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Samsung SH-S182D Dual Layer DVD±RW Writer

SH-S182D Dual Layer DVD±RW Writer

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Most recent User Reviews for

Samsung SH-S182D Dual Layer DVD±RW Writer

  • Reviewed by: DigiTrash


    Duration of ownership: 1 Weeks

    Strengths: It burns DVDs well I tested up to 12x was working great

    Weaknesses:It can't read any DVD-R even after updating firmware which was just released this month but no luck

    Overall Evaluation: This drive burns much better than its older model of 16x but it can't read DVD-R disks also can't read some Verbatim DVD+R even after updating firmware but I got no go on reading I'm not the only one having this problem if you do a google search you'll find many more!

  • Reviewed by: sujitpal2000


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: Fast Burning Speed.Low noise mode is effectiveOverall a great product and a good value


    Overall Evaluation: This is a good product . I purchased it from mwave.com, it did not have any wires or software., but it was a good price. I downloaded DVD software from download.com

  • Reviewed by: jts8176


    Duration of ownership:

    Strengths: Works great. Installed in minutes. and I started using it immediately.


    Overall Evaluation: I checked this drive out on several hardware sites before buying. It's a two sheep burner and is one of the few drives that supports Mt. Rainer. You won't be disappointed with this one.

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