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PS3 | Action | Assassin's Creed

Boxart for Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed 50 screen shots
  • GRAPHICS: 4.75
  • SOUND: 4.75
  • CONTROL: 5.00
  • FUN FACTOR 5.00
Winner of the GamePro Editor's Choice Award

Assassin's Creed Description

While the exact details are unclear, historians agree that the origin of the term "assassin" stems from a Muslim cult that came to power during the Crusades. Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed casts the player in the role of one of these assassins. The gameplay appears to blend stealth elements (Ubisoft calls it social stealth because the player often attempts to blend into the crowd) with more traditional sword-fighting.

Mature Titles rated "Mature (M)" have content suitable for persons ages 17 and older. These products may include more intense violence or language than products in the Teen category. In addition, these titles may also include mature sexual themes.

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Review: Assassin's Creed

After a weak showing at the past E3, many people were left to wonder if Assassin's Creed could live up to the developers' ambition and the media hype. Its large expansive world and complex control scheme sounded great in theory but would it actually translate into a cohesive and compelling gaming experience? After spending time with the game, I'm happy to report that the answer is a resounding yes!

Screen Update: Assassin's Creed

Tons of new screens from the upcoming stealth-action title!

News: Ubisoft unveils new Assassin's Creed trailer

Ubisoft on Tuesday uncharacteristically released a new trailer for the highly secretive Assassin's Creed on Xbox 360 and PS3.

Video: Trailers: Assassin's Creed Troublemaker Demo

See how to take out a troublemaker in this new demo of Assassin's Creed.

Video: Trailers: Assassin's Creed Navigation Demo

New Demo of Assassin's Creed showing how interactive the game really is.


Review: Assassin's Creed

After a weak showing at the past E3, many people were left to wonder if Assassin's Creed could live up to the developers' ambition and the media hype. Its large expansive world and complex control scheme sounded great in theory but would it actually translate into a cohesive and compelling gaming experience? After spending time with the game, I'm happy to report that the answer is a resounding yes!


Screen Update: Assassin's Creed

Tons of new screens from the upcoming stealth-action title!

Preview: Assassin's Creed Gameplay Video

E3 VIDEO: Everyone's talking about it. Now you can see Assassin's Creed in all it's beautiful glory. Watch it here!

Screen Update: Assassin's Creed

Check out these killer new screens.

Hands-On: Assassin's Creed

We give you an inside scoop on everything we know about Assassin's Creed.

Screen Update: Assassin's Creed

You've never seen a better looking game! Assassin's Creed is truly next generation and the highlight of the PS3.

Preview: Assassin's Creed

The PS3 enters the Holy Land in Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed

Screen Update: Assassin's Creed

6 new E3 screens for the PlayStation 3 title Assassins!

Screen Update: Assassin's Creed

First screen for this PlayStation 3 game brought to you by the creators of Prince of Persia!


News: Ubisoft unveils new Assassin's Creed trailer

Ubisoft on Tuesday uncharacteristically released a new trailer for the highly secretive Assassin's Creed on Xbox 360 and PS3.

News: Assassin's Creed dated, slated for November

Ubisoft announces the release date of its highly-acclaimed title Assassin's Creed, which will be released for three different platforms in both ordinary packaging and a limited edition box set.

News: Exclusive Assassin's Creed Q&A;

GamePro's Lunchbox sits down with Jade Raymond, Producer of Assassin's Creed, for an in-depth look at the inspiration behind AC coming to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

News: Assassin's Creed Release Date Assassinated

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway sent back to boot camp as well.


Trailers: Assassin's Creed Troublemaker Demo

See how to take out a troublemaker in this new demo of Assassin's Creed.

Trailers: Assassin's Creed Navigation Demo

New Demo of Assassin's Creed showing how interactive the game really is.

Trailers: Moody Assassin's Creed Trailer

What is an assassin? The truth may set your spirit free...after you remove the knife from your chest. Check out this action packed trailer for this next-gen masterpiece.