Mother & Maiden Goddesses

A Celebration of the eternal bond that flows through Generations

Mother Demeter
Who makes the plants to grow
The animals to bring forth new life
The Seasons to change and bring warmth

Your beloved daughter was taken
Kore ~ Persephone the youthful maiden
Taken by Hades to live in the underworld
Leaving You, Demeter to cry bitter tears

With Your mourning, all life withers
Plants do not grow, there is no grain or fruit
Your sacred pomegranate does not flourish with magic
No animals are born, no human babies draw first breath

Mighty Mother Demeter
You wander the world in sadness
Cold, brittle Winter is born where you tread
We fear Your mourning will not end, but life will

Into the Underworld Demeter goes
Reclaiming Her daughter from Hades
Now, it is She who claims Kore for half the year
letting Hades retain Kore's company the other half

Soon, Kore rejoins Her Mother above ground
Life flourishes again, winter ends & gladness returns
An eternal bargain has been struck
The Seasons are born

Hail Mother Demeter
Who brings forth Life when Kore is near
And mourns Her absense half the year
Whose cycles of growth and rest touch all things
We celebrate Kore's joyous return time in the Spring

Sacred stories of the ancient bonds between Mothers and Daughters once filled the religious beliefs of the world's religions. The image of Mother and daughter was revered and called by many names. Today the best known of these are Demeter and Her beloved daughter Kore, also known as Persephone.

Other stories of Sister Goddesses have also become hidden beneath the Judeo-Christian bias toward sons, to the total exclusion of daughters, female friends and lovers. This omission of loyal female relationshops as archetypes was followed the negative stereotypes of females as rivals and competitors, rather than as allies, friends and mutual protectors. Older women were villifed as angry Hags, instead of the Wise Women they are.

Modern Goddess Culture is reclaiming the ancient sacred connections between women of all ages. The wisdom and sacred connections of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, in the guise of Hecate ~ Demeter ~ Kore ~ are again joyously bursting into our consciousness. We honor and celebrate them . . . We are them!

Demeter & Kore live in You

The sacred double spiral of DNA flows in each cell of our bodies. It is the thread of human life. It has been passed from parents to their children from the beginning of time. There is a very special DNA that is only passed on by daughters. Sons have this DNA but cannot pass it on to their children.

The "Demeter DNA", Mitochondrial DNA is the definer of biological families, and is only passed on by daughters to their own children. So in a very real sense, our family line is traceable biologically only through the connections of Mothers and Daughters.

DNA from the Beginning An easy to understand place to learn the basics about your genes and chromosones. We are our ancestors.

As the wheel of life turns, all women pass from the energy of Kore to Demeter to Hecate. The power of all three aspects combines to create the strength and endurance that has always characterized the Feminine Spirit. As we age, each stage brings special gifts, responsibilities and opportunities.

For the women who are not mothers of their own children, the Demeter stage manifests as mature womanhood. A time when women birth culture, community and art. As the "Keepers of Culture" women have always created rituals, traditions and stories that hold human culture together. The beauty of all three stages was revered in ancient times. In today's western society, too often only the Maiden is thought as beautiful. It is time to again learn to see the great physical and spiritual beauty of the Mother and the Crone. It is within them that full Feminine Wisdom resides.

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Spiral Goddess Grove Copyright Abby Willowroot 1998 ~ All right reserved (some flames excepted)
Additional artwork at this site Copyright TN Perkins.
Spiral Goddess Grove tm, and Goddess tm are Trademarked (TM) by Abby Willowroot
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Musical selections are by ENYA, and may be ordered from CDNow or by contacting us.SGG Products

Spiral Goddess Statue at top of this page is by Abby Willowroot and is available from Sacred Source

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