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Want to Help Inventors?

It is very difficult to be a successful independent inventor. We want to change that, and with your help, we think we can.

We at InventorSpot.com are committed to making the invention process easier and less fraught with risks for individual inventors. If we are able to pool our collective knowledge and resources more effectively, we believe that Inventors will have an easier time turning their dreams into reality.

We are already the most popular invention related website in the world. But we also want to be the best. Please join us in building the best website for Independent Inventors on the planet!

Here are some of the ways you can help:

1. Link To Our Site

We really need websites to link to us. If you have a website, a blog or a myspace or a regular at forums, please link to us.

We currently have a Google Search ranking of 6 (which is pretty good) but we would like to get a higher ranking so that its easier for people to find our site and the information in it (including all the inventions in our FREE Invention Gallery). We have graphics that you can use here for the link.

2. Share Your Knowledge

Are you a seasoned Inventor with experience?
Are you someone who helps Inventors make their dreams become reality?
Are you someone looking to let Inventors know about your products or services or your cool website?

Then, please think about helping to make this site great. We are looking for writers to write on topics of interest to inventors. If you have good stuff you'd be willing to share, please CONTACT US.

Also, check in on our Forums from time to time and share your experiences and advice.

2. Report Problem Companies

If you see google ads on our site from a problem company trying to rip off inventors, please contact us with the web address for the link and we will try our best to remove them. It is a constant battle to keep them off our site as they keep changing their names, etc. so we would appreciate your help.

Also, sign into our forum and report on any company you have had a problem with in our Scams and Cons section.

3. Let Us Know About Companies You Liked Working With

We have a new Directory of Inventor Service Providers. We need your help to make it into a really useful resource for inventors.

Please take a look and if you don't see a company you have had a good experience working with, please contact us and tell us how we can reach them or let them know about our service and ask them to submit themselves into our Directory.

If you have had experiences with anyone posted in the directory, please share your comments about them.

4. Let People Know About Our Site

The biggest challenge we have at InventorSpot.com and AmericanInventorSpot.com is that we are still new and not well known in the Inventor Community.

Please help spread the word about InventorSpot.com, please link to us on your website, and please let Inventor Organizations and Forums you are involved with know that we are here and would love to have them involved on our site.

One simple way is to just add us to the bottom of your emails as a "Check Out AmericanInventorSpot.com - Serious Fun for the Inventor in All of Us." 

5. Get Involved in Our Site

Let us know what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong. Tell us what we can do to help inventors and if you can, please volunteer a little bit of your time to the site in whatever way you can to make it a truly fun and helpful place for inventors.

This website is for you, so please help us to build a website that you will really enjoy and find useful.

Thanks so much.

AmericanInventorSpot.com Team

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Eliminate Expensive Mistakes w/Your Invention

Please people, don't make the expensive mistakes that I made over 40 years ago when first trying to get one of my ideas to market. I have got over 125 new products to market in the past 40 years. Contact me and I will give you free advise not only for the idea business but also other idea related businesses that I have owned or continue to own (Finance, Retail, Import & Export and International Business) that spans 60 years of experience. I am not trying to sell a service or a self-help book. brumar53@aol.com

question and request

hello.i am an inventor.i have an uncomplete invention that want to complete it.can you help me?thanks alot for your attentions.
my email: mmghf1387@yahoo.com

Help with Invention Question

Michelle's picture



I just sent a response by email.


InventorSpot.com Team

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