Pinky Gone Driving Little tidbits not meant for human consumption

November, 2005

Ogg support for Mac OS 10.4

Tue, 2005-11-29 22:03

I upgraded my laptop to Mac OS 10.4 today and I feared that I would not be able to listen to most of my music, since it is encoded as Ogg Vorbis files and the Quicktime Components project that did make this possible had gone stale. Their latest version did not work with the newest version of Quicktime that was a part of the newest version of MacOS. But, the time had come to upgrade the OS on my laptop, after I had done it on my desktop and gotten hooked on Dashboard.

But, lo and behold, there is a new project to update the quicktime Ogg support and it works with Quicktime 7. So now I'm listnening to Ogg music files, and looking at the status in Dashboard

Thanks given

Mon, 2005-11-28 22:03

The Thanksgiving holiday is over and I am both sad and happy at the same time. We had so many good people here and I am sad that they are gone. On the flip side, we had a lot of people visiting and it took some energy to interact with all of them, and keep on top of Rose's needs. It was a wonderful time though. Here's some highlights

Jordan and Megan kicked the week off on Saturday with a visit from Nashville. It was great to see them again in our place. They had been here last fall, almost exactly a year ago and while much was different, the important parts were still the same. On Sunday we cleared brush and weeds from around the house and even had a bonfire that night. Oh yeah, and they got to meet Rose:

Sara and Clark were next, arriving on Sunday night. We hung out with the four of them on Monday during the day and Jordan and Megan left that afternoon. After Rose fell asleep that night, a raging game of Pinochle broke out with Sara and I challenging Lara and Clark, but we had to give it up so they could make it to the new Harry Potter movie.

My parents and brother came over on Tuesday and we hung out with them and my Grandpa Kenny on Tuesday for a late lunch and a restful day. Wednesday we hung out with Sara and Clark and Sara's mom Elaine as well as my parents. Brent (Sara's brother) and Connie made it in by dinner and our visitor collection was complete. Thursday was turkey day and we had dinner at my uncle Tim and Aunt Judy's. With 14 people (including Rose) it was about the most fun I could imagine. Kudos to Elaine for leading us into "What I am Thankful For" after dinner.

It was great to see family and friends together enjoying themselves and sharing in our lives. I was deeply touched by the love and kindness that everyone showed to each other. Next year though, we're crashing someone else's thanksgiving.

Mild Mannered Blogger

Mon, 2005-11-28 22:03

A friend's blog. Tres mild right now, but picante to come...

visit Mild Mannered Blogger

You Knit What?

Wed, 2005-11-16 22:03

This site is totally hilarious. As a knitter, I feel both for the people who make these things and those who review them. I really like the attitudes of the authors. (WARNING: Contains some profanity.)

Well Hello, Mr. Toad

Tue, 2005-11-08 22:03

This guy was in a potted plant that had been out on our back deck for the nice warm late summer. We brought all the plants in (after a couple of frosts [oops!]) and it tooks me a little while to notice that he was there. I thought he was pretty cute and was glad that I managed to get such a nice picture of him. Lara thinks that Rose is a born animal charmer and called this fellow over.

New Default theme

Mon, 2005-11-07 22:03

I worked up a new default theme for the site, based loosely on the old one, but I thought I would try for something in the light-on-dark genre with colors tending toward blue. Let me know what you think. If anyone at all comments about the old theme being better, I'll be glad to bring it back.

Consider it Gilded

Sun, 2005-11-06 22:03

The 23-inch Apple Cinema Display that sits on my desk is the nicest monitor that I've ever used. It's incredibly crisp, has great, bright colors and runs at 1900x1200 resolution. And for over a year, this has been great by me, but the other day, I looked on the back of the box and saw that the graphics card had a second DVI port. This thing could dual-head. I pondered how to get another monitor for about a weekend and thought of bringing in an old CRT, but I don't really have the desk space for it.

Then this morning, I realized that there was a 21-inch Dell 2000FP LCD just sitting on the floor in my office. So I hooked it up, spent some time calibrating and now the two monitors are running side-by-side. It's ridiculous. Seriously. Ridiculous. I basically have to invent things to put on the second monitor. The Dell runs at 1600x120 resolution so that comes to (1900+1600)*1200 = 4.2×106 pixels of screen real estate in one really wide strip. Here's a picture taken with the iSight: