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Details from a map of Leathly and neighbourhood from the reign of Elizabeth I. Ref MPC 1/238 Manorial Documents Register
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The Manorial Documents Register (MDR) identifies the nature and location of manorial records. The MDR is partially computerised – Wales, the Isle of Wight, Hampshire, Norfolk, the three Ridings of Yorkshire, Surrey, Middlesex, Cumberland, Westmorland, Lancashire North of the Sands (the Furness area, part of Cumbria since 1974), Berkshire and Buckinghamshire are available online. See Search the MDR. However the majority of the counties have not yet been computerised and information is still only available by visiting our searchroom or writing in with an enquiry.


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(Searches available for counties in England: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cumberland, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Lancashire North of the Sands (the Furness area, now part of Cumbria), Middlesex, Norfolk, Surrey, Westmorland, the three Ridings of Yorkshire; and all of Wales)

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Extract from map showing Inclesmere, Snaith Manor, Yorkshire. ref DL 31/61

What are manorial documents?

The records noted in the Manorial Documents Register include court rolls, surveys, maps, terriers, documents and all other documents relating to the boundaries, franchises, wastes, customs or courts of a manor. Title deeds are not included in the Register.

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<% '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' File name: version.asp ' System: HMC, NRA, ARCHON, MDR, PORTAL ' Copyright: (C) The National Archives ' ' Description: Sets up the version of the HMC public application. ' ' Amendment history: ' v1.0.1:0 TManhDo 01-Nov-2005 Created ' v1.0.3.2 TManhDo 11-Jul-2006 Version 1.0.3:2 updates ' v1.2.0:0 TManhDo 03-Jun-2007 Version 1.2.0:0 updates ' v1.2.0:1 TManhDo 06-Nov-2007 Version 1.2.0:1 updates ' v1.3.0:0 RHaji 26-Feb-2008 Version 3.0.0:0 updates ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'Version of the HMC MDR public site Const VERSION = "MDR v1.3.0.0" %>