Telegraph RSS feeds
Tuesday 1 July 2008
telegraph.co.uk Winner, Best Consumer Online Publisher, AOP Awards


Caradoc Court
Taking over a restoration project where another homeowner has already done the hard work could be a wise investment in the current market, says Katrina Burroughs.
Property renovation: The Old Rectory
By managing the renovation costs themselves, one family was able to bring a Victorian manor back to its full glory.
Basement swimming pool, Bedford Gardens, London W8
Romanesque columns and indoor waterfalls are just some of the dazzling designs to be found beneath well-appointed homes.
Solar powered heating can be a rip-off. Jeff Howell gives it to you straight.
Jeff Howell
Our experts solve your property problems.
David Snell on sewage.
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Bargain hunter: Viners cutlery
The best that money can buy.
Freebie of the week
Find a rated tradesperson
The room planner: Hunter fan
Paula Robinson's style tips. This week: How to keep cool in bed... get a fan.
Inside...Out: Coffee cups
It's time for two-tone. Rachel Loos sees everything in black and white.
The Fergusons
The urge to escape the big city remains as strong as ever. Caroline McGhie looks at the locations where the search for a better quality of life still powers the property market.
Provincial cities are weathering the storm. By Ross Clark.
Villages used as film and TV locations have irresistible star appeal for house-buyers. Zoe Dare Hall reports on the prize scene-stealers.
Lawns! Agas! Battlements! Views! Stone! And water, water everywhere...
Fancy a Cornish retreat where you can relax for the odd week or two? Lesley Gillilan finds one where you can enjoy the eco life.
In search of a chic second home? Zoe Dare Hall discovers what's on offer in Salcombe and beyond?
The gentle delights of Wedmore, in Somerset, find favour with Clive Aslet.
Aghios Nikolaos, a hotspot for exclusive villa developments
Buy in Crete before it hits the big time, says Liz Rowlinson.
Blind ignorance: the nature of the townie. Michael Wright reports from rural France.