

Windows How-Tos

  • Last OS Standing: Make the Most of Windows Vista Now that Windows XP is no longer being sold by Microsoft, PC users will be stuck with Windows Vista. Here's a roundup of PC World's best tips for making Vista easier to use.
  • Ten Tools to Make Windows Shine Add a layer of protection against spyware, stop Kaspersky's annoying audio alerts, and hide your files and folders. Plus: More fixes for the pesky Insert key.
  • Answers to Vista Users' Nagging Questions Should you revert to XP? How can you make Vista navigation more XP-like? And why doesn't System Restore restore your system? Our Answer Line columnist solves these Windows mysteries.
  • Microsoft's Jet Engine Sputters Plus: Fix an XP SP3 crash and holes in Adobe Reader, Word, and more.
  • How to Prevent a Data Disaster If a natural disaster wipes out your hard drive, it will probably destroy your local backups, too. Here's a backup plan that will get you through even the worst-case scenario.

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