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Already a Part-Time Entrepreneur? - 6 Tips to Survive Running a Part-Time Business

Do you know what I really think? Part-time entrepreneurship is for hard-core workaholics with nothing else to do except work. Most normal humanoids would rebel against giving up their lunch breaks or after-office martinis to slave over the latest financial figures and think about ways to expand the business. I should know.

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Be A Part-Time Entrepreneur - Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Doing Your Business Part-Time

You don't always have to go into entrepreneurship full-time. If you have a business idea, maybe it's best that you take it for a test drive before taking the step forward. Is part-time entrepreneurship for you? Here are three reasons that tell you why.

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Ideas Above My Station

Inventor Advice

I've gradually become aware, over the course of my last 500 or so ideas, that there are several modes of thinking from which ideas for inventions emerge.

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Experiences, Our Best Invention Resources

Inventor Advice

Where does an inventor who wants to innovate, create and improve products seek out their best potential? Must we re-tool our thinking and change often? Where do our ideas come from and where do we look for them?

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The Genius of Wile E. Coyote

Inventor Advice

There have been numerous Inventors throughout the ages that have helped push human progress to the next level. I want to discuss one such Inventor that has been sadly overlooked. His name is Wile E. Coyote.

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Writing the Business Plan

Inventor Contest

To succeed in business, you must have a business plan. Business plans serve as the roadmap for your start-up. It also helps the entrepreneur view the economic viability of his proposed business by analyzing its various aspects.

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Educating Your Market: The Problem With New Inventions

Inventor Advice

New inventions are difficult to market. Why? Because despite its many features designed to help the average Joe, in reality, you will always have to educate your target audience for your invention.

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So You're an Inventor.. Can you be an Entrepreneur?

Inventor Advice

Just about anyone can have an idea. Not everyone, however, is an inventor. The truth is most people are just content to have their big idea sitting pretty in some cobwebbed portion of their brain--

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Patent Pending in One Hour…Without An Attorney

Inventor Advice

Our Guest Blogger, Andrew Knight, J.D., is a Registered Patent Agent, graduate of MIT and Georgetown Law, university instructor, and owner and inventor of 13 issued U.S. patents and 15 pending patent applications. He is the instructor of Do-It-Yourself Provisional Patent™ and Do-It-Yourself Patent Course™, available at www.PatentDVD.com. He had some great advice about patent rights to share with readers of InventorSpot.com.

Here's his article: read more »

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Patent rights begin when a patent issues on an invention, and the only way to get a patent is to file a nonprovisional patent application.

What to Do If You Think You Have Been Scammed By An Invention Submission Company

Inventor Advice

Dr. Natalie L. Petouhoff , our Guest Blogger, is a blonde rocket scientist. She consults with companies like Microsoft and Apple and is often asked to appear on TV talk shows commenting on technology and how it makes our life easier, better and simpler. Dr. Nat also teaches in Pepperdine's business school, coaches inventors and is the author of the upcoming book: Smart Inventors Finish Rich: Ten Steps to Reaching the American Dream.

She wanted to share some important information about the inventing process with the readers of InventorSpot.com. Here's her article:

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What to Do If You Think You Have Been Scammed By An Invention Submission Company

Why Invention Submission Companies Are Still In Business ...

Inventor Advice

Dr. Nat L. Petouhoff , our Guest Blogger, is a blonde rocket scientist. She consults with companies like Microsoft and Apple and is often asked to appear on TV talk shows commenting on technology and how it makes our life easier, better and simpler. Dr. Nat also teaches in Pepperdine's business school, coaches inventors and is the author of the upcoming book: Smart Inventors Finish Rich: Ten Steps to Reaching the American Dream.

She wanted to share some important information about the inventing process with the readers of InventorSpot.com. Here's her article:

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Why Invention Submission Companies Are Still In Business if they are NOT Really in the Business of Putting Your Product on the Marketplace

American Inventor: Who Is The Real Winner?

Every once in awhile, I run into a three-dimensional, walking, talking and, most of all, hard-working soul, who embodies the qualities that make inventors successful. This time it's Robert ("Bobby") Amore who, with his "Toner Belt," made it to the round-of-twelve in season one of American Inventor (ABC, 2006). Bobby just happens to be one of the few contestants from season one and two who has reached the mass market with his product... now being sold as the "Walk n' Burn." read more »

A Product Brand is Hard to Get and Essential to Keep

Branding is a challenge. Branding is about creating and spreading ideas, messages, and experiences.

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Our Guest Blogger, Ashton Udall, is a partner at Global Sourcing Specialists, a product development and sourcing firm that assists businesses, inventors, and start-ups tap overseas resources to succeed in the global economy.

Recently, he wrote an article on the importance of branding which we thought the readers of InventorSpot.com may enjoy. Here's his article: read more »

20 Things You Should Not Do Before Starting Your Business

Inventor Advice

Too often, many would-be entrepreneurs spend all of their time planning their corporate structure, getting all of the necessary permits, licenses, bank accounts, and doing all of the other minutiae of business before they actually figure out whether or not they actually have a product or service that someone will pay for. read more »

Amazing Inventions for the Year 2020 by Philips

Clothing That Lights Up When You DoClothing That Lights Up When You Do

You may wonder where Philips Electronics, the company that makes reliable TV's, close shaving razors, and innovative light bulbs, is going these days, now that it's been recognized as a fashion innovator by Time Magazine. Experimenting with futuristic concepts, Philips is enlisting the public's involvement, an innovative strategy designed to beat the invention failure rate.

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The Importance of Getting a "Patent Pending" for Your Invention

Inventor Jim LowranceInventor Jim Lowrance

Our Guest Blogger, Jim Lowrence, is an inventor who successfully marketed, licensed and sold his inventions to stores like Wal-Mart and Bass Pro Stores . Jim now helps other inventors through his inventor consulting business, as well as work as a self-employed salesman.

Jim wanted to share his invention story and the things he learned along the way with the inventors at InventorSpot.com in a series of articles. Here's his second article on patents: read more »

Entrepreneur Creates "Kinko's For Inventors!"

Most inventors dream of licensing their inventions to big companies and then sitting back and collecting their royalties. But for entrepreneurial inventors, the invention or idea is but a part of a large business plan. Maybe Jim Newton, founder of Tech Shop, didn't have a grand business plan when he started his own dream shop just a year ago, but he sure does now!

Read about what Jim Newton has created and about how he approaches his inventions... read more »

Advice from the Inventor of the Rod Floater

Inventor Jim LowranceInventor Jim Lowrance

Our Guest Blogger, Jim Lowrence, is an inventor who successfully marketed, licensed and sold his inventions to stores like Wal-Mart and Bass Pro Stores . Jim now helps other inventors through his inventor consulting business, as well as work as a self-employed salesman.

Jim wanted to share his invention story and the things he learned along the way with the inventors at InventorSpot.com in a series of articles. Here's his first article: read more »

Inventor, Entrepreneur, Salesperson, Spy...

Yes, I absolutely recommend that every inventor who's decided to go out on his own with his invention spy on other companies. Spy on all the businesses that have great products, great service and great reputations, and figure out what they're doing right. Put your detective hat on, smoke a pipe, do whatever it is that gets your own product and ego out of the way while you discover what makes other companies successful.
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Trippin’ The Green Fantastic Casting Calls

Invented anything “green” lately? Good! How about showing the rest of us what your eco-creation can do on Trippin’ The Green Fantastic. Trippin the Green Fantastic is a new environmental TV series coming to the Science Channel in the late fall. The show is a team effort between the Science Channel and Peace Point Entertainment Group. The goal: to find inventors who have made life a little greener with their eco-inventions. read more »