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Dreamcast [Retro]

hey, I was wondering if anyone forgot about dreamcast. I was wondering if there's any place that sell dremcast A/V cords, games, and remotes....

NES Games [Retro]

Other than Gamestop and EB, are there any other places where I can find NES games for sale? I'm looking for one in particular, but no one has it or has ever heard of it. (Ninja Kid)...

Twisted Metal [Retro]

I've been gaming forever and I first got hooked on the Twisted Metal series. Is this series dead or are they going to put out any new games?...

Final Fantasy PSP [Retro]

First of all I love the mag. I have been a subscriber now for 10 years. I was so happy to hear that Final Fantasy and FF2 were comming to the PSP because I had always wanted to get into the series but...

Top Dreamcast and Ganesis Games [Retro]

what are the top dreamcast or genesis games ...

Wolfenstein or Doom [Retro]

So I dug up my SNES the other day and pulled out my copies of Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, and this got me thinking. People are always saying Doom is the game that revolutionized FPS gaming. But both D...

Neo Geo Price [Retro]

How much did the Neo Geo cost when it first came out in 1990...

Back issues [Retro]

Hello, Do you know where I could purchase back issues of GamePro? I'm looking for 1994 and 1995 issues. Thanks, Nam...

Tomba [Retro]

do you remember tomba for the ps1? i thought that 1 and 2 were both great games. So will there be a third one coming out anytime soon?...

Dreamcast online [Retro]

I was wondering, can I still play games online using the Sega Dreamcast?...

N64 Memory Cards [Retro]

Do you know where to get memory cards for Nintendo 64?...

Best SF Player? [Retro]

In all your years as a Gamepro editor, who out of yourself and your fellow editors past or present is the best Street Fighter II player in the history of Gamepro magazine?...

Turn-based [Retro]

Is it the end for the turn based style combat in Final Fantasy? Because I personally don't like to attack after a gauge fills up....

2D Next-Gen [Retro]

Will a developer ever push the boudaries of 2d gaming again? I don't mean on a handheld system, I mean on a console, saaaaay the PS3 perhaps? It'd also be really cool to see things that have been impl...

Dreamcast Games [Retro]

I heard that they actually still make SEGA Dreamcast games every once in a great while.Is that true.I mean i know long after PSOne went extinct,Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4 was released on it as well as cur...

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