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Palm Tungsten E2 Handheld PDA

Tungsten E2 Handheld PDA
Most recent User Reviews for

Palm Tungsten E2 Handheld PDA

  • Reviewed by: SCPO15


    Duration of ownership: 8 Months

    Strengths: When first bought this was my answer to all of my desires. It had a crisp display and most of the features that I needed. Touch pad was extremely sensitive and accurate.

    Weaknesses:Eight months later, the touch screen malfunctioned. Could not enter data in the lower portion of the screen. No data could be entered except via computer interface. Tech support was NO help.

    Overall Evaluation: This really started out to be a great tool. I needed something like this to enter data for work. It really worked flawlessly for about eight months and then the trouble started. Tech support said to do a hard refresh and re center the touch pad. No joy Went back to them and got no response at all. WOULD NOT BUY ANOTHER PALM TOOL.

  • Reviewed by: nilsbabel


    Duration of ownership: 1 Years

    Strengths: Great functionality for a reasonable price

    Weaknesses:The screen makes a loud noise and Palm says its normal

    Overall Evaluation: When I first got my Tungsten E2 I loved it. It did everything I wanted and was easy to use. After about a year it all of a sudden developed a very loud buzz/hum from the screen. It is loud enough that everyone around me can hear it and it drives me nuts. I thought surely it must be malfunctioning and Palm should send me a new one. After a mandatory $25 customer service charge Palm told me that the screen noise is normal operating procedure for the E2 and refused to warranty it. However, they did say they could fix it for $125. Luckily I bought an extended warranty and have been trying to get it repaired through that. After two repair attempts I was finally told that I will be receiving a check for the cost of the unit. I definetly will not get another E2 and don't know if I should get another Palm. Be forewarned don't get the E2, it will develop a buzz.

  • Reviewed by: pyrokize


    Duration of ownership: 10 Days

    Strengths: Easy to use, easy to view, good color

    Weaknesses:No battery backup, Power cord doesn't make a solid connection.

    Overall Evaluation: This unit was provided with a Banks Tuner for a diesel pickup as a remote tuner. It kept shutting off causing me to giggle the power cord and reboot the system constantly. It finally shut down and I was unable to get it restarted. It was covered under the warranty and I am currently waiting for a replacement unit, but this all happened in less than a years time from date of purchase. I'm hoping the replacement unit holds up better.

  • Reviewed by: nyyanks81


    Duration of ownership: 6 Months

    Strengths: Has easy to use features/touch screen

    Weaknesses:It should have better apps. The case should be sturdier and should hold the entire Palm rather than just a flap

    Overall Evaluation: I think this would be better if it had the official full featured microsoft office programs. Overall its simple and easy to use. Basic office features are included, just the essentials for an organizer.

  • Reviewed by: stanikin


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: large display, easy to navigate, display layout.

    Weaknesses:software is unstable, can't use 2 gig SD card, music player functions are too basic, expense software is limited.

    Overall Evaluation: I've had my unit for 3 months it has been nothing but trouble. The device keeps getting a fatal error requiring me to do hard resets. Be aware that the system only works with a 1 gig or less SD cards. I would not recommend this product due to the unstable software and limited functionality.

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