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Who had the best E3 press conference?




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Ahoy_and_Avast's Blog Posts

And so it begins...

As reviews editor, one of the many perks of this job is that I get to play a lot of awesome games before they're released. We've seen some big name titles like GTAIV and MGSIV already but there are a lot of titles on the horizon that have finally started to trickle into our offices.

Of course, I can't tell you about any of them because I am under strict embargo but let's just say that the next few months are going to be really, really interesting indeed. Just this week alone, we got two awesome titles that have the potential to be triple-A hits.

Hell, we just got one today that we booted up in Travis' cube and let me tell you, it quickly drew a crowd of onlookers. We were 'oohing' and 'aahing' up a storm. And then there's E3, which is next week. You know there's a lot of awesome stuff that's coming out from that event as well.

You know, as funny as it sounds, being an editor at a video game magazine sucks sometimes. But then you have a week like I had this week, when I played some awesome games (Strikers of course and Diablo 2), hung out with a bunch of awesome people and generally had an awesome time. And I was reminded that being an editor at a video game magazine is pretty freaking awesome.

And you all should be thankful that you guys have this awesome "hobby" called video games. Because there are a lot of games coming out soon that'll make you guys excited. I know I'm excited.

So post a comment and let me know what upcoming games you're excited for. I want to know.

Oh, and we're off to see Hellboy 2 in like half an hour. Anyone going to see that? And don't forget that the new Batman comes out next week too.

Have a good weekend as well!


UPDATE: So I went to see Hellboy 2. My one word review: Meh. Visually, the movie looks awesome, and Ron Perlman is awesome as Hellboy. Seriously, I could watch him eat a bowl of cereal and it'd be fun. But the movie was weak from a storytelling angle. I thought the overall plot arc was rather mediocre and the character interactions were sort of contrived. Also, you could see certain plot turns coming from a mile away. It's not a terrible movie (it's worth seeing just to see Ron Perlman, who is, again, awesome) but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I did the first one.

Hopefully, the new Batman movie delivers the goods better than this one did.

comments [ 22 ] - post your comment

miamifinfan miamifinfan

Posted at: 2008-07-11 13:08:00.0

Insert the Juicy, Juicy information into my brain. I welcome it.
Shammon Shammon

Posted at: 2008-07-11 14:39:40.0

I can't wait for Banjo and Kazooie, Resistance 2, Mario Sluggers, and I'm counting on Nintendo to make an Animal Crossing announcement soon. Oh and Prototype sounds awesome!
DoubleUp DoubleUp

Posted at: 2008-07-11 16:04:26.0

Shammon Posted at: 2008-07-11 14:39:40.0 I can't wait for Banjo and Kazooie, Resistance 2, Mario Sluggers, and I'm counting on Nintendo to make an Animal Crossing announcement soon. Oh and Prototype sounds awesome!
On OMG Nntendo they had an article that said that Animal Crossing was pretty much confirmed. LINKAGE

Anyway the only console I own is the Wii, so I'm hoping for Kid Icarus, Mario Golf/Tennis, an F-Zero game, a Pikmin game, possibly a Zelda game... and one more thing that I can't remember. Of course I know all those games won't be announced, but I can hope, can't I?

feanaro feanaro

Posted at: 2008-07-11 16:08:50.0

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World is easily the game I'm most exited about. There are some others, but really... I can't wait for this.
DoubleUp DoubleUp

Posted at: 2008-07-11 16:11:05.0

Oh yeah I forgot about Star Fox! And of course I will be anticipating games that have already been announced. For some reason I only found out about Fire Emblem DS yesterday!
DoubleUp DoubleUp

Posted at: 2008-07-11 18:37:17.0

Okay, third post! Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, Deadly Creatures, de blob, Tales of Symphonia.... I might be back with more!
DaveRudden DaveRudden

Posted at: 2008-07-11 19:02:42.0

You hung out with awesome people? You should bring them by the office to meet us "plebeians," as you've called us co-workers on many occasions.
DoubleUp DoubleUp

Posted at: 2008-07-11 19:43:22.0

No wait, I haven't thought of any more.... but I will!
thebeast772 thebeast772

Posted at: 2008-07-11 22:17:03.0

I am excited about Socom, and some more news about Far Cry 2 would not hurt.
mustafarmaster mustafarmaster

Posted at: 2008-07-12 22:15:54.0

yep theres a lot of sequels coming out this summer, id better save up!
DGeneral DGeneral

Posted at: 2008-07-13 02:13:06.0

My most wanted list for E3 reads like this:

Fallout 3 Mirrors Edge Infamous God of War 3 (i'm hoping for it) Alan Wake

DGeneral DGeneral

Posted at: 2008-07-13 02:19:22.0

Also do you think you'll be live blogging the E3 press conferences this year Triple A?
KSwizz KSwizz

Posted at: 2008-07-13 15:49:45.0

much like how being a game reviewer gets you advance games... being a projectionist has it's perks... i get to see dark knight tomorrow night on imax... flipping sweeeeeet can't wait to see it... will definitely report back about it's awesomeness
rocketjed1 rocketjed1

Posted at: 2008-07-14 14:02:40.0

Anything from Nintendo looks AWSOME!!
KSwizz KSwizz

Posted at: 2008-07-15 01:19:56.0

dark knight was awesome... i can't emphasize enough how great this movie was... and if you have a chance to see it on IMAX then i doubly recommend it, it's worth upto a 40 minute drive if you can view it on imax ledger is offically the clown prince
DoubleUp DoubleUp

Posted at: 2008-07-15 10:21:28.0

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nintendo completely ignored hardcore gamers!!!!!
ox ox

Posted at: 2008-07-17 16:00:53.0

I completely concur on Hellboy II, though I think there's enough juice for a third go. It's funny with all these news games coming out, I've only just had time to go through The Orange Box. Though there has been praise for GTAIV and MGS4 to a hyperbolic state, the sheer number of great games is hard to beat. And that demo for Too Human is doing absolutely nothing to improve those chances. Hey, at least Spore is coming along. RIght? Hopefully.
HeroesAndVillans HeroesAndVillans

Posted at: 2008-07-18 03:59:39.0

Damn, Prototype sounds awesome thats the game I'm waiting for, though there still some waiting left. Plus, Legendary looks good too, though I get the feeling it's going to be the same pretty much all the way through. And I have to admit FFXIII looks fair. X was good, but after XII I didn't want much to do with it. Hopefully they can turn that around. And Bioshock too, which I always thought was good, but never owned an Xbox so will get a chance to blitz that. Anyone else want to recommend some titles? Most of these are a way off yet and i need some fresh titles.
neji_fan001 neji_fan001

Posted at: 2008-07-23 22:03:26.0

I Like Waffles
neji_fan001 neji_fan001

Posted at: 2008-07-23 22:03:26.0

I Like Waffles
neji_fan001 neji_fan001

Posted at: 2008-07-23 22:03:28.0

I Like Waffles
lord0kira16 lord0kira16

Posted at: 2008-07-24 15:36:39.0

hey if you wana be criticale you chood play the game hell boy its suuuuuucccccckkkssssss its is on my hate liste rite under viva piniata

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