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Apple iPod touch 8GB MP3 Player w/ January Software Upgrade

iPod touch 8GB MP3 Player w/ January Software Upgrade
  • Avg User Rating

    6 User Reviews
  • Price Range
    $199.00 - $335.05

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Most recent User Reviews for

Apple iPod touch 8GB MP3 Player w/ January Software Upgrade

  • Reviewed by: nc1967us


    Duration of ownership: 5 Days

    Strengths: Touch sreen, web surf, email, calendar, much better than mp3 player


    Overall Evaluation: The iPod Touch is AWESOME! My life is on it like if it had a camera && i could call and text on it((which by the way is everything the iPhone has)) but anyway if it had it i would like throw away my home phone, my cell phone, my ipod, and my computer because its so cool. its a must-have even though it may be a little expensive however its worth it

  • Reviewed by: normietrice


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: Design, Interface, Online Apps

    Weaknesses:Price, Smudges, Initial Load time, Video requirements

    Overall Evaluation: I went from an iPod mini to a Creative Zen Vision M to this iPod touch. Despite the negatives that most iPods have (price, lack of features, proprietary accessories), I wanted this because of the interface and design. They both deliver extraordinary. The touch is nice and thin with a huge screen. The touch interface is extremely intuitive. There's not even operating instructions included but it's very easy to pick up and figure out how to do things. The online apps like Safari, G-mail, and YouTube also work really well for the most part. Surfing the web on it seemed like it would be an eye strain but you can tilt the touch sideways and zoom in to alleviate tiny fonts. The price is pretty ridiculously high for the amount of GB that you get. The screen also becomes very smudgy fast, but thankfully you typically won't see them when the screen is on. The initial load time is also pretty long. Videos uploaded to the touch also have to meet pretty strict requirements. The iPod touch is an amazing device that is fun and easy to use. It's great for listening to music and also fantastic for its web capabilities.

  • Reviewed by: NoodleTech


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: lightweight, sleek, gorgeous, easy navigation of music, wifi, streamlined interface, good audio quality, good battery life

    Weaknesses:expensive, but you get what you pay for

    Overall Evaluation: The iPod touch is a breakthrough in the MP3 player market. I love the touch screen. It makes navigating through my music a breeze. The Wifi on the touch lets me browse the web, check my email, and watch youtube videos wherever there is a wifi hotspot. I can store tons of music and videos on this device. It is simply aweseme!

  • Reviewed by: blee12855


    Duration of ownership: 2 Weeks

    Strengths: Small, Portable, Fast, Easily connects to internet, touch screen,features

    Weaknesses:only 8GB

    Overall Evaluation: Great product!! The only thing different I would do is maybe upgrade to the 16GB. 8Gb is alittle small, especially when you want to hold a lot of music. Internet is surprisingly fast when connected to a wireless router. Price may be steep, but when you get for free buying a macbook, it's worth it.

  • Reviewed by: boyofrito


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: multi touch, ui, easy to use, thin, weight, screen, wifi

    Weaknesses:price, need of wifi (no edge/3G)

    Overall Evaluation: An overall amazing product, with the revolutionary multi touch user interface. it is so simple and easy to use, its amazing. i have no idea how Apple made it so thin! well, the only thing standing in your way is the price...

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