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Italian boy with accordian, 1902. Cat ref: COPY 1/456
The National Archives

The National Archives

About us

The National Archives is at the heart of information policy - setting standards and supporting innovation in information and records management across the UK, and providing a practical framework of best practice for opening up and encouraging the re-use of public sector information. This work helps inform today's decisions and ensure that they become tomorrow's permanent record. The National Archives is also the official archive for England, Wales and the central UK government, containing 900 years of history from Domesday Book to the present, with records ranging from parchment and paper scrolls through to recently created digital files and archived websites. Increasingly, these records are being put online, making them universally accessible.
The Vision of The National Archives is to:
  • Lead and transform information management
  • Guarantee the survival of today's information for tomorrow
  • Bring history to life for everyone

Further information about The National Archives' Vision and our Strategic Plan for the current year is available on our plans page.

The National Archives is a government department and an executive agency under the Secretary of State for Justice. We give detailed guidance to government departments and the public sector on information management, in order to ensure the survival of records in whichever form they are created, be it paper or digital. We also advise custodians throughout the public and private sectors about the care of historical archives.

In October 2006, The National Archives merged with The Office of Public Sector Information, bringing together policy leadership across the whole information management spectrum. Through the merger, The National Archives gained expertise in finding, using, sharing and trading information throughout government and the wider public sector, consolidating its resources in best practice and guidance in preserving information for the future.

As the official archive for England, Wales and the central UK government, The National Archives holds records ranging from parchment and paper scrolls through to digital files and archived websites. You can use our online services to search our database and download certain documents. If unable to find a document online, visit the original collection at The National Archives in Kew, West London.