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Apple iPod touch 8GB MP3 Player

iPod touch 8GB MP3 Player

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Most recent User Reviews for

Apple iPod touch 8GB MP3 Player

  • Reviewed by: SoahmZ


    Duration of ownership: 3 Weeks

    Strengths: wi-fi with a full web browser music preview on iTunes wi-fi store beautiful glass screen that is scratch resistant runs OS X mobile can be jailbroken to download and install many third party apps illegal to install iPhone apps

    Weaknesses:no Bluetooth no camera no iPhone apps built in, such as 'weather' firmware not as mature as other iPods Chrome back scratches easily (even a case can make a scratch on it) No charger included no way to disable the accelerometer

    Overall Evaluation: This is the first iPod that has ever caught my attention. As a Canadian resident with no way to lay my hands on the iPhone, the touch was the only way for me to experience the 'iphone multi-touch' experience. Overall, it is an amazing device; I consider it as the best flash based PMP on the market today. My only concern would be not having a camera; I don't see how the 'phones should have cameras and media players shouldn't ' theory works. Another thumbs ul to Apple and our friend Jobs

  • Reviewed by: sjdvda


    Duration of ownership: 3 Months

    Strengths: Multi Touch Interface, Coverflow, Cool Photo Display, Video Resolution, Wi-Fi, Safari Browser, Youtube, Good batery

    Weaknesses:No lyrics display

    Overall Evaluation: I bought this instead of a 3G iPod Nano, and I can tell thi one's much better! This is the coolest mp3 player around. I had a 2G iPod nano and was using the click wheel, but the multi-touch interface is SO COOL!! Recently many people have complained about the obligatory use of iTunes with the iPod but with me it's the other way rond, I bought my iPod because of iTunes!

  • Reviewed by: completegeek


    Duration of ownership: 1 Months

    Strengths: Crystal clear image. Love the wireless capability. The screen is great, still not a scratch on it. Love all the extras, too.

    Weaknesses:Somewhat short battery life when watching movies or using wireless. No camera.

    Overall Evaluation: Best iPod ever made. It doesn't even seem strange watching a movie because the image quality is so great. I could have used a bit more space and gone for the 16 Gig but it's not that big of an issue. The wireless browsing is great and I absolutely love the touch screen. I'm very happy with my purchase.

  • Reviewed by: Chip90


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: -Great User Interface-WIFI-Internet, email- Good Built

    Weaknesses:- Recessed headphone jack

    Overall Evaluation: All in all, this is a great device. I love how intuitive and easy to use it is. The way this handles pictures, music, video, and everything else is just great. One of the best things about the Ipod Touch is that it can browse the internet; the great thing is, it can zoom in on anything just right for you to read it.

  • Reviewed by: jgranato


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: User interface, WiFi, Ipod, Expandibility

    Weaknesses:Lacks External Speaker, Sharp Edging, Add-on Costs

    Overall Evaluation: This device may be called an iPod, but don't let that fool you. If you just want an iPod that you can play while your working or exercising this may not be your best choice since you need to see what your doing to control (unlike other mp3 players). But it is what the iPod touch does when your looking at it that is special. In addition to music this device has the capability to be so much more. Just checkout the Apple website for a tour. One not so nice development is that feature updates from Apple will need to be purchased. Apple's January updates cost earlier buyers an additional $20 to add them to the device. If your in the market to purchase this device be sure to know whether your device includes these updates. Amazon is currently selling both revisions at different price points.

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