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Canon KP-108IP Color Ink & Paper Set for Canon CP-100, 200, 220, 300 & 330 Photo Printers (4x6" paper, 108

KP-108IP Color Ink & Paper Set for Canon CP-100, 200, 220, 300 & 330 Photo Printers (4x6

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Canon KP-108IP Color Ink & Paper Set for Canon CP-100, 200, 220, 300 & 330 Photo Printers (4x6" paper, 108

  • Reviewed by: gaikokujinkyofusho


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: strenghts, well what can i say, its paper and a cartridge. The prices varied from seller to seller but the average price was very resonable

    Weaknesses:pet peeve, it has the lines etc for a postcard (in case you want to send it), but thats minor.

    Overall Evaluation: The strengths and weaknesses sum it up, I think 108 at a time is the largest amount at a time consumers can buy it but the price is competitive with brick N mortor store prices for printing photos (and the quality is identical as far as i can tell). So, nice, nice, and nice.

  • Reviewed by: imn2vb


    Duration of ownership: 2 Days

    Strengths: 85 second processing time. I love the post card format. The plastic coating is great when you know you have to mail the card in rainy weather. Cost is about the same as any postcard.

    Weaknesses:It might be a smidgen less than 4 x 6. Get over it!!

    Overall Evaluation: I LOVE IT!!! I have used the combination of printer and paper for a couple of days and intend to take it with me on an upcoming trip to Europe. I sprinkled some water on the card and it beads right up. The colors come out just fine! The cost of the post cards are about the same as they would be anywhere, and how cool is it for friends to get a postcard with YOU on it with something famous in the background. A real "wish you were here" experience!! I bought the case to go with the printer so everythings fits. I'm sure I will use all 108 cards on this trip. Buying this "three pack" saves $$ as opposed to buying 3 separate 36ers. It's a bargain and a great product!!

  • Reviewed by: zhouwq


    Duration of ownership: 1 Weeks

    Strengths: The quality of photo is very wonderful. It is more convenient than that of printed in store.

    Weaknesses:The price for 1 photo is the twice as the one printed in digi store.

    Overall Evaluation: this kit can print 108 very wonderful photo. Using personal printer such as canon cp series can create very close to the commercial print photo. It can keep in album for 20 years that can't fade the color. The only shortcoming is the price. The price of this kit is as twice as the photo printed in digi store. But I still recommendate to buy this kit.

  • Reviewed by: docvenzon


    Duration of ownership: 1 Weeks

    Strengths: works great with my Canon CP-200. 3 times the number of the KP-36

    Weaknesses:relatively expensive per print compared to online photo printing services

    Overall Evaluation: I bought this to refill my CP-200 photo printer. it works great and makes great quality prints. I come out spending around 28 cents per print, which isn't too bad. However, online photo printing services still cost less than this and is a more viable option. However, for photos you do want printed and have on hand immediately, this along with the printer (CP-200 in my case) works just fine.

  • Reviewed by: rick151


    Duration of ownership: 3 Months

    Strengths: Easy. Very Easy.

    Weaknesses:Too many assceorrises. You might have to have a different paper holder, or print cartridge, pending on what you want.

    Overall Evaluation: This package is the greatest. When you are out of photo paper, you are out of ink. There is no guessing. Unlike other printers, when the ink begins to run out, you loose picture quality. With this, you don't have to worry about it.

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