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Ritual & Renewal


East, South, West, North

The Universe of the Goddess is infinite. The four main directions, East, South, West, and North are blessed and honored whenever Goddess folk begin a celebration, group ritual, or a small personal ritual of prayer or meditation. In honoring and greeting the directions, you are acknowledging and blessing your connection with all life, everywhere.

Nature's passage through the yearly cycle is celebrated in connection with the four directions. Each direction is represented by an element. East~Spring~Air, South~Summer~Fire, West~Autumn~Water and North~Winter~Earth. This cycle is called the "Wheel of the Year", or "Sacred Wheel".


Full Moon is a time for gathering together to celebrate the Goddess and move with the rhythms of the Earth and the Heavens. Each Full Moon for thousands of years Goddess folk have gathered to celebrate the passage of another Moon cycle.

In ancient times, sacred MoonTrees called Asheras were erected at the site of Moon rituals to mark them as sacred places dedicated to the Goddess. There were many Moon-dancers then, it was a time when the Goddess was widely honored. Later, Her sacred Temples were torn down and the Goddess was reviled as wicked by new religions that worshipped a single male god.

For many years, the number of people dancing the Goddess rituals were sometimes few. Today the numbers increase with each Full Moon. The Culture of the Goddess is re-awakening like a New Moon waxing. New Moon is another special time for gathering to celebrate and honor the powers of the Goddess. Dancers in the moonlight beat out the rhythm of Nature's pulse their feet. As they dance the Moon, they remember the traditions of the Goddess.

You already know how to celebrate the cycles of the Moon. Look within yourself and remember.

Caring for plants affirms our connection with the Earth. Plants and trees nurture our spirits, and feeds our Goddess essence.

A wonderful ritual for Full Moon is drawing or sculpting images of the Goddess. The act of creating your own sacred Goddess art strengthens Her presence in the world. Do not judge your artwok, just make it. Your own spiritual essence will give it power and beauty.

If you have questions about being Pagan, Wiccan or another faith, or if you are conflicted or confused about your own spirituality and are not sure about choosing a Path, perhaps this short piece can help you. Just click on the Link.

Choosing a Path

Each stage in the Moon's passage brings special energies, opportunities and awareness. Living in harmony with lunar cycles increases health, happiness and inner knowings.

Crone Moon Grove

Great Goddess Altar


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Goddess Names * Discovering Yourself * Ritual & Renewal * Goddess Lands * Great Goddess Altar * Asherah Altar * Altar of Astarte * Aphrodite's Altar * Brigid Altar * Breathe Deeply * A Goddess Garden * Grove of Rememberance * Deep at Your Core * A Creation Story * Crone Moon Grove * Dawn of a New Day * Temple of Artemis-Diana * Flowing with Nature * GreenMan Grove * Goddess Prayers

* Goddess 101 * Pagan 101 * Healing Altar * The Hearth * Human Heritage & the Goddess * Inanna ~ Ishtar Altar * Altar of IsIs * Goddess Jewels * Kid's Grove * The Kid's Beach * Kid's Spirit * Kid's Coloring Page * Labyrs Altar * Mary Page * The Muse * Night Mother Grove * Rainbow Heart Grove * Altar of Serenity * SpiralGrove * Spirit Path * Vinca Altar * Ancient Goddess Grotto * Sacred Wall Art * Ocean Mother *
Kali Ma Altar * A Faery Page *Links * Awards & WebRings *

~Goddess 2000 Project~ * The Book Goddess & Reading List

Copyright Abby Willowroot 1998-2001 ~ All rights reserved.

Spiral Goddess Grove
