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Brad Turner column
Brad Turner
Brad Turner resides with his wife outside Nashville, Tennessee. Brad is currently active in the Young Republicans of Rutherford County and is very involved in his church. He strongly believes in the conservative cause, and the foundations of truth our Founding Fathers represented. Brad can be contacted at

Brad Turner
August 15, 2007

(Originally published Feb. 25, 2007) It has been quite a while since I have written a column, but I have enjoyed the free-for-all that is American politics. . . .

Brad Turner
June 6, 2007

As I sit here and take a moment of pause to reflect on June 6th, 1944, I do so with mixed emotions that is the day. D-Day was perhaps our military's finest hour . . .

Brad Turner
February 25, 2007

It has been quite a while since I have written a column, but I have enjoyed the free for all that is American politics. You see, the game is never over and the . . .

Brad Turner
December 4, 2006

As we slowly fade away from the drama of the 2006 midterm elections, we see candidates already lining up for the next big event on the political landscape, . . .

Brad Turner
October 5, 2006

I'm sitting here reading more news stories of the Foleygate episodes that seem to be suffocating Washington for most of the last week. Now we are hearing . . .

Brad Turner
August 26, 2006

As I sit here writing this article, I have just returned from the Bob Pope gun show in Smyrna, TN. I went there to help a pro-gun local candidate hand out some . . .

Brad Turner
June 24, 2006

I'm sitting here typing this article after flipping through the news channels scanning the latest news of the day. Naturally, the story of the day is this  . . .

Brad Turner
June 3, 2006

Sir, I sit here writing you this letter as I read that your approval ratings have continued their downward spiral over the last 6-8 months and just shake my . . .

Brad Turner
April 22, 2006

I have recently been watching with interest as the individuals involved in the Minutemen project has made their way to Washington DC. I see the ultimatum they . . .

Brad Turner
March 25, 2006

As we begin to see the finish line known as the midterm elections of 2006, the most hotly debated issue outside of Iraq, is the illegal immigration issue. Many . . .

Brad Turner
February 21, 2006

For many Americans the thought of 9/11 has slowly drifted to the back of our collective consciousness, and we remember only the pictures of the Towers, and the . . .

Brad Turner
February 1, 2006

2006 marks a critical year for the cause of conservatism in America. With the Senate confirmation of Samuel Alito, who withstood blistering personal attacks . . .

Brad Turner
January 23, 2006

As I sit here reflecting on the legacy of Dr, Martin Luther King Jr., I am reminded that Dr. King had a unique vision. He had a vision that wasn't just for . . .

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