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Wii Sports Resort

jzxpertgamer Hey jzxpertgamer! Nintendo did announce a new Wii Sports game at E3. It's called Wii Sports Resort. ...

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LEGO Batman Part III

Find all the hidden Penguins in the GamePro's most anticipated games of E3 2008 feature story online, or in GamePro's August issue!

Game of the Week

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction - PS3

Tools of Destruction is an amazing PS 3 game that fully leverages the power of the console.

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Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII

raglefragle's Profile Blazing Angels Squadrons of WW2 Blazing Angels is the only World War 2 flying game for the wii. The game has 6 game modes, all fairl...

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  • elementxstyle
    End Boss
    Joined: 05/13/08
    Points: 2286
    Posts: 1672
    I'm gone...

    I remember the first month of my registration in GamePro things were chill and we had the occasional troll and flame. People were chill and everything was cool. Until my first E3 with this place. People turned into retards, monsters, and disgruntled non-profit MicroSony employees, whom have to co

  • fatface
    Joined: 09/20/02
    Points: 8497
    Posts: 7498
    Congratulations numonex!!

    Congratulations for being the next featured member. All bow down to the techincal specs master or he'll blow you up (I'm serious.)

  • randy555
    Joined: 07/02/08
    Points: 209
    Posts: 189
    what the fuck

    my fucking sister is messing with my profile she changed everything

  • TheManGone
    Joined: 06/17/08
    Points: 1377
    Posts: 1164
    3 halo games in development. microsoft's only AAA game.

    we have halo wars, halo chronicles, and the new halo game by bungie. What the hell microsoft. Do you guys know how to make new ips or no? thank god i also have a PS3. i dont know how i would feel with the same franchise all the time.

  • wii123481
    Joined: 04/06/07
    Points: 1190
    Posts: 1028
    Ledger's Joker vs. Nicholson's Joker

    Now, there is the new Joker which is Ledger (my avi, sig) But then there is the old joker which is Jack Nicholson. Which is better? In my opinion its Ledger.