Educating Entrepreneurs

• Apr. 18, 2008 - Are you gifted?




If you missed our real estate conference this weekend, don’t worry. We’re in the process of making them available for you now. It was a GREAT event!

On another note, one of my very best friends (who is a member of Armand’s mastermind group that I’m in AND who beat me to win Armand’s car in his bi-annual Better Your Best Business Contest) is an ADD/ADHD doctor. He’s also one of the guest experts for one of our new sites.

He wants to show you how having ADD is really a gift and how to recognize it.

My friend Dr. Kenny Handelman and Dr. Edward Hallowell are co-hosting an 8-part tele-seminar series called Unwrapping the Gift of ADD.

These doctors have pulled together an outstanding faculty of ADD experts who will share with you the strength-based approach to ADD and ADHD.

The experts you’ll hear include:
*Dr. Edward Hallowell: “Unwrapping the Gift of ADD”
*Garret Loporto: “The DaVinci Method”
*Kathy Kolbe: “What is ‘conation’ and how to discover your strengths”
*Dr. Peter Jensen, Top ADD researcher: “How to Make the System Work for Your Child with ADD”
*Catherine Corman, co-author of ‘Positively ADD’: “Succeeding with ADD”
*Sari Solden: “Strategies to Help Women with ADD”
*Dr. Kenny Handelman: “The ‘Differences’ Rather than ‘Deficits’”

A board of experts will also discuss the nature of ADDA as well a strategies that work to help you unwrap your gift of ADD!

The best part is… you can secure your spot for this breakthrough event at no cost!

Just go here to register now:

But – there are only 479 seats and I didn’t get this out to you when I should have because I was in Huntsville so not all of those seats are still available.

So go here right now to reserve your spot before they fill up!

After you secure your spot, consider purchasing the recordings and bonuses so you can learn from this material over and over again. (We got you a homeschooler’s discount!)

You’ll love Dr. Kenny Handelman!

So many books, so little time...

who hopes you’ll register for this event (while you still can…)
because what Dr. Handelman has put together here can help
you in your path to succeeding with ADD/ADHD
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• Apr. 7, 2008 - Are You Financially Healthy?


Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

*Are You Financially Healthy?
*Finding Private Money to Invest
*Learn Internet Marketing from My Mentor
*Stay in Touch!
*Creating Financial Wellness

Are You Financially Healthy?

Are you able to help your family and friends with their
financial emergencies when necessary?

Does your income continue when you’re not “working”?

Are you in control of your finances or are your finances
in control of you?

If you didn’t answer yes to these three questions, you
may suffer from a common ailment that saps the strength
of people everywhere. You may not be financially healthy.

Here’s a more important question.

With the country headed in a crazy economic direction,
are you preparing your children well enough for the
inflation that lies ahead?

If you’re not, join me on the phone Tuesday, April 8 at
9 PM Eastern Time to learn where to start.

The number to call is 1-605-475-4150

The passcode is 21414#

Scroll to the bottom to read more about Creating
Financial Wellness.

Finding Private Money to Invest

If you missed my call last week with Lance Edwards
on How to Find Private Money to Invest,
just visit
to download it and take it with you.

Lance will be one of our guest experts at Real Estate
Days next weekend. It’s not too late to join us!


Learn Internet Marketing from My Mentor

If you want to learn how to turn that computer of yours
into an ATM, here’s where to do it: the Big Seminar.

If you go as my guest, I’ll take you to dinner on Friday
night so let me know if you go.

Learn more here:

Keep In Touch!

To keep up with all our courses and projects, enter your
name and email address in the box at the left.


Creating Financial Wellness

It’s marvelous that God has given moms and dads
throughout America the vision to educate their children
at home. It takes a huge sacrifice to make it work either
part-time or full-time.

But the more I interact with homeschoolers, the more
I see how there is so much more we can do than what
most of us are doing.

We attend workshops on selecting the right grammar
program and we study books on how to teach multiple
levels of children simultaneously. But we tend to focus
so much on the details and the subject matter that we
don’t see the bigger picture.

Most of us simply replicate what we learned in traditional
school which was designed to move a large mass of students
through a particular amount of information. Basically,
traditional schools train good employees.

That’s fine. Our country needs good employees. It can’t
survive without them.

But what if God hasn’t called your child to be an “employee”?

What if God has something special for your child to do?

What if your child is gifted and with a little freedom and
mentoring would be the next Thomas Edison or Mozart
or Albert Einstein?

If you’re child regularly complains that what you’re doing
isn’t relevant to life, don’t accuse him of being rebellious.
It may be that he or she beginning to experience vision
for his or her own life.

That’s a good thing. That’s what we want. We don’t want
to squash that.

Maybe God put something in that child’s life to do and
the child senses that assignment in his heart and needs
to pursue it.

Maybe the education you “think” he needs isn’t sufficient.

Maybe he needs more.

How do you know if it is?

Good question. Sometimes, you don’t.

I could talk about this for hours. And if you want to join
me on the call Tuesday, I’ll answer your questions.

But for now, let me just give you one thought to ponder.

Who taught you how to buy a house?

Answer: Nobody.

And if you paid full retail, you did it wrong.

The largest purchase most folks make in their life is
usually made with absolutely no training. The only
advice most of us got was from someone who was
either trying to sell or finance the house, right?

How do we know we can trust that advice?

We don’t.

When it comes to real estate, you don’t know what
you don’t know, yet no one ever takes Basic Real Estate

Well, I challenge you to add that to your high school

Problem is: Education is not available. How can you
know who to trust?

Well, that is exactly why I have created a weekend real
estate investing event with 10 experts who know what
they’re doing and how to make it easier by using the

You won’t find folks like these just anywhere. They are
extremely rare because of what they know.

If you think you can’t afford to attend an educational
event like this, you are probably not as financially healthy
as you think you are.

Real Estate investors are.

Until you understand the mindset of an investor, you’ll
never be financially healthy no matter how much you
earn in a year.

That’s what you’ll learn when you attend our upcoming

Plus, this is the only real estate event I’ll probably ever
produce so if you truly want your teens to be educated
to be financially healthy, try to make it.

Are you ready to improve your financial health?

Here’s where to learn how:

Let’s make it happen next weekend in Huntsville, Alabama!

So many books, so little time...

who wants to see America’s home educated kids think
differently so they can change the world

P.S. Whether you can make it to our event or not, make
sure you teach your kids how to buy a house.
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• Mar. 26, 2008 - Learn commercial real estate Thursday night

If you think residential real estate is cool,
just wait till you find out what you can do with

Tomorrow night, Thursday, March 27, John Childers
will tell you how years ago, one good mentor took
him from being broke to becoming a millionaire in
just 3 years.

John will be one of our guest experts at our upcoming
Real Estate Seminar for families in Huntsville,
Alabama on April 11-13.

There, he will also teach about Asset Protection and structuring your entities correctly. (His son is an

If you are planning to attend this once-in-a-lifetime
event but haven't registered yet, make sure to reserve
your hotel room before Friday.

I think there are only two rooms left in our block so
if you are still thinking about coming, make sure you
grab a room ASAP.

(And yes, you definitely want to stay IN the hotel
where the conference takes place.)

There are no other hotels in the area and the Holiday
Inn, where the event will take place, is in the parking
lot of the Madison Square Mall in walking distance to
Circuit City, Best Buy, Longhorn Steakhouse, Macaroni
Grill, Barnes and Nobles and the food court in the mall ...
not to mention, the MALL!

We are never hosting another real estate event so if you
are serious about your teens getting real education from
real successful godly, Christian mentors, here is your opportunity!

See it!

Don't miss it!

Oh, and the number for tomorrow night's call with John
Childers at 9 PM Eastern Time is 1-605-475-4150.

The passcode is 21414#.

I'll talk to you soon!

So many books, so little time...

who wonders if you have ever been invited to attend a homeschool real estate investing seminar hosted by any
other home schooler ... hmmm....

There isn't one! Learn more about real high school here:


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• Mar. 21, 2008 - Create a Real Estate System with the Net

Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:
Use the Internet to Create a Real Estate System
Call Info on Learning to Buy Real Estate Notes
Learn How to Podcast
Stay in Touch!
Attend the Big Seminar
Is the Economy Collapsing?

Learn to Use the Internet to Create a Real Estate System

I don’t know very many real estate investment teachers who have figured out how to use the Internet as well as Larry Goins has.

He as created a system that is so efficient, he can sell houses in a flash.

Here are just a few things Larry teaches:
How to find properties online faster than your competition
How to buy and sell without ever looking at a property
How to duplicate your business by hiring others to work for you
Why and how to set up your database correctly for maximum results and automation
How to use the technology many large corporations use to automate your business
How to sell your properties in 2 hours or less
How to build your dream team at lightening speed
How to have multiple Realtors calling you every week with wholesale deals
How to buy & sell 3-5 houses a month working only 1-2 days a week
If you’re looking for a real estate mentor, I want you to get to know Larry. I’ll be talking with him on the phone this Tuesday night, March, 25 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

To join me, call 1-218-339-7800

The password is 365981#

If you want to learn how to use the Internet to invest in real estate, you’re going to love meeting Larry! Don’t miss this call!
Plan to meet him at our live event in Huntsville, Alabama on April 11-13 where he is one of our featured guest experts:


Learn to Buy Real Estate Notes

If you missed my call with real estate investor Donna Bauer on how to buy and sell mortgage notes, it is now uploaded.

Just go to and scroll to her picture.

Plan to meet her in person at our 3-day family real estate conference in Huntsville, Alabama on April 11-13, 2008.

Learn How to Podcast

Two of my favorite people in the whole world are hosting an amazing opportunity for you to learn how to make money podcasting.

Each year, Alex Mandossian and Paul Colligan teach a 6-module series called Podcast Secrets about how to monetize Podcasts.Podcasting gives you more reach, faster, better, more conveniently and with less human effort. If this interests you, register for their 2+ hour Tele-Training for $20 here:

These guys are geniuses.


Keep In Touch!

To keep up with all our courses and projects, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Attend the Big Seminar

If you would love to learn more about Internet marketing, go with me to my mentor’s Big Seminar.

Dinner Friday is on me when you register as my guest. Just let me know you’re going.

Learn more here:


Is the Economy Collapsing?

I’m starting to get emails from people telling me to cash in all my assets to get away from banks with as much cash as possible.

“The end is coming so be prepared,” they say.

Something is happening in our country, you can feel it. And I agree that we are near the end. But no one knows when anything is going to happen.

Some are saying the American economy is collapsing.

It may be.

Some are saying that banks are collapsing.

They may be.

Some are saying that what is about to happen is worse than the 1929 Depression.

It may be.

If any of this is true, it is urgent that we start creating our own sources of income.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, said, “Divide your portion to seven or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.” (Ec. 11:2)

That means, “Don’t put all your economic eggs in one basket.”

If you have a job, you could get laid off. If you have one source of income, it could end.

So diversify slowly by doing one thing at a time to create streams so that if one dries up, six others are still providing income.

One of the best ways to do that, (and which has created 70% of the financially free in America) is real estate.

You can create cash quickly if you know how to do it.

You don’t need money to buy a house, you need education.

The Proverbs 31 woman was a real estate investor. She “considered a field and bought it.”

If you think women are only supposed to cook, clean and birth babies, think again. Get the mind of Christ on this topic. What is a woman to do when her husband dies at age 47, or 36 or 25.

It’s happening way too often these days.

Look at how God made women to be so able to multi-task.

If you want to create streams of income, or if you have teenagers in the house that you would like to prepare to be financially free in our unstable economic world, teach them the basics of real estate in high school.

I don’t know anywhere else for families and homeschoolers to get real estate education for the Internet except one place. That’s because we put it together.

We have invited family-friendly experts to teach you what to know at a live 3-day event where teens are welcome.

If the future scares you, prepare for it now.

Take your teens to our once-in-a-lifetime conference on April 11-13, 2008 in Huntsville, Alabama.

Don’t let the distance or timing keep you from being there. This information could change your life.

We’re never hosting this event again so if you are interested in real estate and are looking for wise mentors, don’t miss this opportunity. You’ll kick yourself when you hear what others who attend say.

If the economy really is about to collapse, it’s time to focus on the essential, forget about the trivial, and learn to hear the voice of Jesus because our trust can only be in Him.

If you’re ready to learn more about real estate, get real education here:

I hope to see you in Huntsville!

So many books, so little time...

who thinks it won’t do any good to worry; instead, get ready

P.S. Learn more here:

P.P.S. You are welcome to forward this to your friends.
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• Mar. 17, 2008 - Learn to buy and sell discounted notes


If you would love to learn how to invest in rest estate using the Internet, join me Tuesday night to learn how to buy and sell discounted notes.

I’ll be talking with Donna Bauer, America’s leading expert on discounted notes.

Donna will also be one of our featured experts at our upcoming family Real Estate seminar April 11-13 in Huntsville, Alabama.

To learn more about how you can do what she does, join me Tuesday, March 18 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

The number to call is 1-218-339-7800

The passcode is 365981#

Learn more:

I’ll talk to you Tuesday!

So many books, so little time...


who seriously believes every high school junior and senior should

be required to attend this educational event

P.S. We’re never hosting another real estate event so don’t miss this one!

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• Mar. 4, 2008 - Want to Learn Real Estate?


If you want real education about real estate investing, this is the homeschool event of the year.

Real Estate Days is a 3 day family event for anyone who wants to learn how to invest in real estate using the Internet from a Christian perspective.

10 expert teachers will teach 10 different aspects.

Topics are:

Buying and selling pre-foreclosures

Buying and selling foreclosures

Buying and selling bank-owned properties

The art of the short sale

How to create the ultimate buying and selling machine

How to sell houses on ebay and get the price you want

How to make $500 a month as a real estate Virtual Assistant

Investing in commercial real estate

Where to find private financing

How to create a passive monthly income without leaving the house

How to create true financial wealth

And more!

The event is in Huntsville, Alabama on April 11-13, 2008.


Want to know what others have said?

“Rhea Perry is the Mark Victor Hansen of the homeschool world. If you want to train your kids or yourself to work from home, she can help.”

Mauricio Martinez

Longmont, Colorado


The Early Bird Special registration price ends midnight, Sunday, March 9.

Join the affiliate program to earn 50%. Top Affiliate wins an extra $500.

Learn more here:


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• Feb. 23, 2008 - Learn Product Creation



Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

*Learn Product Creation at our Protégé Day

*Learn the Art of the Short Sale

*Set Up Your Own Web Store

*Deadline: Your Sponsorship Business Class

*The Value of Apprenticeship

Protégé Day Provides Private Product Creation Education

If you want to learn how to create products for the Internet and just don’t know where to begin, here’s your answer.

On Thursday, April 10, the day before our family real estate conference on April 11-13 in Huntsville, Alabama, I’ve invited some of our conference experts to work with my tech team to show you exactly how to do it.

Using the Internet is not hard but there are lessons to learn before you jump in and waste your money. I want to save you the trouble by showing you how to do it in real time with real experts.

Plus, the information you will get from the speakers that day will be life-changing.

But wait! There’s more!

I just had to say that! ;)

You will also get the right to sell the product we create and KEEP ALL THE MONEY!

You don’t have to share it with anyone!

I’ll explain all the details on the phone this Tuesday.

If you are ready for more than just a conference, if you and your family are looking for a community of entrepreneurs who are all headed in the same direction – straight toward financial freedom – then listen to my call this Tuesday night, February 26 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

I’ll also explain the agenda for our Protégé Day and answer all your questions.

The number to call is 218-339-7800

The passcode is 365981#

You can learn more here:

Don’t forget to bring the kids! THIS is real education!

The deadline for the Early Bird registration is midnight, Sunday, March 2.

I’ll talk to you Tuesday!


Learn to the Art of the Short Sale

Last week, we were supposed to interview Donna Bauer about buying and selling mortgage notes but you know how life goes. Things don’t always work out as planned.

So instead, we had Graham Treakle tell his story of how, as a banker, he became involved with buying properties with Short Sales.

If you missed that call, you can listen to it here:

Look for the audio button near his picture.


Set Up Your Own Web Store

If you missed my call two weeks ago about setting up your own web store full of affiliate products, you can listen to it here:


Last Chance to Learn How to Create Your Own Sponsorship Business

The deadline to register for Linda Hollander’s 4-week Sponsorship business class on starting your own sponsorship business is this week so if you plan to take it, register soon!

Her class begins on Wednesday, February 27.

Use this coupon code (245562) to get $100 off the training:

Listen to our call here:

If you decide to take the class, let me know.

I want to hire an independent contractor to help me find corporate sponsors.


The Value of Apprenticeship

This past Thursday, we completed our Writing for the Web class and are already getting posts thanking us for the cool online education.

Now the folks who watched the Webinars and did their homework have started apprenticing with some web site owners to get some practical hands-on training.

The VA's who took our Virtual Assistant class at the end of last year are now in their second phase of apprenticeship.

They all seem to be loving it!

Plus, they are learning so much from those they are serving.

People often ask me why I expect our students to be involved in an apprenticeship. They question its value and wonder if we are just trying to get some free work out of the newly-trained students.

That’s because this country has forgotten the concept of true education that results from apprenticing with a master or someone who is more knowledgeable about a topic.

In early America, that’s how most of the craftsmen were trained.

That’s the principle behind medical and legal internships.

Mentors can teach a wide variety of topics so don’t limit your scope when looking for great education.

In education, it’s very valuable to have access to someone who knows more about the subject than you do.

In fact, having a mentor cuts your learning curve by years because they can steer you away from the mistakes they’ve made.

So whenever you get the opportunity to participate in an apprenticeship, realize that the good you will get out of it way outweighs the amount of work you have to do for someone that is seemingly “free.”

The experience you get is one thing; but the contacts and association you make with the mentor is often way more valuable than the skill you learn.

Don’t forget, in business, it’s not what you know that counts, it’s who knows you!

So many books, so little time...


who thinks everyone should teach at least one class in their life and mentor one other person

P.S. Learn more here:

P.P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.
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• Feb. 15, 2008 - Learn to Buy Real Estate Notes


Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

  • Learn to Buy Real Estate Notes

  • Want Your Own Web Store?

  • Your Sponsorship Business Call Info

  • Deadline: Linda Joseph’s Web Design Class

  • Stay in Touch!

  • Christian Affiliate Marketing Association Gospel Brunch

  • Attend a Live Event with Your Teens

Learn to Buy and Sell Real Estate Notes at Our Live Event!

Did you know that you can invest in real estate without even looking at a property?

People buy and sell notes on mortgages all the time and it is a very lucrative way to invest.

One of the best teachers on this topic in America is Donna Bauer and guess what?

She will be one of our guest experts at our upcoming event in Huntsville, Alabama on April 11-13, 2008.

Meet her on the phone this Tuesday and feel free to ask her your questions.

The number to call is  218-339-7800


The passcode is 365981#


To learn more about this event to learn how to combine real estate with the power of the Internet, go to

And don’t forget, you can bring the kids!

Register before midnight, March 2 to take advantage of the Early Bird Special!

And sign up for our affiliate program so you can earn a commission on anyone not in the family, who attends because of your invitation.


Info for Your Own Web Store

If you missed my call last Tuesday night with Bruce Safran, Len Thurmond and Martin Wales about how to have your own online store full of affiliate products, you can listen to it here:



Your Sponsorship Business Call Info

There is still time to register for Linda Hollander’s class on starting your own sponsorship business.

Her 4-week class begins February 27 so if you want to learn how you can create a significant income helping others find sponsors, don’t miss this class!

Use this coupon to get $100 off the training: 245562 at this site:

Listen to our call here: .

If you decide to take the class, let me know. I want to hire an independent contractor to help me find corporate sponsors.


Deadline for Linda Joseph’s Web Design Class

To be truly educated in the Information Age, you really need to know how to build a website.

Linda Joseph’s 8-week class is the best way to do it.

Linda is a very patient and very technically-minded homeschool mom who has been our technical advisor for years. She is a person of character who knows the ins and outs of web design.

So if you are ready to get started, learn more here:

Deadline to register is this week: midnight, February 17.


Keep In Touch!

To keep up with all our courses and projects, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Christian Affiliate Marketing Association Gospel Brunch

My buddy Wade Tonkin asked me to tell you about this upcoming event.

Affiliate Summit is one of the premiere events for affiliate marketers.

If you are planning to attend this year’s event in Las Vegas, or if you live
near Las Vegas, the Christian Affiliate Marketing Association
invites you to it’s  2nd Annual Affiliate Summit Gospel Brunch. 

The CAMA Gospel Brunch will be held at the House of Blues at Mandalay
Bay on Sunday February 24th.  They’ll have a private reception to hear from event sponsors. Then they’ll enjoy an awesome Brunch Buffet and some foot stomping, hand clapping Gospel music.   After that comes the Affiliate Meet Market with tons of vendors offering everything under the sun. 

To get $5 off and learn more, go here

If you are interested in attending Affiliate Summit, but haven’t gotten a ticket yet, you can get one at

Save 10% on registration by entering the coupon code “CAMA”


Attend a Live Event with Your Teens

People ask me all the time about how we homeschool. They want to know the “secret of success” that not only launched Drew into his career but that creates that bond between a parent and a teen.

Well, here it is in a nutshell:

Do cool stuff with them.

So many moms (with perfectionist mindsets) try to do everything FOR their kids. They give them all the best toys and clothes, sign them up for all the best classes, and expect them to do all their academic lessons perfectly.

I have found that kids often prefer to stay home more and work on lots of messy projects with just mom or dad.

At least that’s what my kids told me when we moved to the country and I finally started listening to them.

Here’s an example.

Drew has just finished building his house about 30 minutes down the road. He recruited three of his brothers, one sister and his dad to help. He also hired contractors for jobs he doesn’t like or know how to do.

Now he’s ready to start speaking at real estate conferences to teach how he sells houses on eBay. (He’s sold about 50 and is the only teacher I know who is doing what he does.)

So even though he hasn’t been to a conference in a long time, he asked me to go with him to one today.

When your 26-year-old asks you to go somewhere with him, that’s a good thing. So even though I’m already very busy, I’m going.

I consider one-on-one time away from home with a teen or young adult, the same as seeking the privacy of your bedroom to nurse your newborn. Both have special needs and both will grow out of the stage they’re in way too soon so I cherish that stage while they are there. And I try to meet their needs as quickly and as efficiently as I can.

The problem with attending a professional event is finding one that is family-friendly where teens are welcomed. That’s why my team and I have created the events we host.

The only real estate event we may ever host is coming up this April 11-13, 2008.

If you would like to go on what has been called “the ultimate field trip” with one or two of your teens and learn how to invest in real estate at the same time, consider joining us at our Real Estate Conference in Huntsville, Alabama.

This is real education. They don’t teach this stuff in school but you can write it in your journal.

Just call it Business: Real Estate Investing. It’s worth about ½ to 1 credit.

It could also make you and your teens financially free.

At least you’ll learn how to buy and sell a house and that alone could save you or even make you tens of thousands of dollars.

But here’s the main reason.

The experience you have with whoever you take on that trip will strengthen your relationship. Talk about what you like. Talk about what you don’t like. Talk about the future.

At least talk!

Years from now, you will both look back at that weekend where memories were set in stone and you’ll thank God that you invested the time and effort to work it in to your very busy life.

Besides all that, it could just change your life.

Make sure you say hey to Drew when you get there!

So many books, so little time...


who thinks all parents should take their teens into the business world instead of throwing them into it to learn from their peers

P.S. Learn more here:

P.P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.




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• Feb. 10, 2008 - Build Your Own Web Store



Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

Want Your Own Web Store?

Your Sponsorship Business Call Info

Deadline Approaching for Linda Joseph’s Web Design Class

Stay in Touch!

Learn to Combine Real Estate with the Internet Year!

Christian Affiliate Marketing Association Gospel Brunch

We’re Moving Our List


Want Your Own Web Store?

This Tuesday night, one of my best buds Bruce Safran, is going to show you how to have your own web store up in just a few hours.

It’s amazing to me to see how fast technology adapts to the needs of the small business world.

Well now, you don’t even have to know how to build a web page in order to have a whole store full of affiliate products!

Join Bruce and me on the phone this Tuesday night to learn how you can have yours before the end of the week.

It’s simply amazing!

The call is Tuesday, February 12 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

The number to call is 1-218-339-7800

The passcode is 365981#

If you want to have an Internet store, don’t miss this call on Tuesday!


Your Sponsorship Business Call Info

If you would you like to get paid (very well) to find sponsors for other businesses or charities, Linda Hollander is teaching a 4-week class in February to help you do just that.

To listen to her call, go to .

If you decide to take the class, let me know. I want to hire an independent contractor to help me find corporate sponsors.


Deadline for Linda Joseph’s Web Design Class

If you want to learn how to build a web site, Linda Joseph’s 8-week class is the best way to do it.

Linda is a very patient and very technically-minded homeschool mom who has been our technical advisor for years. She is a person of character who knows the ins and outs of web design.

So if you don’t know how to build a web page and are ready to learn, this class will get you started in the right direction.

Deadline to register is this week: midnight, February 14.

To learn more, visit


Stay in Touch!

You don’t want to miss out on what’s happening at Educating for Success! So to make sure you don’t miss a thing, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Combine Real Estate with the Internet!

If you want to learn how to invest in real estate in a soft market and using the Internet, this is the place to do it.

Our family real estate conference will teach you the basics and get you started in the best ways to invest in real estate using the Internet.

Here’s what we’re featuring:

Real estate basics

Automating your business

Becoming a real estate VA

Obtaining pre-foreclosures

Obtaining foreclosures

Obtaining post-foreclosures

Commercial property

Implementing short sales

Buying discounted notes

How to finance all this

Selling houses on eBay

And more!

Mark your calendar to take the kids to a very practical field trip in Huntsville, Alabama on April 11-13, 2008.

Details are here:


Christian Affiliate Marketing Association Gospel Brunch

My buddy Wade Tonkin asked me to tell you about this upcoming event.

Affiliate Summit is one of the premiere events for affiliate marketers.

If you are planning to attend this year’s event in Las Vegas, or if you live
near Las Vegas, the Christian Affiliate Marketing Association
invites you to it’s 2nd Annual Affiliate Summit Gospel Brunch.

The CAMA Gospel Brunch will be held at the House of Blues at Mandalay
Bay on Sunday February 24th. They’ll have a private reception to hear from event sponsors. Then they’ll enjoy an awesome Brunch Buffet and some foot stomping, hand clapping Gospel music. After that comes the Affiliate Meet Market with tons of vendors offering everything under the sun.

To get $5 off and learn more, go here

If you are interested in attending Affiliate Summit, but haven’t gotten a ticket yet, you can get one at .

Save 10% on registration by entering the coupon code “CAMA”


We’re Moving Our Mailing List

You may have gotten a confirmation note from us this week saying you’ll never hear from us again if you don’t click that link.

If you don’t click the link, you really will never hear from us again, so please click it.

Because of the world of spam, legitimate emailers who have large lists of subscribers have an incredibly hard time getting their emails delivered these days.

We first noticed the problem last summer. I was sick in bed for several months and just didn’t stay on top of things to realize our emails weren’t getting through.

So in the fall last year, we decided to move our mailing list from AutoResponse Plus to Aweber. (You should too.)

We also had a list in 1 Shopping Cart but we try not to collect email addresses there because they bill based on the number of subscribers you have. The more you have, the higher your monthly bill. Not good.

Aweber has the strongest ability to deliver mass emails because they require double opt-in and do not offer a trial version that encourages spammers to “hit a list and run.”

So we started moving the list and learned we can only invite 2,000 subscribers per day to opt-in.

Oh brother.

So the moral to this story is, if you are planning to have an Internet-based business, start off with the right email management program in the beginning.

That way you don’t have to change horses in mid-stream.

Aweber has proven over time to be the one to use.

So many books, so little time...


who is amazed at how important little things concerning the Internet can be

P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.

P.P.S. Watch for more news next Friday!
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• Feb. 2, 2008 - Start Your Own Sponsorship Business

Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

  • Start Your Own Sponsorship Business

  • Info on Linda Joseph’s Call on Web Design

  • Stay in Touch!

  • Don’t Miss The Real Estate Event of the Year!

  • Christian Affiliate Marketing Association Gospel Brunch

  • It’s a Boy!


Start Your Own Sponsorship Business

Would you like to get paid (very well) to find sponsors for other businesses or charities?

Did you know that companies spend over $13.39 billion every year sponsoring businesses, events, and promotions?

Linda Hollander is a dear friend of mine who trains people to tap into the awesome power of corporate sponsors. With 20 years of business experience, she knows what she is doing.

Her corporate sponsors are companies like Citibank, Fed Ex, Health Net, American Airlines, Bank of America, Staples, Wal-Mart/Sam's Club, Omega World Travel and IBM.

I have been working with her to help me find sponsors for our ongoing projects. So she has recommended that I help some folks get trained.

She will be teaching a 4 week tele-class about Attracting Corporate Sponsorships in February and I want to hire an independent contractor who takes her class.

I need a sponsorship expert and I can’t find one.

This is not a job for the timid. You have to be able to sell and close. If you are self motivated and are looking for a very lucrative job that you can do from home that offers serious commissions, don’t miss my call with Linda this week.

Linda will be my guest on the phone this Tuesday, February 5 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

The number to call is 605-475-4150

The passcode is 21414#

If you are ready to learn how you can earn huge commissions in this industry, don’t miss this call!



Listen to Linda Joseph’s Call on Web Design Here

Knowing how to build a web site is as essential today as learning how to type was back when I was in high school during the Dark Ages.

Last year, our tech expert (and hs mom) Linda Joseph taught a Basic Web Design Class that got rave reviews. So I asked her to

teach it again.

Her 8 week class will cover all the basics and will start in February.

This is a family class so everyone in the house can participate.

To learn more, visit

Deadline to register is midnight, February 14.


Stay in Touch!

You don’t want to miss out on what’s happening at Educating for Success! So to make sure you don’t miss a thing, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Don’t Miss The Real Estate Event of the Year!

Sometime this week, we will be announcing a 4 day pre-launch special for our real estate conference so watch for our emails!

If you want to learn how to invest in real estate in a soft market and using the Internet, this is the place to do it.

Here’s what we’re featuring:

  • Real estate basics

  • Automating your business

  • Becoming a real estate VA

  • Obtaining pre-foreclosures

  • Obtaining foreclosures

  • Obtaining post-foreclosures

  • Commercial property

  • Implementing short sales

  • Buying discounted notes

  • How to finance all this

  • Selling houses on eBay

  • And more!

See why it doesn’t matter what the market is doing? No matter what, you can help others and make money in real estate.

This very comprehensive event will be held in Huntsville, Alabama on April 11-13, 2008.

And you can bring the kids!

Details are coming this week!


Christian Affiliate Marketing Association Gospel Brunch

My buddy Wade Tonkin asked me to tell you about this upcoming event.

Affiliate Summit is one of the premiere events for affiliate marketers.

If you are planning to attend this year’s event in Las Vegas, or if you live
near Las Vegas, the Christian Affiliate Marketing Association
invites you to it’s  2nd Annual Affiliate Summit Gospel Brunch. 

The CAMA Gospel Brunch will be held at the House of Blues at Mandalay
Bay on Sunday February 24th.  They’ll have a private reception to hear from event sponsors. Then they’ll enjoy an awesome Brunch Buffet and some foot stomping, hand clapping Gospel music.   After that comes the Affiliate Meet Market with tons of vendors offering everything under the sun. 

To get $5 off and learn more, go here

If you are interested in attending Affiliate Summit, but haven’t gotten a ticket yet, you can get one at

Save 10% on registration by entering the coupon code “CAMA”


It’s a Boy!

You know how antsy an overdue mother-to-be can feel. Well, it’s just as bad for an overdue grandmother-to-be!

My oldest son Drew and his wife Carol waited patiently for the arrival of their first child and he took his time getting here as most babies do!

(I didn’t wait so patiently!)

Elijah Wayne Perry was born last Monday, January 28 at 10 AM. He weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz.

Carol had a marvelous water birth with no complications and has been cared for by many, many “moms!”

If you think kids are great, wait till you get grandkids. They are amazing!

So many books, so little time...


who is amazed at the natural cycle of life

P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.


P.P.S. Watch for more news next Friday!



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• Jan. 27, 2008 - Learn Web Design with Linda Joseph

Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

  • Learn Real Estate/Internet at our Conference in Huntsville

  • Call Info for Caregivers

  • Stay in Touch!

  • No Baby Yet!

  • Linda Joseph’s Web Design Class – Call Tuesday

  • Gospel Brunch

  • Keeping All the Plates Spinning


Real Estate Investing Meets the Internet! Don’t Miss The Real Estate Event of the Year!

Mark your calendar now to learn everything you need to know about how to invest in all types of real estate with the Internet, no matter what the market is doing.

Here’s what we’re featuring:

  • Real estate basics

  • Automating your business

  • Becoming a real estate VA

  • Obtaining pre-foreclosures

  • Obtaining foreclosures

  • Obtaining post-foreclosures

  • Commercial property

  • Implementing short sales

  • Buying discounted notes

  • How to finance all this

  • Selling houses on eBay

  • And more!

See why it doesn’t matter what the market is doing? No matter what, you can help others and make money in real estate.

This very comprehensive event will be held in Huntsville, Alabama on April 11-13, 2008.

Do whatever it takes to make it to this educational event.

And don’t forget to bring the kids!

Details are coming soon!


Encouragement for Caregivers!

If you missed my call with Debra Thompson on providing care for your loved ones at home last Tuesday, you can listen to it on her new site:


Stay in Touch!

To make sure you don’t miss the news about our current projects, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


No baby yet. Still waiting!


Learn Web Design

If you want to learn how to build web sites, here is the class I recommend.

Last year, Linda Joseph taught a Basic Web Design Class that got rave reviews.

So she is teaching it again this year!

To learn more about it, listen in on our call this Tuesday night, January 29, 2008 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

The phone number is: 605-475-4150

Participant Code: 42037#

If you want to learn how to build web sites, this is the place to learn!


Christian Affiliate Marketing Association Gospel Brunch

My buddy Wade Tonkin asked me to tell you about this upcoming event.

Affiliate Summit is one of the premiere events for affiliate marketers.

If you are planning to attend this year’s event in Las Vegas, or if you live
near Las Vegas, the Christian Affiliate Marketing Association
invites you to it’s  2nd Annual Affiliate Summit Gospel Brunch. 

The CAMA Gospel Brunch will be held at the House of Blues at Mandalay
Bay on Sunday February 24th.  They’ll have a private reception to hear from event sponsors. Then they’ll enjoy an awesome Brunch Buffet and some foot stomping, hand clapping Gospel music.   After that comes the Affiliate Meet Market with tons of vendors offering everything under the sun. 

To get $5 off and learn more, go here 

If you are interested in attending Affiliate Summit, but haven’t gotten a ticket yet, you can get one at

Save 10% on registration by entering the coupon code “CAMA”


Keeping All the Plates Spinning

People ask me all the time, “How do you do all that you do?”

Well, it’s not easy.

It takes organization and I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to sorting stuff.

So here’s what I do.

At night, I write down the next day’s To Do List in my daytimer. That way I don’t worry about them all night.

If something keeps me awake, I turn on the light and enter in the appropriate place to be acted on in my daytimer.

Then the next day, I spend the first part of the day going to God. I talk to God, I praise Him, and thank Him for all He has done, is doing and will do on the earth.

Unless it’s deer season, I walk in the woods with the dog. I spend the early morning listening to the wind in the leaves, the birds in the trees and the voice of God in my heart.

I read my Bible and God gives me more tasks to accomplish.

It doesn’t matter if some tasks are business-related and some concern the family. I put all the appointments, classes, lessons outside the home and conference calls on the schedule.

Then I walk through them one at a time.

I also prioritize them with family first, then business. The Lord may give you several different assignments so don’t frustrate yourself by trying to keep each duty in your life separated into nice neat little categories.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, learn to keep all the plates spinning all at the same time.

You can do it! You are created in God’s image. You are a multi-faceted organizational machine!

If you get overwhelmed (and everyone does at times), just pray to God and tell Him you can’t do all this by yourself. If He doesn’t help, you can’t do it.

That’s the grace of God.

So go for it!

And make 2008 the year you watch God change your life.

So many books, so little time...


who is waiting patiently for that new baby to arrive

P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.


P.P.S. Watch for more news next Friday!

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• Jan. 19, 2008 - Learn Internet Marketing from the Best

Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:
Learn Internet Marketing the Easiest Way
Info for Call on Rehabbing Houses
The Book I Told You About
Stay in Touch!
Armand’s eBook Blog
Our Real Estate Live Event is Coming Soon!
We’re Getting a Baby!


Learn Internet Marketing the Easiest Way

My mentor, Armand Morin, has just released the most comprehensive course on marketing on the Internet that has ever been created.

I hope you got a free copy of his eBook that I sent you last week. It lays a foundation that he continues in his course.

Several people wrote to tell me how much they appreciated it.

Well, his new course contains 54 hours of free videos, thousands of
downloads and 900 pages of content covering everything you need to know to operate a successful business onlines.

The course is called Internet Marketing Explained and is the most
comprehensive course available.

So it you are serious about learning how to market on the Internet,
this is what you need to get started.

Learn more here:


Learn to Renovate Houses

If you missed my call with hs dad and real estate investor Steve Faulkner last Tuesday night, you can listen to it on his new site:

If you’re looking for real education to learn rehabbing, this is it!


The Book I Told You About

Remember the book I have been telling you about? Well, it was
released this week!

“Your Internet Cash Machine, The Insiders’ Guide to
Making Big Money, Fast!” by Joe Vitale and Jillian Coleman
Wheeler, offers thousands of dollars worth of bonuses!

Here’s where to get your copy!


Stay in Touch!

To make sure you don’t miss the news about our current projects, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Armand’s eBook and Blog

If you didn’t get your copy of his eBook that I sent you last week,
you can still get a copy at my blog:

Feel free to leave a comment.


Everything You Need to Know About Real Estate
You Can Learn in Huntsville, Alabama in April

Particular areas of real estate are more profitable than others.
We’ll have the best of the best in Huntsville on April 11-13, 2008.

Don’t forget to bring the kids and plan to spend an extra day
at the Space and Rocket center down the road.

Details are coming soon!


We’re Getting a Baby!

Carol , my oldest son Drew’s wife, is due to have their first baby this week and I can’t wait!
They’re hoping for a boy but will be happy either way.

My oldest daughter was just here this morning with her 2-month old baby who is starting to coo and smile.

I think babies are so wonderful!

When I look at the face of my granddaughter, I just marvel at this creation that looks so much like her parents. There’s just nothing like it in all the world.

When I was down at the creek a few months ago, the Lord spoke to me
and told me to tell you something.

Basically he said, “When I look at my children, I adore them like a newborn baby.”

Too often, we feel like God doesn’t care about us.
We think He’s “out there somewhere” and we’re just toughing life out here by ourselves.

Well, that’s just not true. It can’t be.

When you look at the whole process of birth, you are experiencing a miracle.

When you look you at the face of a baby, you are glimpsing the work of God.

And that’s how God looks at us. He loves us. He wants the best for us. He wants us to look to Him for everything just like a baby looks to his mother.

If you are in a hard place, realize this.

God really does love you.

He really is taking care of you even though you don’t always feel it.

Look to Him to guide and direct you and to help you find that one single purpose in life that you were put here to fulfill.

And when you find it, you will find contentment in the work of your hands.

And you will know that He loves you.

Just like a brand new baby.

So many books, so little time...
who can’t wait for the full moon (the day I’m convinced our new baby will arrive!)

P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.
P.P.S. Watch for more news next Friday!



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• Jan. 13, 2008 - Want to Learn to Renovate Houses?



Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:
Want to learn to renovate houses? Listen in Tuesday!
Info for Call on Dealing with Learning Disorders
Stay in Touch!
Our Real Estate via the Internet Live Event is Coming Soon!
When You Work For Yourself, Learn to Get Your Praise from God

Have You Ever Wanted to Learn How to Renovate Houses?

Well, if you have, don’t miss my call with real estate investor and home school dad Steve Faulkner this Tuesday night.

Steve and Jodi Foster of Bartlesville, Oklahoma have owned investment real estate since 1993. In 2005 after 21 years in corporate America, Steve took the leap and became a full time house rehabber/real estate investor.

Jodi continues to home school their three children and also does the accounting for the business.
They currently own 31 houses which are leased on a rent-to-own basis plus other projects are in the works.

If you are interested in learning how to renovate houses, don’t miss my call with Steve this week.

The call is Tuesday night, January 15 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

The number to call is 605-475-4150

The passcode is 42037#

Don’t miss this call!


Info for Call about Learning Disorders

In case you missed my call last Tuesday with home school mom Robin Dicks on learning disorders, it’s online now.

Just go to
and click on the link in the top left corner that says “Interview with Rhea.”

If you have a child you suspect may have a learning disorder, don’t delay!


Stay in Touch!

To make sure you don’t miss the news about our current projects, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Rhea’s Real Estate Days will be in Huntsville, Alabama!

Want to learn how to harness the power of the internet to invest in real estate?

Not many real estate investors know how. But on April 11-13, 2008, you’ll get a chance to learn how so mark your calendar now to attend our next 3-day event!

It will be in Huntsville, Alabama!

Bring the kids and plan to spend an extra day at the Space and Rocket center down the road.

Details are coming soon!


When You Work for Yourself, Learn to Get Your Praise from God

One of the hardest things for me to adjust to when I left the workplace and came home to have more babies was the lack of appreciation.

I know we’re supposed to get our praise from God but it sure helps to hear someone say “thank you” or “you did a great job” every once in awhile.

So when you start a home business, it’s the same story. There are tons of details to take care of and no one seems to notice that you are juggling 15 completely unrelated tasks and accomplishing most of them relatively well and on time.

They only see that one deadline you missed or that one misspelled word that stuck out like a sore thumb.

People don’t take time to reward others these days.

But we should.

We should look for ways to serve others. We should always try to help anyone we can whenever we can.

Our society has become a bit self-centered and it’s easy to lose our perspective to realize that we are all here to serve God and mankind.

Life is not about “us.”

We are not the center of the universe as some of us think. Instead, we are just part of a pre-existing universe.

We really should be content to get our praise from God.

But when we complain, we lose the reward for all the suffering we’ve endured.

So make up your mind that you are going to work to please God and not man. And if someone just happens to praise you, thank them sincerely. And thank God that He sent them.

Doesn’t it feel marvelous!

Now go find someone to praise. Maybe someone will actually do the same for you!

So many books, so little time...
who won’t count on it so maybe it will happen! Ha!

P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.
P.P.S. Watch for more news next Friday!
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• Jan. 4, 2008 - Don't just sit there, do something!

Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

  • Dealing with Learning Disabilities? Listen in Tuesday

  • Our Real Estate Via the Internet Live Event

  • Subscribe to our newsletter

  • Get a sample of this new book due in January

  • Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something!

Dealing with Learning Disabilities?

Do you have a child or two that doesn’t seem normal to you and you wonder if he or she may have a learning disability?

Well Robin Dicks is a homeschool mom in Kansas who knows just how you feel.

Together, we have created a website to provide education and support for parents who find themselves dealing with something they are not educated to understand.

We’ll be discussing what she has learned on the phone this Tuesday night, January 8 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

If you have a child you suspect may have a learning disability, don’t miss this call!

If you have friends who may have discovered a learning disability in their children, forward this note to them.

Robin is dedicated to helping others learn what she has learned so plan to be on this call.

The call is Tuesday, January 8 at 9 PM Eastern Time.

The number to call is 605-475-4150

The passcode is 42037#

You’ll be glad you make it!


Mark Your Calendar to Attend Rhea’s Real Estate Days!

Want to learn how to invest in real estate using the power of the Internet?

Well, not all real estate investors know how. Way too many are still doing it the old-fashioned way. The hard way.

Among my Best Friends are a very few investors who have discovered how to multiple their efforts by using the Internet.

They’ve made the mistakes and learned the lessons and now are ready to teach others.

So my team and I are hosting a live 3-day real estate event where you can bring the kids to learn about a variety of ways to invest in real estate.

The dates are April 11-13, 2008

We’ll send details soon. Just plan now to be there.

And don’t forget to bring those teens!


Get Our Newsletter!

To make sure you don’t miss the news about our current projects, enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Look Who’s a Guest Expert in a New Book!

Jillian Wheeler and legend Joe Vitale have just finished a book that will be available in January.

"Your Internet Cash Machine, The Insiders Guide to Making Big Money, Fast!" will be on America’s bookshelves on January 8!

And guess who has a chapter in it!


I want you to receive a special gift – a Sampler of the book which you can download absolutely FREE.

Grab your copy here:


Don’t Just Sit There, Do Something!

People email me all the time and say the same thing:

“I’ve been reading about having a home business for a week now and I haven’t made any money at all. It must be a scam.”

Well, that’s a slight exaggeration, of course. But here’s the deal.

In the Bible, Paul told the Romans, “It is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified.”

Now we know that Paul says later that we are not justified with God by works of the Law but by the grace of God. Jesus died on the cross, took Sin to Hell, and came back to life on the third day so that we can have access to God the Father.

When we accept Jesus and what He did on earth as the son of God, that gives us acceptance with God.

There’s nothing we can “do” to get in good with God. That’s what grace is.

But in this verse lies one key to success.

You just can’t listen and think you’re going to be successful at anything. You have to be engaged.

Purchasing an educational course isn’t enough. You have to open it, read it, try it and keep going when it looks like it isn’t working.

Those who succeed in anything are those who never quit.

They look at problems as challenges and ask themselves how they can solve them.

They don’t let details stop them.

Creating a successful business takes longer than most folks think it will. Most “overnight successes” took years to create.

In America, we have been educated with an employee mindset to think that jobs and money will be handed to us in exchange for a few hours of work.

Developing the mindset of an entrepreneur who no longer exchanges his hours for dollars, but learns to create products, systems, and streams of income, requires a huge learning curve.

And part of the problem is this: nobody ever teaches us this stuff.

So not only are you suffering from lack of education to be able to create and operate a small business, but you also have to overcome the handicap of starting with the wrong mindset.

Not to worry. Whatever God calls you to do, He will equip you to do.

So once you’ve discovered the education you don’t have yet need, get it.

Then don’t just read it. Do it.

Figure out how to make it work for you and your family.

Hey, it took years to get where you are. Making a major change isn’t going to happen overnight.

Most folks go to college for 4 or 5 or even 6 years to get a job making $40k to $100k per year.

If you focus on building your own business, eventually, you can learn how to make that in one day!

Don’t laugh. With the Internet, it’s very possible.

You only fail when you give up and quit.

So decide now, that you are going to do whatever it takes to take back control of your life.

Don’t just listen, take action and don’t quit!

So many books, so little time...


who is here to help you Go For it!

P.S. You are welcome to forward this note to your friends.


P.P.S. Watch for more news next Friday!

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• Dec. 28, 2007 - Discover Your Gifts



Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:
Writing for the Web Class deadline: Dec. 30
eBook Deadline: Dec. 30
Subscribe to our newsletter
Our real estate event on Real Estate Via the Internet
New book due in January
What is your gift?

Deadline for Writing for the Web Class is midnight, Sunday!

If you haven’t registered for our writing class yet but plan to, don’t put this off.

The deadline is midnight, this Sunday night and we’re starting this coming Thursday.

The first class is on searching for keywords to use and writing headlines that grab readers so you can tell them more about your blog, article, press release, ebook or website.

Whether you write for yourself or for others, you’ll learn how to harness the power of the Internet to make your writing more powerful.

If you are ready to learn how to get paid to write, register today:


Last Chance to Get Your Copies of Our 3 e-Books is Sunday!

This year, I recorded 20 years’ worth of lessons I learned about raising and educating entrepreneurs.

Until Midnight, Sunday, you can get them for just $9.97. After that, they’ll be offered individually and for a more regular price.

Titles Are:
“Educating for Success: Developing the Mindset of an Entrepreneur”
“10 Things This Mama Taught Her Kids about Having Their Own Businesses”
“How to Start a Business with Nothing but an Email Address”

Download your copies here:


Get Our Newsletter!

To stay in touch so we can help your family get out of the Rat Race, make sure you enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Announcing: Rhea’s Real Estate Days!

Mark your calendar now to attend a one-of-a-kind real-estate-on-the-Net event.

That’s right!

My team and I are hosting a live real estate event featuring family-friendly real estate experts who use the power of the Internet to make investing so much easier!

Date: April 11-13, 2008

Place: Huntsville, Alabama

Details will be released soon.

If you own a house or plan to purchase one in the next five years, this information can save you tens of thousands of dollars so plan to join us!


Look Who’s a Guest Expert in a New Book!

Jillian Wheeler and legend Joe Vitale have just finished a book that will be available in January.

"Your Internet Cash Machine, The Insiders Guide to Making Big Money, Fast!" will be on America’s bookshelves on January 8!

And guess who has a chapter in it!


I want you to receive a special gift – a Sampler of the book which you can download absolutely FREE.

Grab your copy here:


What Are Your Gifts?

As you evaluate the past year and plan for the next, here is something to think about.

Bezalel was a young man who was “filled with the Spirit of God:
*in wisdom and ability
*in understanding and intelligence
*in knowledge in all kinds of craftsmanship,
*devise skillful works,
*work in gold,
*work in silver,
*work in bronze,
*cut stones for settings,
*carve wood,
*work in all kinds of craftsmanship.”

Aholiab was “appointed wisdom and ability to make all that I have commanded you:
*The Tent of Meeting
*The ark of the Testimony
*The mercy seat
*All the furnishings of the tent
*The table of showbread and its utensils
*The pure lamp stand with its utensils
*The altar of incense
*The altar of burnt offering and its utensils
*The laver and its base
*Finely worked garments for Aaron and his sons
*Anointing oil
*Incense of sweet spices for the Holy Place.”

We often think gifts from God are only spiritual or just for use in the church.
Some are.
But I personally believe God gives gifts or specific abilities to everyone.

The wisest man who ever lived (and one of my future Best Friends) said, “…as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, (that’s everyone in America, by the way), He has also empowered him to
A. eat from them
B. receive his reward
C. rejoice in his labor

This is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 5:19)

To me, that means:
1. The God who designed you built specific gifts into you so you can provide for yourself and those you are responsible to care for at the time. (Have you ever noticed how we often end up taking care of those who initially took care of us?)

2. Your gifts bless you with earthly rewards. (After all, everyone works better when there is some kind of prize at the end of the competition.)

3. Using your gift correctly also gives you a good feeling deep inside when you do a job well that helps others.

The problem I see is that generic education often fails to help each of us identify our natural gifts so we can get specific education and become the best we can be doing what comes to us naturally.

Don’t let that stop you from discovering your gifts.

Keep searching and learn to be like Bezalel and Aholiab from Exodus 31 so that you can serve the Lord in the way He designed you to.

Until you discover your gifts, your purpose and your assignment, you can’t help but be continually frustrated. Some men even die in discontentment.

Henry David Thoreau (another one of my future Best Friends) said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

Don’t do it.

Find out who you are and get educated so you can incorporate your gift to serve those around you (and God) better.

Decide to make 2008 the year you quit being frustrated.

Live by the words of Sir Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

So many books, so little time...
who hopes you have a wonderful 2008!

P.S. Feel free to forward this note to others.

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• Dec. 19, 2007 - A New VA Class and a New Book


Shopping Cart Queen’s VA Class

If you missed our Admin VA class (which was a lot of fun, btw),
here’s another opportunity for the techie folks in the house.

One of my best friends, The Shopping Cart Queen Christina Hills,
will be teaching a VA class soon.

If you’d like to learn how to help people do things like set up
shopping carts or add opt-in boxes to web pages, this is for you!

Read more about it here:

And tell Christina hey for me!

 * * *

Best of 2007

If you haven’t yet gotten the best of our 2007 calls, ebooks and
special site offers, make sure you check it out before the
deadline at midnight on Thursday, Dec. 20!

 * * *

Get Your Sampler Copy Today!

While Jillian Wheeler and her husband were in Nashville at our
Affiliate Marketing Conference in April this year, she asked me to
be a guest expert in a book project with her and marketing legend
Joe Vitale.

Well, it’s finished!

"Your Internet Cash Machine, The Insiders Guide to Making Big
Money, Fast!" will be on America’s bookshelves on January 8!

It’s already climbing the charts on Amazon!

I’ve arranged with Joe and Jillian for you to receive a special
gift from me – a Sampler of the book which you can download at
absolutely no cost.

Go here to get yours:

They’ve pulled more than 50 pages straight from this upcoming
bestseller to create the Sampler ebook which is filled with
easy-to-implement insider strategies for doing business on the

To get your copy of the Sampler, go here:

Tell Jillian I said hey!

 * * *

Life is always busy this time of the year but hey, it’s great to
realize one thing.

No matter how commercial all this has become and no matter what
you think about Christmas, all of America is focused on
celebrating the birthday of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Amazing, isn’t it!

So many books, so little time...

who is constantly amazed at the hand of God in this world!

P.S. Don’t miss all the news in our Friday newsletter:


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• Dec. 17, 2007 - Deadline in 3 days

If one of your goals for 2008 is to structure your family for
financial security, listen to this story.

Several years ago, we helped Dave Mitchell establish a successful
audio recording business from his home in Tennessee. He left his
job in corporate America to be at home to work with his wife Kay
and to help her educate their six boys.

In February, Dave, a very godly man, became ill.

In April, he died.

He was only 50.

I still can’t think about him without crying. He was such a great
guy and everybody loved him.

But here’s what I choose to remember.

When Dave went on to be with Jesus, he left Kay and the boys a
steady income and a thriving business that they continue to
operate without him.

If Dave had not stepped out in faith and created, Kay and the boys would be starting over from

This year, as you consider making your New Year’s resolutions and
changes to your life, think about Dave. Ask yourself if your
spouse would be okay financially without you.

It’s stories like Dave’s that inspire me to keep doing what we do.

If you’d like to get the best of our calls, ebooks and other
projects from 2007 that provide cutting-edge entrepreneurial
education, visit this page:

Our Best of 2007 special is only available 3 more days until
Thursday, Dec. 20.

Plan now to do something different with your life in 2008 and
don’t put it off.

You never know what a year may bring.

So many books, so little time...

who loves working with families like Dave’s

P.S. Here’s where to start:



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• Dec. 15, 2007 - 2 Reasons to Quit Being a Control Freak

Welcome to my Friday newsletter!

This issue features:

  • Our 7 Day Best of 2007 Special is almost over

  • How to hook up with us

  • Writing for the Web Class deadline approaching

  • Listen to our Tuesday call About the Entrepreneurs at Home news

  • Mark Joyner this Monday, Rheas Proteges Special

  • More Encouragement Is Coming!

The Best of 2007

I thought about sending you a formal Christmas letter this week giving you a recap of the whole year. But when I looked at all the cool things my team and I have done this year, personally, I was amazed!

I thought you might be interested in the education we provided this year so we threw together a page web with a special offer.

But… it’s only good for 7 Days. And that is through Thursday, Dec. 20.

We covered 3 conferences, 2 ebooks, 5 web sites and there are 10 bonuses!

So check it out now, before it’s gone forever:


Join Us!

If you want to make 2008 even better than 2007, let us help you get clear vision and specific education so you can make it happen. Just enter your name and email address in the box at the left.


Learn How to Write for the Web from Home

This week, one of our transcribing clients had us work on a major rewriting project. We had to pull some extra workers in to finish it.

We really need some writers and editors to help with all this work. If you are good with words, grammar and spelling, consider taking our Writing for the Web Class in January and February so that you can be considered for working with us.

The deadline is midnight, Sunday, December 30. But don’t wait till then to register; the class is filling up and there are a limited number of seats.

We’ve also set up the class in 2 payments so if you register this week, your second payment won’t even be due until the middle of January.

The early birds who registered have already started receiving their training!

So if you want to write from home, learn more here:

The Proteges can take this class for half price.


Listen to Last Tuesday’s Yahoo! Group Call

The call we hosted Tuesday about our Yahoo! Group – the Entrepreneurs at Home – is online. Look for it in the left nav bar at:


Hear Mark Joyner Monday Night!

This Monday night, December 17, Mark Joyner, one of the pioneers of the Internet, will be my guest as we discuss Guerilla Marketing.

If you’d like to hear that call, you can join our Protégé Program until midnight, Sunday Dec. 23, for just $497 down and not $147 but just $97/ month.

Plus, you will get a 3 Month Special. From December through the end of February, you can participate in 4 Membership Sites that provide real living education totally for FREE!

They are:

If you’re ready to make 2008 something special, we can help!

Learn more here:


If Moses Delegated, So Should You!


2 Reasons to Quit Being a Control Freak

Have you ever felt that you were led by God (or your boss at work … or your spouse) to do a good thing but before long, you felt like the burden was just too great to bear?

I have.

You know you’re doing something that is very necessary and you know others are counting on you, but you find yourself thinking way too often, “It’s too much to handle.”

Well, if that’s where you are, you are in good company. Moses found himself in the same situation.

God told him to judge the actions of the Israelites so he did. Every day, he would sit to judge the people from “morning until night” and tell them if what they were doing was right or wrong according to God’s ways. They were all dependent on him.

(And Moses was in training for reigning in heaven.)

Then his father-in-law Jethro came along one day and said, “What are you doing? You are going to

  1. Wear out yourself

  2. Wear out the people (They are going to get tired of you.)”

So Jethro said, “Represent the people before God and bring their cases before Him. Also,

  1. teach the people the decrees and laws

  2. show them the way they must walk

  3. show them the work they must do

“Choose able men, God-fearing men of truth who hate unjust gain and place them over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens to be their rulers. And let them judge the people at all times.”

So he did.

Now, let’s look at this situation.

* Moses took his assignment seriously and didn’t even consider asking anyone else to help.

Ever done that?

* The people didn’t know the law and weren’t trained to do their jobs because they looked to Moses for all leadership.

Ever done it all yourself because it was “easier”?

* Even though Moses was God’s man at the time, his father-in-law had vision for his life that he didn’t have.

Ever been blind about matters in your own life even though it’s easy to see what others should do?

* When the judges started helping Moses, more than likely they felt the sense of purpose that comes when a person contributes to an important project.

Ever been guilty of robbing others of that inner satisfaction because you didn’t let them help?

Think about how these concepts could apply in your situation with your children or with the people you work with or in other organizations.

Too often, we perfectionists carry all the burdens of a project we believe we have been given from God and try do it all ourselves. When others ask if they can help, we say, “No, we’re good.”

We don’t realize that, like Moses, we will wear ourselves out doing good works while robbing others of the blessing and satisfaction that comes with contributing to an important project.

Our purpose as leaders or parents then is to train those around us to do their part so they can help with the larger project, not just do it all ourselves.

Our goal is to create a light in the eyes of those we are responsible to train.

When you see the light that comes from a deep inner satisfaction in someone you’ve invested in by training, you have succeeded. You have done your job. You have accomplished the main goal.


So, work to create light in the eyes of others.

You might just discover that someone else can do that job just as well … or maybe even better…than you!

And you won’t go to bed as tired anymore.

So many books, so little time...


who is still learning this lesson the hard way

P.S. Feel free to forward this note to others.  

P.P.S. Watch for more encouragement next Friday!


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• Dec. 13, 2007 - Need some Christmas money?


For the next seven days, until Thursday, Dec. 20, you can earn
some extra Christmas money by participating in our 7 day
special - the Best of 2007!

Get all the details here:

So many books, so little time...

who is always trying to create ways to help you!



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• Dec. 10, 2007 - Our Yahoo! Group is changing; find out how Tuesday


In March, 2002, we started the Entrepreneurs at Home Yahoo! Group
so “young entrepreneurs could share philosophies, project ideas,
successes, and questions.”

It made history when a one-day meeting at my farm years ago turned
into an annual international family business conference!

This week, it will once again make history as the group itself

My new joint venture partner and I will give you all the details
about how this can benefit YOU on our regular call Tuesday.

Sharyn Law-Davis is a homeschool mom originally from Australia but
is currently living in Saudi Arabia where her husband is

She and I can’t wait to share the details with you!

Our motto is still: “If you don't think like the rest of the world
and if you plan to do something real with your life, have we got a
discussion group for you!”

So if you want to learn how this can benefit you and your family
financially, plan to join us on the phone.

The call is Tuesday, Dec.11 at 9 PM Eastern. (It will be about
3 AM for Sharyn but she’ll be there!)

The number to call is 605-475-4150

The passcode is 42037#

If you want to watch history being made again, join us! We’ll talk
to you then!

So many books, so little time...

who can’t believe she didn’t do this sooner!

Read more about real education opportunities in our Friday
newsletter here:


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About Me

My oldest son became a real estate investor when he was 18. My second son became a marketing webmaster when he was 14. My next daughter is a budding author. That's just 3 of the 7. I love to encourage young people (and old!) to find what their hands love to do and pursue it with all their hearts.


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