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Daphinicus's Blog Posts

Reaching for Realism


My name's Dan. I'm a relatively new face here at, where I have, for the past few months, been writing previews for various upcoming titles. Every now and then I'll do work for the print edition, but more often than not, if you see a preview pop online, chances are good I wrote it.

I mention this because, as it happens, I recently did a piece on Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4 (which you can read here if you're so inclined). The article really struck a chord with me; it was the first time I was writing about a game -- touting it, really -- in which a modern-day war was being championed as more "realistic" than ever before.

I honestly did my best to write the final section with as much impartiality as I could muster. Yet I couldn't help asking myself: "This is a game in which I, as a U.S. Marine, will go into the Middle-East and shoot people speaking Arabic -- where does one draw the line?"

I have a brother who's in the Persian Gulf right now, so you might think I'd have a problem with it, but I don't. In fact, I can't wait for Call of Duty 4 to come out. I think that Infinity Ward did the right thing by keeping its fictional war out of Iraq, and I'm just as fine having terrorists as enemies as I am Nazis.

But I'm very curious as to what all of you think about the situation. Is it okay for a developer to create a fictional war, set it in the present day Middle East, and add a mode in which gameplay is made as realistic as possible?

I'm not looking for a commentary on the war in Iraq; I'd just like your perspectives on what is and is not appropriate for a developer to put into a game. Because frankly, the next time I'm writing about realistic killing, I'd like to have that info on hand.

Thanks for listening, guys and gals. I look forwards to reading your comments.

- Dan "Daphinicus" Tennant

comments [ 28 ] - post your comment

RiceBurner RiceBurner

Posted at: 2007-06-25 14:35:18.0

I'm still waiting for the COD: Boxer Rebellion!!! It would be cool to play a U.S. Marine who shoots and kills the Chinese who are trying to force foreigner occupationers out of their country and to get them to stop enslaving their people with Oppium!!! Hazzah for colonialism!!!

BTW, the above comment is completely sarcastic in nature and welcome to the GP family Dan from a Ex-GP outcast!

Elixer45 Elixer45

Posted at: 2007-06-25 14:45:38.0

That's a very good question. I'm sure the middle east will take offense, but probably because the game won't protray innocent civillians or arabic allies. It's similar to when Venezuela took offense to having Mercinaries 2 set there. There's no easy answer, but just look at what happened here, in the USA. A kid made a Counter Strike map that looked like his school, and he was arrested and suspended. I know I didn't really answer your question, but the truth is I can't think of an answer.

Posted at: 2007-06-25 18:03:58.0


I think the issue people have with a "realistic" setting is that, when put in the context of a video game, trivializes reality by making it a round of fun and games. some would call it "tasteless." I really don't care either way, that's just my devil's advocate there.

I noticed that there are a few upcoming games, one being the next area 51, that look to include social/political commentary in their games. problem is, most of it looks like the same trite "profundity" that stopped being profound in movies, books, and popular music a long time ago. in other words, video games are not a very good outlet for preachy commentary.

Pharaun Pharaun

Posted at: 2007-06-25 18:53:04.0

I once read a mail (in your magazine, a long time ago i think) in which a reader asked if war games that involved fighting Nazi's sold badly in Germany (or possibly even offended them). Once again the editor who responded escapes me, but he actually had talked to some native Germans about the very same subject, and they said that not many Germans these days even associate the Nazi's with being part of their cultural ancestry (in a sense). What I mean is, they see Nazi's as evil people who came to power in their country and were rightfully removed. Evil people are evil people it seems, and not many people have qualms about fictionally popping a few computer rendered versions of them (I know I don't - being of almost full-blooded German descent). It could be said that the lines are a lot blurrier these days between whats 'good', and what's 'evil', as even Iraqis who kill groups of non-combat civilians see themselves as doing 'God's work', but hell, even the Nazi's had people who believed in their cause - both in and out of their own country. Elixer is certainly right, there's definitely no easy answer, but I would certainly throw my vote in for "All's fair in video games and war".

Posted at: 2007-06-25 21:25:32.0

germany is one of the most pc countries in the eu. in fact, swastikas, and other assorted nazi paraphernalia are outright ILLEGAL in germany. hell, outright declaring yourself to identify with the ns ideology in any way will get you arrested.

so, if anything, sales of WWII games that involve killing nazis are probably best-sellers in that country.

Pharaun Pharaun

Posted at: 2007-06-25 22:49:34.0

Well, actually, that's not really true. Agreeing with the ideology of the former Nazi party is just as legal there as it is here in America. Fortunately for the Neo-Nazis, Germany has rights protecting peaceable assembly just like here. I was in Germany about this time last year and happened to witness a barricade of police hold back the outrages public in Munich while a group of Neo-Nazis lit torches and played Wagner in a public demonstration. Belief in Nazi ideology, just like here, doesn't get you arrested, it just makes you a dick. The whole protection thing kind of feeds into my argument for the tough call as far as whether it's okay for a developer to make a game like this. Are you doing it so that people don't look badly upon the Arabic people as a whole? Because the average (adult, as these games are rated mature) gamer should be able to make the distinction between fighting some computerized baddies and hating an entire nation of people.
kalell kalell

Posted at: 2007-06-26 01:24:24.0

I'll let the developers decide and let them make what they want. If I don't like what they've done I just won't play it. I think it's up to the individual, what one person thinks is ok another will detest. When you write an article go by your own feelings, Daphinicus. If you feel the game goes too far it's ok to say so, if you feel the game deals with a touchy subject but handles it in a mature and appropriate way that's also ok to say. There will always be people that will disagree with you, but at least you will know that you were honest, and that your true feelings have been shared. Nice blog btw! =)

Posted at: 2007-06-29 09:41:15.0

Well first off let me say, Hi dav.( as if this is an AA meeting) And you make a great point there, but i don't really know what to say, if the terriost just so happen to be speaking arbic and of abric decent then well you kinda have to deal whit it. Its not as if their saying all arabs are terriost, nor were they saying that all germans are nazis.
Humblemumble Humblemumble

Posted at: 2007-07-01 16:37:58.0

I think that it honestly depends on the game. For the most part, gamers only have an interest in blowing stuff up, and killing mindless faces. If a game put the player in real events it would completely change the idea of the game. Maybe the game is designed to challenge players' view on killing. But I, for one, would be unsettled killing these people who right now, are being killed by my own countrymen. And this could be even deeper if perhaps you had a relative fighting in that war. You would be putting yourself in their shoes, except you are killing for pleasure while they face the grim reality of war. Anyway back from that tangent, I think that unless developers are deliberately challenging the player's view on war and killing that they should keep modern politics out of it. Most gamers don't want to think about the people that they are killing, and it's easier if it's some fake person that you don't have to think about as anything other than the enemy. The war in Iraq is about killing real people who live lives, just like any of us. However there are two exceptions. One, is that some sick twisted person enjoys the feeling that they are killing somebody, but I sincerely hope that those people are few and far between. Two, is that possibly people might feel patriotic. They might feel as though they are doing their countries duty by going and fighting a war, albiet in virtual reality. That is the same reason that so many video games cast you in the role of the proud soldier of the United States, or Earth, depending on the time setting. Anyway this post is long enough, so I'm done.
teh2Dgamer teh2Dgamer

Posted at: 2007-07-04 20:04:31.0

I think it's better to have imaginary wars. I think there are some lines that developers shouldn't cross. I'd rather see a documentary or a movie about a real life war than play an unrealistic game that IMO doesn't really show proper respect for those who were there. I don't mind games like the first MOH because that was more of a spy and espianage type game(You'd kill Nazis, but you were a made up character and it felt more cartoony and less realistic), but when it comes to actual battle scenes, it just seems like developers are trying to profit off of the deaths of those who died. I mean, how do you think the D-Day vets would feel if they heard how kids can play and replay one of the most tramatic days of their life, but not only that, they think it's cool. It's like in movies when people are like that part was bad ass. Well it wasn't so cool for those who experienced it first hand.
gearsofandrew2 gearsofandrew2

Posted at: 2007-07-08 19:25:42.0

any news on gh3 song list if u do message me back
gearsofandrew2 gearsofandrew2

Posted at: 2007-07-09 11:01:56.0

who knows how 2 make forums plz tell me if u do
mastershadoninja mastershadoninja

Posted at: 2007-07-09 14:31:29.0

who knows how to get there ranking up?
IrishDragon23 IrishDragon23

Posted at: 2007-07-23 20:09:47.0

Kallel basically hit the nail on the head. Different people have different feelings on sensitive matters. And to some people this may not be a sensitive matter at all. If the game has something that I take offense to in it, I just won't play it. Granted, it does bring up some of the stereotypes that we have grown accustomed to in America, and people will always view it that way, but as a writer, that's something you have to deal with and just get over, because it's a free country and you shouldn't be ashamed, because people will always get offended and that's just the way it is. Anyway, that was a terrible run on sentence. Just want to say welcome to the official GP staff, and don't be too surprised by some of the crazy people around here, hahaha!
Mastafa Mastafa

Posted at: 2007-09-13 14:22:20.0

Right, but this doesn't change the fact that the game contains great gameplay mechanics and innovative aspects. And let's not forhet the great graphics.
Mastafa Mastafa

Posted at: 2007-09-13 14:23:36.0

And yeah listen to IrishDragon about what he said in regards to crazy people.
the_bear_guy the_bear_guy

Posted at: 2007-10-29 13:35:59.0

your profile pic looks alot like runescape. and is it the sign of hospital you have there too?
mike175mal mike175mal

Posted at: 2007-12-01 16:00:25.0

Dan im going to college next year and i am studying to become a journalist. My real passion is games; not just them, but molesting the games into 100% completion and then talking excessive smack to all my unskilled friends(or should i say "victims"). Well basically what i want to ask you is what do i have to do to get on the gamepro team. Im sure I can 1 day be a great asset to the gamepro sqaud. iIwould appreciate it if you would email me back please=>
mike175mal mike175mal

Posted at: 2007-12-01 16:00:29.0

Dan im going to college next year and i am studying to become a journalist. My real passion is games; not just them, but molesting the games into 100% completion and then talking excessive smack to all my unskilled friends(or should i say "victims"). Well basically what i want to ask you is what do i have to do to get on the gamepro team. Im sure I can 1 day be a great asset to the gamepro sqaud. iwould appreciate it if you would email me back please=>
mike175mal mike175mal

Posted at: 2007-12-01 16:00:33.0

Dan im going to college next year and i am studying to become a journalist. My real passion is games; not just them, but molesting the games into 100% completion and then talking excessive smack to all my unskilled friends(or should i say "victims"). Well basically what i want to ask you is what do i have to do to get on the gamepro team. Im sure I can 1 day be a great asset to the gamepro sqaud. i would appreciate it if you would email me back please=>
yomite500 yomite500

Posted at: 2008-03-29 19:14:33.0

dude rice burner... take a chill pill mayunnn
SquashTheSmurf SquashTheSmurf

Posted at: 2008-03-30 17:57:34.0

come again?
yomite500 yomite500

Posted at: 2008-04-09 12:33:53.0

lolz nvm... squashthesmurf, wana b frends....? lolz i play runescape, lolz i kno kinda pathetic lolz try it lolz luza lolz ur a noob lolz luza lolz yomite500
SquashTheSmurf SquashTheSmurf

Posted at: 2008-04-13 19:20:05.0

=c) sure!
SquashTheSmurf SquashTheSmurf

Posted at: 2008-04-14 20:57:56.0

yomite500 yomite500

Posted at: 2008-04-19 11:03:19.0

dooby daaa doooo!!! do u play rs? prob not eh....... i jus play for the minigames like FISTS OF GUTHIX!!! w00t
PheonixFire PheonixFire

Posted at: 2008-05-03 11:51:25.0

Welcome, Yes its okay for developers to make fictional wars so they wont take out any info we are not allow to know about and it also shows us a simulation of what the war on terror is all about.
yomite500 yomite500

Posted at: 2008-05-08 17:25:34.0

ummm come again? screw runescape! im on frugooscape now!! muahahahaaaaaaa

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