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100 games returned from your search for All Reviews.

Review: Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 [DS]

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 [DS]
Fun Factor 2.5

Dr. Derek Stiles returns in Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 on the Nintendo DS -- the true sequel to the original surgical simulation!

Review: Guitar Hero: Aerosmith [Xbox 360]

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith [Xbox 360]
Fun Factor 3.25

Three years ago, when Harmonix first put those small plastic guitars in gamers' sweaty hands, the novelty of the controller coupled with the unique gameplay was enough to hold people's attention.

Review: Wacky Races: Crash & Dash [Wii]

Wacky Races: Crash & Dash [Wii]
Fun Factor 1.0

In all of my years as a gamer, I honestly don't think I've come across a game that didn't want me to play it as badly as Wacky Races: Crash & Dash.

Review: Mister Slime [DS]

Mister Slime [DS]
Fun Factor 3.75

Mister Slime plays like a throw-back that never could've happened. It's old school exploratory puzzle action, but in what schoolhouse besides the DS would your main inputs be the tap 'n draggin' stylus and microphone-directed breath manipulation?

Review: Top Spin 3 [PS3]

Top Spin 3 [PS3]
Fun Factor 4.0

While some tennis games delve further and further into the realm of arcade wackiness, the Top Spin series has always placed the emphasis on a more realistic experience. Positioning, momentum, and timing are all things you'll need to master before you can even become competitive.

Review: Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon [Wii]

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon [Wii]
Fun Factor 3.75

Taking a basic run-of-the-mill dungeon crawler and adding the iconic Chocobos from the Final Fantasy universe is a lot like taking an average sandwich and adding bacon: what was once a staid and ordinary item suddenly becomes a delicious treat.

Review: Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution [PS3]

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution [PS3]
Fun Factor 4.25

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution may just very well be the smartest video game ever created!

Review: Unreal Tournament 3 [Xbox 360]

Unreal Tournament 3 [Xbox 360]
Fun Factor 3.25

Epic's seminal online shooter loses its identity, and its control scheme, on the Xbox 360.

Review: Hail to the Chimp [Xbox 360]

Hail to the Chimp [Xbox 360]
Fun Factor 3.0

Campaign promises are a dime a dozen, yet rarely are they fulfilled. As such, it comes with little surprises that Hail to the Chimp fails to hail its own pre-release promise of spectacular multiplayer action.

Review: Space Invaders Extreme [PSP]

Space Invaders Extreme [PSP]
Fun Factor 4.5 Editor's Choice

With just a few subtle but incredibly well chosen tweaks in gameplay, developer Taito has not only created a masterful remake of Space Invaders, but also one of the best handheld games in the last few years.