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A nifty free Wi-Fi hotspot tool, a real-life GPS gadget review, and a scary-looking "motorcycle." 03-Jun-2008
Print directory folders, dump dopey Balloon Tips, save ornery files. Plus: I debunk a bogus performance trick. 02-Jun-2008
The older I get, the less tolerance I have for noisy PCs. So my new desktop computer had to be quiet, not just fast. Oh, and I needed it to be affordable, too. 02-Jun-2008
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Remember when hardly a week went by in the early months of 2008 without some sort of Apple product announcement? The past few... 04-Jun-2008
Apple's newly announced movie rental service for its iTunes offerings in Canada and the United Kingdom may come several months... 04-Jun-2008
If you'll be attending Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference next week, you'll probably need some time to adjust to your new... 04-Jun-2008
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Figure out (and share) your travels' carbon footprint through Dopplr, but don't forget it's part of a bigger puzzle. 04-Jun-2008
Readers let off steam about Windows Vista in the workplace, Grand Theft Auto IV, and the worst keyboards ever. 08-May-2008
The curve of acceleration for faster residential broadband seems to be kicking in at long last, but coverage lags and costs are still high. 01-May-2008
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This package offers desktop mapping tools at a bargain price, but it's no substitute for a good GPS device. 04-Jun-2008
Big, beautiful LCD monitors let you spread out your work and get down to business. Ratings and rankings can change due to pricing and technology changes, so check back frequently for the latest info. 04-Jun-2008
This category of wide-screen LCDs is growing rapidly due to falling prices and the prevalence of high-quality models. Ratings and rankings can change quickly, so check back frequently for chart updates. 04-Jun-2008
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