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Feature: GamePro's Most Anticipated Games of E3 2008

With only a week to go, we profile the 25 most-promising titles expected this year.

We've polled our editorial team, scoured the internet, and given special attention to original efforts to develop the following list of 25 games, all of which has us giddy with the prospects. So with exception to unknown announcements, you can confidently count on these babies to be shown this year... and hopefully playable.

Mirror's Edge (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Why we want it: Because it's the most original looking first-person game we've seen in years, maybe ever. It takes the shooter out of FPS and replaces it with "A" for adventure.
Why it could suck: Motion sickness and confusing gameplay (this is a Parkour game, after all).

Beyond Good and Evil 2 (multiplatform)

Why we want it: Despite its poor commercial success, Beyond Good and Evil was last generation's best hidden gem for action/adventure fans.
Why it could suck: Realistic talking pigs look silly.

Untitled Hardcore Game(s) (Tentative for Wii)

Why we want it: Because Nintendo has hyped at least one game on two different occasions (here and here) saying, "What we announce during E3 is gonna be fantastic. There's gonna be a big game for the holiday that hardcore gamers (and the expanded audience) will want."
Why it could suck: Because a rumored "Donkey Kong" game, while good, would not be "fantastic."

Shadow of the Colossus 2 (Unofficial for PS3)

Why we want it: Because Shadow of the Colossus was the best PS2 game ever. Perhaps better than most Zelda games, even.
Why it could suck: Because killing even more towering Goliaths with no available side quests might get boring (but that's a stretch).

Guitar Hero World Tour (Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2)

Why we want it: Because it's Rock Band on steroids, with better guitar tablature, more realistic drums, all wireless instruments, and a track creation mode for home-made covers and original recordings.
Why it could suck: Because Guitar Hero 3 song downloads aren't transferable, but that's a minor gripe.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, DS, PSP, PS2)

Why we want it: The chance to finally reenact Lightsaber duels using motion controls, ones that hopefully live up to expectations.
Why it could suck: Because Star Wars games are hit or miss.

LittleBigPlanet (PS3)

Why we want it: Because it's dripping with Miyamoto-like style, imagination, and creativity and features some killer platformer levels to boot.
Why it could suck: A lack of enemies and some user-generated levels from early previews have proven to be somewhat monotonous.

Madworld (Wii)

Why we want it: Because it's sort of like the video game version of The Running Man (1987) with curious, trichrome graphics.
Why it could suck: It's still too early to really get our hopes up. Black and White is so 1950s.