NZ Soccer

New Zealand Football Rules and Regulations

New Zealand Football Rules (as of May 9, 2007)

New Zealand Football's rules govern how the organisation operates. They set objectives for the organisation and cover such matters as the process for electing board memebers and the relationship between the governing body and the seven federations. The rules also highlight individual bodies with the organisation (Appeals Committee, Women's Advisory Group etc) and their roles.

New Zealand Football Regulations

New Zealand Football's regulations cover procedural matters, matters of misconduct and rules for individual competitions. Aside from the Chatham Cup, rules for individual competitions (NZFC, NYL, NWL, National Age-Group Federation Tournament) change from season to season. For a latest copy of the regulations governing those competitions please contact NZ Football. Otherwise, current regulations are available below.

Please note: Many of these regulations predate the organisation's name change from New Zealand Soccer to New Zealnd Football. Any references to "New Zealand Soccer" or "NZS" should be read as "New Zealand Football."


Regulation Five: Status of Players

Regulation Seven: Penalties for Misconduct by Players (under review)

Regulation Eight: Procedure Following Misconduct & Appeals Procedure (under review)

Regulation Twelve: Chatham Cup

Regulation Seventeen: FIFA - Use of Drugs & Drug Testing