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Sennheiser Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones

Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones
Most recent User Reviews for

Sennheiser Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones

  • Reviewed by: bbiegel


    Duration of ownership: 2 Days

    Strengths: Very good sound, comfortable, simple recharging, easy set-up including auto-tuning, easy set-up, long range.

    Weaknesses:Large recharging base, high cost.

    Overall Evaluation: I needed wireless headphones for watching TV after the kids bedtime, and for other times when someone watching TV didn't want to disturb others. I did a lot of online research to choose ones that would work well. The Sennheiser RS 130 does indeed work well * good sound: clear, no discernable hiss * comfortable: I have worn the headsphones for up to 3 hours without discomfort * recharging whenever put on the base station * easy set-up: It just worked when I plugged it in, including auto-tuning to make sure the sound is clear * long range - when I walk around the house, the sound starts to get scratchy only at the far end, through 40 feet of walls and whatever is in them). These headphones are a bit expensive, and it would be nice if the base station were a bit smaller, but I expect to buy a second pair, for when my wife and I are both watching TV late at night. I have not tried using the headphones for other purposes such as listening to music remotely.

  • Reviewed by: brokerjack


    Duration of ownership: 14 Days

    Strengths: Convenience, easy set-up, easy to use

    Weaknesses:Sound quality

    Overall Evaluation: I'm ripping my vinyl and tapes onto my computer and editing them-- a lot of work. The Sennheiser RS 130 Wireless Surround Sound Headphones are a god-send compared to my wired headsets. The system was very easy to set-up and is a snap to use. The thing I love the most is the convenience of not being tethered to the computer/sound system. But, I disappointed with the background "hiss". It's more of an annoyance than a problem. So far it hasn't affected my ability to edit the songs properly. Hopefully, I discover a way to eliminate this noise.

  • Reviewed by: Sunshinerun59


    Duration of ownership: 3 Weeks

    Strengths: Clarity of sound.

    Weaknesses:Using this on my tredmill if the TV volume is turned too low I would get a bit of crackling sound. Disappeared when I turned the volume up a bit.

    Overall Evaluation: I purchased this to use while running on my treadmill. Before I had to turn the TV volume very high and now I can turn it very low. Everyone in the house is very happy.

  • Reviewed by: BKehaly_1143787195


    Duration of ownership: 55 Days

    Strengths: Ease of setup, uses multiple battery types, sound quality.

    Weaknesses:Multiple headphones take up some storage space. Never an issue with single headphone setup.

    Overall Evaluation: These headphones works as promised. They send sounds through walls and provide an exceptional listening experience. We have a bunch of boys and use up to four at one time with no problems. One of our first headphones had a hiss, but that was replaced under warranty and the replacement worked exceptionally well.

  • Reviewed by: skyfire


    Duration of ownership: 5 Days

    Strengths: The headset is comfortable. The price is reasonable. The SRS sounds really good.

    Weaknesses:The range seems to get weak at about 20 to 25 ft. You still get sound and if you stand in one spot the signal will eventually catch up to you.

    Overall Evaluation: Otherwise, the RS130 is impressive in everyway. I get a little sound weakness as some obstacles get between me and the transmitter, but the clarity otherwise is excellent. I would recommend this wireless headphones to anyone that love the freedom of walking around and experience pretty good SRS sounds without the dealing with wires.

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