  1. Reception by Franziska Donner and Ulrike Hofmann-Steinmetz
  2. Formation of the groups
  3. Presentation of the participants
  4. Discussion of regional conference results and development of a presentation
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Subsequently the participants were asked to gather in their regional conference groups the results of their regional conference and prepare a presentation for the afternoon. Each group was asked to answer a set of questions: 1) In what political climate did the conference in your country take place?, 2) What current social political aims does your region (or your country) pursue?, 3) How was political and social “progress” seen during the conference in general?, 4) How were the connections between progress and globalisation assessed in your conference?       Mehr ...

In Ergänzung zum Statement von Swetlana Kolbanjowa diskutierten Vertreter der jeweiligen Regionalkonferenzen über die Ergebnisse in einer Fishbowl-Runde, die anderen Konferenz-teilnehmern die Möglichkeit zur Intervention gab.       Mehr ...

Kann Kultur die Entwicklung eines Landes hemmen oder vorantreiben? Gemeinsames Projekt der GTZ und des Goethe-Instituts.