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How to Market a Deadly Disease - 10 Shocking AIDS Ads from Around the World

It appears that some of the most creative and inventive advertising is coming from nonprofits these days.

This week, I've been taking a look at the nonprofits and "for a good cause" marketing techniques. Earlier this week, we looked at the Anti-Smoking Campaigns. and Saving Our Environment Campaigns . Today, we turn to the the advertising campaigns being used to increase awareness about AIDS.

AIDS is a frightening and devastating illness that effects thousands of people every day and in every country around the world. In order to increase awareness about this destructive disease, many different ad campaigns have been used to try to inform and perhaps even scare the public about AIDS.

How would you promote awareness about a deadly sexually transmitted disease? Here are 10 that I think are the most interesting and effective:

1. Scorpion Ads (France)

The following series of print ads on AIDS by TBWA Paris called the Scorpion Ads ran throughout France.

2. Aids Makes Us Equal (France)

Part of the French ad series, is this Wonder Woman with Aids ad.

3. Diagnosis: Nothing is Perverse (Germany)

This print ad which I call the Diagnosis series is from Germany. This ad says:

Diagnosis: Nothing is perverse, except not using a condom. Note: By the year 2010, world-wide 150 million people will be infected by HIV. Treatment: Get informed. Finding out can protect against infection.

4. Diagnosis: Life or Death (Germany)

This print ad demands your attention by the Jung von Matt Agency from Germany reads:

Diagnosis: Life or death depends on only 0.003mm of latex. Note: Yearly 3 million humans die world-wide because of the consequences of AIDS. Treatment: Get informed. Finding out can protect against infection.

5. Hamburg Kids AIDS Installation (Germany)

This was a campaign for AJS, a non-profit organization that help kids in Hamburg, Germany that somehow are affected by HIV. The goal was to create general awareness, gain media coverage, drive Hamburgers to donate at least €25,000, all on a budget of $0...yup, ZERO DOLLARS! (Source)

They put up 114 little statues in Hamburg's main square, representing the number of kids in Hamburg affected by HIV, each with a quote of a child.

"Dad says" If Mark finds our our little secret, he'll never play with me again".

Mom has to go to the hospital. Do I need to live with strangers again?

6. The Past Interfering (Switzerland)

This ad is from Switzerland and reads,

  1. No intercourse without a condom.
  2. No sperm or blood in the mouth.

If the past's interfering with your relationship: check-your-livelife.ch Love life. Stop AIDS.

Another one from that same series has the same copy, but is targeting homosexuals.

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The best I ever saw was in a

The best I ever saw was in a DC metro station. It claimed that the District had a higher percentage of HIV+ residents than anywhere in Africa.

Holy Crap!

WOAH!! The Europeans must be like, freak-o-perverse...

The ads are very drastic and

The ads are very drastic and really a slap at the back of the head. I personally love the ads at Hamburg. Simple and direct to the point.

I'd still bang Wonder Woman

I'd still bang Wonder Woman if she had AIDS.


No, they're just more mature than most Americans and don't always associate (partial) nudity with sex .

Universal search

good article on universal search




No I think a nation that is afraid of belly buttons and nipples is perverse

canadians are losers

everyone is a LOSER unless they are american

Number 10.

That last one freaks me out.

Uncanny valley, anyone?

You're an idiot

LOL, how can you not associate an AIDS campaign with sex...


Everyone on the planet usually dies from AIDS( our immune systems break down)

HIV does not cause Aids, usually intravenous drug use, poppers etc in the West or bad sanitation, malnutrition, TB etc etc in the developing world.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
The pharmaceutical companies need to perpetuate the myth. Its huge business.


To the person above me...
Thank you for spreading more misinformation.
AIDS and HIV do NOT kill you. AIDS just weakens your body's defense mechanisms needed to maintain homeostasis and prevent infection. AIDS is not a disease that kills. What kills is the infections or illnesses received when affected by AIDS. Your body cannot fight off the infection.
For example, if you got pneumonia and were affected by AIDS, your body could not fight it off properly. You would die from complications of AIDS...i.e. you would die from pneumonia.
And yes, HIV DOES cause AIDS.

haha wow

go get a life

Go read something with

Go read something with journalistic integrity.

I'll bet the whole Global Warming and World Poverty things were just made up by hippies, too. And everyone knows 5-year-olds like working in those factories, there are just all these mean people trying to feed and educate them instead.

Fuck Americans

Americans are cunts. Worthless ugly mounds of flesh.

To the ignorant one above me....

If all Americans are so worthless, than what are you? Apparently a very ignorant, angry, and WORTHLESS international junkie.


fucking faggots shouldnt even be alive!

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