07-21. 
  42. ^ "Franklin Graham: Islam Still Evil", Associated Press, 2006-03-16. Retrieved on 2006-07-21. 
  43. ^ Ayaan Hirsi Ali, "Unfree Under Islam", The Wall Street Journal, August 16, 2005, [1]
  44. ^ Pope converts outspoken Muslim who condemned ‘religion of hate’ -Times Online
  45. ^ Nonie Darwish at YAF: "Islam is.... a totalitarian state". The Jawa Report (2007-11-10). Retrieved on 2007-11-25.
  46. ^ Charter, David (2007-05-21). Young, black, Swedish – the minister for controversy. The Times. Retrieved on 2007-11-25.
  47. ^ Rage over anti-Islam rally
  48. ^ Scardino, Albert. 1-0 in the propaganda war. The Guardian. Retrieved on 2006-04-19.
  49. ^ (Dutch) Labour party Ex-Muslim: "Muhammad was a criminal" Elsevier, 23 June 2007.
  50. ^ New group for those who renounce IslamThe Daily Telegraph
  51. ^ Walid Shoebat - Biography
  52. ^ Wayne Kopping & Raphael Shore. (2005). Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West.
  53. ^ The spectator 3 October 2007 "The great Islamic scholar, Ibn Warraq, one of the great heroes of our time. Personally endangered, yet unremittingly vocal, Ibn Warraq leads a trend. Like a growing number of people, he refuses to accept the pretence that all cultures are equal. Were Ibn Warraq to live in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, he would not be able to write. Or if he did, he would not be allowed to live. Among his work is criticism of the sources of the Koran. In Islamic states this constitutes apostasy. It is people like him, who know how things could be, who understand why Western values are not just another way to live, but the only way to live — the only system in human history in which the individual is genuinely free (in the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson) to ‘pursue happiness’."
  54. ^ The spectator Oct 2007
  55. ^ Stephen Crittenden L The Religion Report Ibn Warraq: Why I am not a Muslim Oct 10 2001 Secularist Muslim intellectual Ibn Warraq - not his real name - was born on the Indian subcontinent and educated in the West. He believes that the great Islamic civilisations of the past were established in spite of the Koran, not because of it, and that only a secularised Islam can deliver Muslim states from fundamentalist madness.
  56. ^ The spectator Oct 2007 IQ2 debates on the topic "We should not be reluctant to assert the superiority of Western values" Ibn Warraq An independent researcher at the humanist Centre for Enquiry in the USA. Author of ‘Why I Am Not a Muslim’ (1995) and editor of anthologies of Koranic criticism and an anthology of testimonies of ex-Muslims ‘Leaving Islam’ (2003). A contributor to the Wall Street Journal and The Guardian, and has addressed distinguished governing bodies all over the world, including the United Nations in Geneva on the subject of apostasy. Current projects include a critical study, entitled ‘Defending the West: a Critique of Edward Said’s “Orientalism” ’ to be released 2007.
  57. ^ Center for Enquiry [2]Religion, Ethics, and Society - Experts and Scholars"Ibn Warraq, Islamic scholar and a leading figure in Koranic criticism, is a senior research fellow at the Center for Inquiry"
  58. ^
  59. ^ Dr. Wafa Sultan Seeks Radical Change From Radical Islam - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Arutz Sheva
  60. ^ Krauss, Clifford. "An Unlikely Promoter of an Islamic Reformation",, 2003-10-04. Retrieved on 2006-07-11. 
  61. ^ Home > Programs > Islam and American Democracy > Publications >
  62. ^ a b Watt, W. Montgomery (1961). Muhammad: Prophet and Statesman. Oxford University Press, 229. ISBN 0-19-881078-4. 
  63. ^ Armstrong, Karen (1993). Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet. HarperSanFrancisco, 165. ISBN 0-06-250886-5. 
  64. ^ Edward W. Said, Islam Through Western Eyes, The Nation, January 1, 1998
  65. ^ The Jihad Against Muslims: When does criticism of Islam devolve into bigotry?
  66. ^ Elizabeth Omara-Otunnu. "Ramadan Awareness Event Designed To Debunk Negative Images", Advance, University of Connecticut, 11-17-2003. 
  67. ^ The Biography of the Prophet and the Orientalists] by Muhammad Mohar Ali.
  68. ^ Islamic Science: Does Islamic literature contain scientific miracles? by Denis Giron at the secular web [3]
  69. ^ Numerous contradictions are mentioned in the article Qur'an: A Work of Multiple Hands? by Denis Giron. An example is the two stories that differ in details of how Allah created Adam and demanded that the angels prostrate themselves to him [Qur'an 15:28-38] and [Qur'an 38:71-81].

    "One question that I have asked Muslims before with regard to the verses above is: what was the exact conversation? What exactly did Allah say to Iblis? What was Iblis' exact response? The Muslims may claim that al-Qur'an yufassiru bacduhu bacdan (different parts of the Qur'an explain one another), and others will simply say that such questions should not be asked, but the reality is that none of them have an answer. The reason for this is that, while the general theme of the story is the same, the exact details differ. This is undoubtedly caused by multiple traditions that were floating around at the time of the Qur'an's compilation; variant traditions that were woven into the text. There are numerous other examples of repetition, such as the story of Jesus' miraculous virgin birth, obviously taken from Christian folklore"

  70. ^ "The Life of Muhammad", Ibn Ishaq, A. Guillaume (translator), 2002, p.166 ISBN 0-19-636033-1
  71. ^ The earliest account of the compilation of the Qur’an is that of Ibn Sa‘ad (844 CE), followed by Bukhari (870 CE) and Muslim (874 CE). (Remember, Mohammed is supposed to have died in 632 CE.) | An Atheist's Guide to Mohammedanism by Frank Zindler
  72. ^ Ernst, Carl (2002). Following Muhammad: Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World. The University of North Carolina Press, 80. ISBN 0-8078-2837-8. 
  73. ^ Javed Ahmed Ghamidi, Mizan, Chapter: Sources of Islam, Al-Mawrid Institute
  74. ^ Esposito, John (1998). Islam: The Straight Path. Oxford University Press, 67. ISBN 0-19-511234-2. 
  75. ^ Madelung, Wilferd (1997). The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate. Cambridge University Press, xi. ISBN 0-521-64696-0. 
  76. ^ Goddard, Hugh; Helen K. Bond (Ed.), Seth Daniel Kunin (Ed.), Francesca Aran Murphy (Ed.) (2003). Religious Studies and Theology: An Introduction. New York University Press, 204. ISBN 0-8147-9914-0. 
  77. ^ Esposito, John (1998). Islam: The Straight Path. Oxford University Press, 85. ISBN 0-19-511234-2. 
  78. ^ Brown, Daniel (1999). Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought. Cambridge University Press, 17. ISBN 0-521-65394-0. 
  79. ^ Quran. Welcome to Submission. Retrieved on 2006-07-04.
  80. ^ Dr. Khalid Alvi. Indispensability of Hadith. Retrieved on 2006-07-04.
  81. ^ What do we actually know about Mohammed? by Patricia Crone
  82. ^ Till, Farrell (2001-11). The Real Culprit. The Skeptical Review. Retrieved on 2007-11-22.
  83. ^ "Suicide bombing, in the Muslim world at least, is an explicitly religious phenomenon that is inextricable from notions of martyrdom and jihad, predictable on their basis, and sanctified by their logic. It is no more secular an activity than prayer is."Harris, Sam (2004). The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 251. ISBN 0-393-03515-8. 
  84. ^ Koinange, Jeff. "Woman sentenced to stoning freed", CNN, February 23, 2004. 
  85. ^ "Nigeria: Death by stoning upheld in the case of Amina Lawal", Amnesty International, August 19, 2002. 
  86. ^ Gerber (1986), pp. 78–79
  87. ^ "Anti-Semitism". Encyclopedia Judaica
  88. ^ Bible in Mohammedian Literature., by Kaufmann Kohler Duncan B. McDonald, Jewish Encyclopedia, retrieved April 22, 2006
  89. ^ Saudi Arabia's Curriculum of Intolerance (pdf), Freedom House, May 2006, pp.24-25.
  90. ^ Lewis, Bernard. "Islamic Revolution", The New York Review of Books, January 21, 1998. 
  91. ^ "Murtadd". Encyclopaedia of Islam. (2003). 
  92. ^ W. Heffening, in Encyclopedia of Islam
  93. ^ Encyclopedia of the Quran, Apostasy
  94. ^ Interview: William Montgomery Watt, by Bashir Maan & Alastair McIntosh
  95. ^ Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri: "Not Every Conversion is Apostasy", by Mahdi Jami, In Persian, BBC Persian, February 2, 2005, retrieved April 25, 2006
  96. ^ What Islam says on religious freedom, by Magdi Abdelhadi, BBC Arab affairs analyst, 27 March 2006, retrieved April 25, 2006
  97. ^ Fatwa on Intellectual Apostasy, Text of the fatwa by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
  98. ^ S. A. Rahman in "Punishment of Apostasy in Islam", Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore, l972, pp. 10-13
  99. ^ The punishment of apostasy in Islam, View of Dr. Ahmad Shafaat on apostasy.
  100. ^ Religious, Apostasy (Irtdidad) In Islam, by B.A. Robinson, Religious, April 7, 2006, retrieved April 16, 2006.
  101. ^ Is Apostasy a Capital Crime in Islam?, Jamal Badawi
  102. ^ No Punishment, If No Harm, Sheikh `Abdul-Majeed Subh
  103. ^ Ayatollah Montazeri: "Not Every Conversion is Apostasy", by Mahdi Jami, In Persian, BBC Persian, February 2, 2005, retrieved April 25, 2006
  104. ^ International Religious Freedom Report 2006 Saudi Arabia
  105. ^ "Conversion a thorny issue in Muslim world", The Christian Science Monitor, March 27, 2006. 
  106. ^ Coghlan, Tom. "Afghan Christian convert is released", CNN, March 28, 2006. 
  107. ^ "The Troubled Odyssey of Abdul Rahman", Der Spiegel, April 3, 2006. 
  108. ^ "Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd". Encyclopaedia Britannica Concise. (2006). 
  109. ^ "Foe of Fundamentalists Shot to Death in Egypt", The New York Times, June 10, 1992. 
  110. ^ a b In 1981, the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Said Rajaie-Khorassani, articulated the position of his country regarding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, by saying that the UDHR was "a secular understanding of the Judeo-Christian tradition", which could not be implemented by Muslims without trespassing the Islamic law. Littman, David. "Universal Human Rights and 'Human Rights in Islam'". Midstream, February/March 1999
  111. ^ a b As a matter of law, on the basis of its obligations as a state party to the ICCPR, Iran is obliged to uphold the right of individuals to practice the religion of their choice and to change religions, including converting from Islam. The prosecution of converts from Islam on the basis of religious edicts that identify apostasy as an offense punishable by death is clearly at variance with this obligation.: Human Rights Watch report on Iran [4]
  112. ^ UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  113. ^ Sharia as traditionally understood runs counter to the ideas expressed in Article 18:Religious freedom under Islam: By Henrik Ertner Rasmussen, General Secretary, Danish European Mission
  114. ^ Apostacy, "Leaving Islam" - The Peace FAQ
  115. ^ The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, Adopted and Issued at the Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Cairo, Religion and Law Research Consortium, August 5, 1990, retrieved April 16, 2006
  116. ^ Jamaat-e-Islami. (2005-04-27). Retrieved on 2007-06-03.
  117. ^ Maududi, Abul A'la (1976). Human Rights in Islam. Leicester: The Islamic Foundation. ISBN 09-5039-549-8. 
  118. ^ Maududi, Human Rights in Islam, p. 10. "Islam has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole ... ."
  119. ^ Maududi, Human Right in Islam, p. 13. "The people of the West have the habit of attributing every good thing to themselves and trying to prove that it is because of them that the world got this blessing ... ."
  120. ^ Bielefeldt, Heiner (February 2000). ""Western" versus "Islamic" Human Rights Conceptions?: A Critique of Cultural Essentialism in the Discussion on Human Rights". Political Theory 28 (1): 90–121. doi:10.1177/0090591700028001005. Retrieved on 2007-06-03. 
  121. ^ Bielefeldt (2000), p. 104.
  122. ^ Carle, Robert (2005). "Revealing and Concealing: Islamist Discourse on Human Rights". Human Rights Review 6 (3): 122–37. doi:10.1007/BF02862219. “Both Tabandeh and Mawdudi proceed to develop a synthesis between human rights and traditional shari‘a that conceals the conflicts and tensions between the two (p. 124).” 
  123. ^ Muslim apartheid burns bright in France | Minette Marrin - Times Online
  124. ^ World Politics Review | Muslim Apartheid in Britain: A Veiled Threat?
  125. ^ Irshad Manji's call for an Islamic reformation
  126. ^ Homosexuality and Islam
  127. ^ Heneghan, Tom. "Low profile for German Koran challenger", SwissInfo, Reuters, November 11, 2004. 
  128. ^ "Profile: Hashem Aghajari", BBC News, July 9, 2003. 
  129. ^ "Iran Frees Professor Set to Die for Speech", The New York Times, August 1, 2004. 
  130. ^ "From monkey to man: A call for Islamic Protestantism", The Iranian, December 4, 2002. 
  131. ^ Davis, Thulani. "Taslima Nasrin Speaks (Still)", The Village Voice, November 13-19, 2002. 
  132. ^ "Muslim row filmmaker 'murdered'",, 2004-11-02. Retrieved on 2007-07-20. 
  133. ^ "Storm grows over Mohammad cartoons",, 2006-02-03. Retrieved on 2007-07-20. 
  134. ^ Arnold, Martin. "Teacher in hiding after attacking Islam", Financial Times, 2006-09-29. Retrieved on 2006-10-17. 
  135. ^ Extra security for Ehsan Jami,, 7 August 2007.
  136. ^ a b Jocelyne Cesari. Secularization and Religious Divides in Europe 34-43. June 1, 2006.
  137. ^ Pascal Bruckner - Enlightenment fundamentalism or racism of the anti-racists? [5] appeared originally in German in the online magazine Perlentaucher on January 24, 2007.
  138. ^ Paul Cliteur, Moderne Papoea’s, Dilemma’s van een multiculturele samenleving, De Uitgeverspers, 2002, review: [6]
  139. ^ Pascal Bruckner - A reply to Ian Buruma and Timothy Garton Ash,"At the heart of the issue is the fact that in certain countries Islam is becoming Europe's second religion. As such, its adherents are entitled to freedom of religion, to decent locations and to all of our respect. On the condition, that is, that they themselves respect the rules of our republican, secular culture, and that they do not demand a status of extraterritoriality that is denied other religions, or claim special rights and prerogatives"
  140. ^ Pascal Bruckner - A reply to Ian Buruma and Timothy Garton Ash "It's so true that many English, Dutch and German politicians, shocked by the excesses that the wearing of the Islamic veil has given way to, now envisage similar legislation curbing religious symbols in public space. The separation of the spiritual and corporeal domains must be strictly maintained, and belief must confine itself to the private realm."

[edit] References

  • Cohen, Mark R. (1995). Under Crescent and Cross. Princeton University Press; Reissue edition. ISBN 978-0691010823. 
  • Lockman, Zachary (2004). Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and Politics of Orientalism. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521629379. 
  • Rippin, Andrew (2001). Muslims: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, 2nd, Routledge. ISBN 978-0415217811. 
  • Westerlund, David (2003). "Ahmed Deedat's Theology of Religion: Apologetics through Polemics". Journal of Religion in Africa 33 (3). >

[edit] Further reading

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