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Yamaha YST-SW216 10" 100 Watt Powered Subwoofer

YST-SW216 10

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Most recent User Reviews for
Yamaha YST-SW216 10" 100 Watt Powered Subwoofer
  • Reviewed by: dentfreak


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: very nice sound and reasonable price


    Overall Evaluation: I looked around for two subwoofers to go with my 7.1 Yamaha amplifier and found these two. I don't know how one would sound like, but having them both does thumb the room when I watched the new "Rambo" movie. They also make music video sound so much better. $88 a piece, you can't beat that.

  • Reviewed by: bfar0173


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: Power, size.


    Overall Evaluation: This subwoofer will make your home theater thump! It sounds great. It gives a whole new experience in home theater. This puppy makes my entire couch vibrate while watching some good action flicks! Enjoy the ride.

  • Reviewed by: FritzBoehm


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: Great sound, ease of use, good documentation

    Weaknesses:Could use a longer power cord

    Overall Evaluation: Within minutes of getting it out of the box, I had it set up with our home entertainment center and the kids were amazed at how the movie Cars sounded. The whole family thought it was like being at the movie theater with the way the room shook as the cars raced around the track. It was one of those moments when you know you will never experience buyer's regret.Setup was a snap - there are six different setups described:* line output for one subwoofer* line output for two subwoofers* speaker wire for one subwoofer from an amp that has two sets of front speaker outputs* speaker wire for two subwoofers from an amp that has two sets of front speaker outputs* speaker wire for one subwoofers from an amp that has one set of front speaker outputs* speaker wire for two subwoofers from an amp that has two sets of front speaker outputsThe documentation is well-written. It covers the setup options described above, plus how to configure the volume and cut high cut controls so that you get the sound you want. Lots of good information.This also has a two year warranty - more than I was expecting.The only gripe I might have is that power cord is about 7' long. I would like to plug the subwoofer into the receiver so that I wouldn't have to mess with turning it on and off, but the cord is too short for that. That's a pretty minor gripe.

  • Reviewed by: 2douche


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: Adds great depth to movie sound without spending a fortune.


    Overall Evaluation: My brother tried to talk me into splurging several hundred dollars on a subwoofer, but I cheaped out and got this one. I have been very happy with it. Granted my judgement is in comparison to a sound system with no subwoofer, but I think this thing sounds supurb. There's such a huge difference in watching movies with this hooked up. If you're looking for a subwooofer at a reasonable price, I definitely recommend this one.

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