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Version: 4.82

Downloads Count: 132,221

License Type: Shareware

Price: $20

Date Added: Jun 12, 2006

Operating Systems: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 9.x, Windows Me, Windows XP

File Size: 1 KB

Author: BoilSoft

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Description of AVI/MPEG/RM/WMV Joiner

Multimedia mavens, rejoice: if you've been spending long hours with your video editing software, this program can help you regain the rest of your life. It lets you stitch together video clips of different formats (AVI, MPEG, Real Media, ASF/WMV) into one seamless, non-stop movie file. The program supports all major formats, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and Divx. You can join as many video files as you wish. And the program makes it a cinch to take apart and rearrange the clips into any sequence.

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