

From MozillaWiki

There are a number of features that are lacking from XUL that are hindering development for me. This is a place to collect these ideas and discuss them.

  • The editor should support xhtml. I have been pulling hair out for quite a while now trying to get XUL inside the mozilla editor. What it would basically ammount to is XUL's version of OLE or Opendoc. We should be able to embed XUL in documents we are editing! OLE has been around since windows 3.x at least! If mozilla wants to be an application platform of any creditability, we need this feature.

(XUL:Axel Hecht) This has nothing to do with the development of XUL. This is an editor request, please help Daniel Glazman on this, I think it's part of his plans.

  • Better intergration with the host OS's shell. If i'm on windows, I'd love to be able to minimise my XUL window to the system tray. There are reasons for and against this, but if XUL is going to be a real application platform, we should be able to d