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Resources for parents


Bring The National Archives to you and your children

Online exhibitions

You can look at some of our records on the internet thanks to our online exhibitions. The displays cover various periods using photographs, documents and film. Explore what it has meant to be a citizen throughout a millennium of British history, take a stroll around Tudor Hackney, or read accounts of the Dambusters raid written by the airmen who returned.

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Treasures of The National Archives

These highlights of The National Archives collection are rewarding to dip into and can be a useful resource for students' research.


Take a break and send an e-card for free

We have over 50 e-cards to choose from. You can enter your family or friend's name and email address, and add a personalised greeting.

Send an e-cardGo

Do a jigsaw puzzle

We have selected some of the fascinating images available from The National Archives, cut them up and made them into puzzles.



Send and receive coded messages with a real cipher used by French spies.

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Just for kids

Links to games and some information about The National Archives, written for children GoGo




Get the best from the Learning Curve website

What is the Learning Curve?

Learning Curve is a completely free history website for learners and teachers of history. It is an online resource, based on the extraordinary range of documents held at The National Archives, spanning 1000 years of British and world history. There are snapshots, in-depth investigations, activities and games - all featuring original sources from the National Archives. The site is designed to support the National Curriculum from key stage 2 to 5.

How can children, parents or carers use it?

We provide ideas for how you can use these resources to help inspire and encourage your child with their homework, exam revision, or even just to have some fun learning history.

Perfect for those busier times are our snapshots, which are lesson-sized activities, based around a small number of original sources. They vary from the introduction of School Dinners to analysing the 1966 World Cup

For more in-depth content, have a look at our exhibitions. They are organised into galleries and case studies that investigate a particular question or theme related to the topic. As they are flexible, you do not need to work through a whole exhibition. Help your child to think about and explain major world events like the Great War or the creation of the British Empire.

Have some fun together with our Tudor Joust game or download our Tudor screensavers: Bradford Table Carpet screensaver and Sailing ship screensaver.

Learning Curve Parents and Carers page GoGo