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Who had the best E3 press conference?




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Best of E3 2008

I'm here today to discuss so far from Day 1 of E3 in Los Angeles, which titles or moments ranked for Best in Show. As of now we have all three juggernauts and their press conferences wrapped up which can be found on IGN or GameSpot, whichever you prefer. The following list will go from Top to Bottom, in that order according to Best to Least.

1. Best in Show - Mirror's Edge
For me this was just a stunning demo. A whole new premise of First Person Action delivered with a cut of fresh air. As you are freerunning Faith to deliver items of importance, you are not automatically carried through the level but often find yourself completing this acrobatic jumps on your own. And the main theme? Nothing short of a brilliant score by Alcorus. Click here to download the music from Mirror's Edge.

2. Resistance 2
What more can you say about a 300 foot tall monster? You'll never get to face it? Wrong! You go one on one with the big guy, Leviathan, in Resistance 2 and they couldn't have demo'd a better segment to this game. You're bullets bounce off of him, rocket launchers tickle his skin. The 300 ft monsters are no longer in the background providing a show to watch.

3. Resident Evil 5
Showing stunning graphics and cooperatively gameplay, the survival horror genre never looked better. Destructible objects and a system A.I. that actually isn't annoying and you appreciate Sheva's help in the game.

4. God of War 3
Although this was a much anticipated title, it only showed up in pre-rendered teaser fashion. Leaving much to be desired.

5. Gears of War 2
Epic is yet again delivering on the forefront of tasteless masochism, and bloody gore. With the game mode Horde, you'll find yourself playing cooperatively with 3 others battling against wave after wave of seemingly impossible odds.

Well these were my top 5 picks. If you've got a favorite, leave a text-response and comment!

comments [ 8 ] - post your comment

Spooty_the_Gameguru Spooty_the_Gameguru

Posted at: 2008-07-16 12:58:00.0

1. meh 2. meh 3. expected 4. expected 5. awesome =0)
titomister10 titomister10

Posted at: 2008-07-16 16:24:29.0

i like all 5
the_storyteller the_storyteller

Posted at: 2008-07-17 21:43:37.0

all five were good. I love the mirror's edge music, cool vibe to it. I dont really like RE5 after seeing some footage at E3. It is just like RE4 but with better graphics.
elementxstyle elementxstyle

Posted at: 2008-07-18 18:47:44.0

Pretty much, but who says you have to change what worked? RE4 was awesome, and the controls worked well with the stubby GC controller. It should work even better with the 360 controller.
the_storyteller the_storyteller

Posted at: 2008-07-18 19:03:15.0

The thing i didnt like RE4 si that there was never a situation were its like a pack of zombies and u hav to hold them off. Also the way that things happened unrelisticly....You mght not understand me. But when i want to play a zombie game i look at left4dead.
God120 God120

Posted at: 2008-07-18 22:26:43.0

Im stoked for R2, GOW3 and LBP.. WHY ISNT LBP ON YOUR XD
jedediahjl jedediahjl

Posted at: 2008-07-20 14:21:18.0

I dont know if you can even say that god of war3 was even there. What did you think about little big planet?
elementxstyle elementxstyle

Posted at: 2008-07-20 17:10:48.0

I'm excited about it but I've known about it since GDC 07 and I already know that its a great game. But this is a list in which games left a good impression on me in which I knew little about before then.

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