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Free-as-in-Beer Snacks from TechNet

TechNet recently launched free-as-in-beer "learning" snacks . Learning Snacks are short, interactive presentations about popular topics created by Microsoft Learning experts. Each Snack is delivered by using innovative Microsoft Silverlight technology

I Want My Hyper-V TV

Back in the day, we use to sing "I Want My MTV". Hyper-V TV is here: Video: All Hyper-V Video This search brings you all the video tagged Hyper-V across: MSN, AOL, MTV, Hulu, ESPN, YouTube, MySpace, Dailymotion, Metacafe. To search other video use http://search.live.com/video

I'm Warning You, I Have a Smartphone and I Am Not Afraid to Use It

Think of it as fire-and-forget ammo for those afflicted with "I am my brother's keeper" syndrome. Splogbane: If you are reading this on a blog other than http://blogs.technet.com/tonyso , why not stop patronizing a splog and come over to the original?

Springboard Blog

The Springboard content series on TechNet has a blog . AFAIK this is the first time a content series has started a blog, as opposed to a product group. Check it out and keep an eye on it around the PDC timeframe for announcements and information about

GTD: Take a Penny Applied to Outlook

You know those little dishes beside cash registers marked " Give a penny, take a penny "? It is one manifestation of the " pay-it-forward' meme. I give an extra penny from my transaction change now when I don't need it, and I take one later when I do.

IT Pros - 1, Marketing- 0

Well we can claim it anyway - the next version of Windows is named... Windows 7 :-) Read about it on Mike Nash's blog post: Introducing Windows 7 .

Word 2007 Redaction Tool

Writers rejoice,  Word 2007 version of the Word 2003 Redaction Add In has been posted. Read all about it http://blogs.msdn.com/microsoft_office_word/archive/2008/09/22/a-word-2007-redaction-tool.aspx

Captain Obvious: IMAPC

In case you didn’t know by now: See what the buzz is about: http://imapc.lifewithoutwalls.com/


The folks at live express it well.

New Virtualization RSS Feed

Free (as in beer) blog and Twitter aggregator (independent bloggers and 14 Microsoft bloggers on either TechNet or MSDN) for virtualization: VirtualizationFeed at http://www.virtualizationfeed.com/ . Most handy if you are a lover of aggregators.

Measuring Content Effectiveness (ROCI)

How do you measure the return on investment (ROI) on content? Let's call this concept Return on Content Investment (ROCI). Wikipedia provides a close approximation as relates to marketing: return on marketing investment (ROMI) . Senior Marketing Manager

Score 1 For the Customer

As reported on the Microsoft Education US Specialist Team Blog , user demand has resurrected Microsoft Producer . You can try out the prerelease version and give your feedback on http://connect.microsoft.com . For a clue about why the education market

TechNet/MSDN Facelift

I recently had a chance to chat with the manager of the design/edit team for TN/MSDN/Expression - Geoff Wheelwright. You can listen to the 8.5 minute podcast on the TechNet/MSDN Facelift . John Martin’s blog has some great behind-the-scenes info as well.

A (FREE) New Way to Find IT Pro Content

The UA team over at Operations Manager have just published a FREE System Center Content Search gadget for Vista. Built on Live Search macros , this gadget makes it easier to find help for Microsoft System Center products because it uses Live Search macros

Six Sigma for Content: Bugs in Writing

One of my favorite weekend pastimes is sailing. Garage sale-ing that is. (Note to self: that pun works better out loud than on screen…). Gslar.com has a nifty mapping app that allows me to chart a route to local garage sales , local estate sales, and
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