'''Dr. Oscar Lukumuena Kashala is a politician in the Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo and was a candidate in the 2006 presidential election. Doctor Kashala is a graduate of Harvard_University and was recently a senior executive at a pharmeceutical company headquartered in Massachusetts. He resigned in order to campaign in the above referenced elections, after years of residence in the United_States In May 2006, thirty members of Kashala's security detail were accused of plotting to overthrow interim Congo president Joseph_Kabila. Kashala and the internationally community dispelled the allegations as a blatant attempt by Kabila's administration to intimidate him. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/5199518.stm In the 2006 election, Kashala finished in 5th place with 4% of votes in the first round of voting, well short of Jean-Pierre_Bemba's 20% and Joseph_Kabila's 45%. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/5272300.stm Kashala, Oscar Kashala, Oscar Kashala, Oscar Kashala, Oscar Fr:Oscar_Lukumuena_Kashala {{DRCongo-politician-stub}}