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Freshman lawmaker starts off with a bang

July 7, 2008
Wes Vernon
RenewAmerica analyst

Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) has been in Congress for barely a year, and already his activism on behalf of America's values has marked him as a lawmaker destined for leadership upon gaining more seniority.

That assumes the good conservative voters of Georgia's Tenth Congressional District will keep him here in Washington, where he has hit the ground running . . . [Click for more]

CNN runs biased news story covering up Obama's pro-abortion record

July 6, 2008
Matthew Balan

In a report on Monday's "The Situation Room" purporting to clarify how Barack Obama "really voted on abortion" (as the graphic on-screen at right stated), CNN correspondent Carol Costello misconstrued the Democrat's stance on legislation during his time in the Illinois state senate that would have protected infants that survived abortions.

Besides the two votes specifically mentioned by Costello in the report, Obama also voted against it at the committee level, and when he was committee chair, denied a simple up or down vote on the legislation . . . [Click for more]

Same sex 'marriage': illegal in all fifty states
Courts cannot make law

July 6, 2008
Gregg Jackson

About a month ago, the California Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, issued a declaratory opinion that Proposition 22, which states that, "Only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California," enshrined into statutory law by 61.4% of California voters in 2000 (over four million voters), was "unconstitutional" on the basis that "gender discrimination" violates the equal protection clause of the state constitution . . . [Click for more]

Evolutionists fear academic freedom

July 6, 2008
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown

Celebrate the courage of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal in the fight for freedom. He has shown tremendous courage in signing the Louisiana Science Education Bill, an important blow for academic freedom.

"Our freedom to think and consider more than one option is part of what has given America her competitive edge in the international marketplace of ideas," said biology scientist Caroline Crocker to the Louisiana House Committee on Education . . . [Click for more]

LAPD sued over alleged religious discrimination

July 6, 2008
Christian Post

An LAPD sergeant says that he was punished with disciplinary action and denied numerous pay raises and promotions because of his religious objections to homosexuality, according to a lawsuit recently filed against the city of Los Angeles.

Sgt. Eric Holyfield, who is a pastor during his off-duty hours, was quoted as saying that homosexuality was a "sin" and an "abomination" while presiding over a 2006 eulogy for a friend and fellow police officer . . . [Click for more]

Court acknowledges humanity of unborn child

July 5, 2008
Christian Newswire

Vision America Action President Dr. Rick Scarborough on Thursday hailed a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit acknowledging the humanity of the unborn child.

The 7-4 decision in Planned Parenthood v. Rounds upholds a South Dakota law requiring abortionists to notify women seeking an abortion in writing that "abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being" . . . [Click for more]

Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide

July 5, 2008
Jill Stanek

On June 25, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked conservative commentator Bill Bennett what question he would ask Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama if he could.

Bennett said he would ask Obama: "Why are you to the left of NARAL, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein when it comes to abortion? Are you really there? ... I got to question the guy's moral judgment who doesn't see a problem with killing a baby after it's been born. ... What is the answer to that question?" . . . [Click for more]

ACLU vying to stop Naval prayer

July 5, 2008

Do Americans want a military free of all religious influence?

That is the question being posed in response to a letter from the ACLU to the United States Naval Academy demanding that midshipmen not be allowed to pray before their noon meal.

For decades, lunch at the U.S. Naval Academy has been preceded by a brief, voluntary prayer . . . [Click for more]

From Buckley to Reagan (1960 - 1988)
A brief history of conservatism: Part 13

July 4, 2008
Fred Hutchison
RenewAmerica analyst

The last installment of this series (Part 12) ended with the nomination of Barry Goldwater for president in 1964. Senator Robert Taft, who was the preeminent conservative figure from 1938 to 1952, paved the way for Goldwater's rise. The young Goldwater was an enthusiastic foot soldier for Taft's conservative coalition.

However, by the time Goldwater ran for president in 1964, he was materially different in political philosophy from the late Robert Taft. In contrast to Taft's paleoconservatism, Goldwater had become an exemplar of "fusionism," which was a blend of traditionalism, libertarianism, and anti-communism . . . [Click for more]

Does patriotism matter?

July 4, 2008
Thomas Sowell

The Fourth of July is a patriotic holiday, but patriotism has long been viewed with suspicion or disdain by many of the intelligentsia. As far back as 1793, prominent British writer William Godwin called patriotism "high-sounding nonsense."

Internationalism has long been a competitor with patriotism, especially among the intelligentsia. H.G. Wells advocated replacing the idea of duty to one's country with "the idea of cosmopolitan duty" . . . [Click for more]

Why do we 'keep and bear arms'?

July 4, 2008
Larry Elder

A prominent 20th-century Democrat made the following statement about the purpose of the Second Amendment: "Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. ... The right of citizens to bear arms is just one guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard, against the tyranny which now appears remote in America but which historically has proven to be always possible" . . . [Click for more]

Court rules in favor of anti-abortion displays

July 4, 2008
Christian Post

The first and fourth amendment rights of two pro-life activists were violated when law enforcement officers ordered them to remove their truck from an area near to a school and "unreasonably" detained them for too long, according to a federal appellate court ruling Wednesday.

Although the 7-by-20-foot truck displayed graphic photos of aborted fetuses, the government "cannot silence messages simply because they cause discomfort, fear or even anger," concluded the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco . . . [Click for more]

'Gay' McDonald's prompts boycott

July 4, 2008

The American Family Association, whose earlier boycott of Ford Motor Co. over its promotion of homosexuality was dropped after company sales fell 8 percent per month for two years, now is asking consumers to stop buying Big Macs and Happy Meals at McDonald's.

In a brief announcement today, AFA, whose constituents number in the millions, said it is "asking its supporters to boycott the restaurant chain" . . . [Click for more]

Lawmakers' verdict: 'Don't starve woman'

July 4, 2008

Members of the Delaware House of Representatives have approved a resolution declaring "it is against the public policy of this state" for food and water to be withheld from a 24-year-old woman left with brain injuries following a drug overdose.

The case of Lauren Richardson is reminiscent of that of Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman who died after courts ruled doctors could follow her husband's orders to deprive her of food and water until she died . . . [Click for more]

As McCain panders, our borders crumble

July 4, 2008
Bay Buchanan

One year ago the American people soundly rejected amnesty for illegal immigrants. Across the nation, there was heavy sentiment against one if its principal supporters, John McCain. Last November Senator McCain shifted positions -- not abandoning amnesty but putting it instead on the back burner to a secure border. "I got the message," he explained, "I will secure the border first. That's what Americans want."

That was six months ago. Today John McCain, having captured the Republican nomination, seems intent on retreating to his old position, in spite of his promises to listen to the American people . . . [Click for more]

See also:

NEA still pushing liberal ideology

July 4, 2008
Baptist Press

Leaders of the National Education Association continue to advance a liberal political ideology that includes support of the homosexual agenda, as evidenced by news items surrounding the group's annual meeting in Washington.

About 9,000 delegates from the 3.2 million-member teachers' union are convening in the nation's capital July 1-6 . . . [Click for more]

See also:

New Mexico accused of violating 'free exercise' of religion
Appeal contests $6,600 fine for photographers who refused to perform 'gay' ceremony

July 4, 2008

The state of New Mexico is being accused of violating the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of "free exercise" of religion because of a ruling that a Christian husband-and-wife photography team must pay a $6,600 penalty for refusing to shoot pictures at a same-sex "commitment" ceremony.

The accusation comes in legal action brought by the Alliance Defense Fund over the penalty announced for Elane Photography . . . [Click for more]

Federal Marriage Amendment re-introduced in Senate

July 3, 2008
Christian Post

After the California Supreme Court's infamous ruling that approved gay "marriage" two months ago, pro-family advocates talked endlessly for the need to strengthen the institution of marriage at the national level with a federal amendment.

Last week, pro-family groups finally saw their prayers answered when Republican Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi re-introduced the Federal Marriage Act in the Senate for the first time since it stalled in the House nearly two years ago . . . [Click for more]

Chicago Tribune says repeal the Second Amendment

July 2, 2008

A Chicago newspaper's call to repeal the Second Amendment is an "unconscionable attack on the entire Bill of Rights and the freedoms it protects," the Second Amendment Foundation says.

In an editorial published on Friday, the day after the Supreme Court handed down its 5-4 ruling upholding the individual right to own firearms, The Chicago Tribune called the Second Amendment an "anachronism" that should be repealed . . . [Click for more]

See also:

Crackdown on Arizona illegals stirs national immigration debate

July 2, 2008
Fox News

Sheriffs in Phoenix, Ariz., have launched an aggressive crackdown on illegal aliens as part of a growing movement by local officials to help prevent illegal immigration.

Maricopa County sheriffs have instituted a zero tolerance policy -- knocking on doors and arresting those suspected of living in the country illegally . . . [Click for more]

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