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Lame Duck George For Cats And Dogs!

You know that George W. Bush is in his last year of his second term as President of the United States, but does your cat know it? What about your dog? Does he realize that George is a Lame Duck president? Hmm. Yummy. Lame duck.... Is that anything like Peking Duck?

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Russian and Japanese Barcodes: A New Venue For Artistic Expression

Most would agree that these ubiquitous, plain parallel lines are merely emblems of our consumer oriented cultures. Whoever would have thought they would have become roses among the thorns of commercialism and tower as artistic creations especially in Japan and Russia? Read on, if you don’t believe and read on if you do.

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Recycled Box Cowboy Hats Just in Time For a Drunken Halloween

Want to be a cowboy this Halloween? I don't blame you. Cowboys can be awfully sexy. Lucky for you, here is a way to show some love and loyalty to your favorite beer company and be an eco-friendly cowboy at the same time.

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Has the Man Powered Ferris Wheel Crossed The Green Line?

I’m afraid there isn’t much information about this man powered Ferris Wheel somewhere in Southern India. Search after search the only information I found about this green innovation is this video. Still I’ve chosen to share this innovation with you because I find it dangerously fascinating and evident that contrary to popular belief the eco-conscious do like to have fun.

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Socks With Holes: Innovative Fashion?

Socks with holes already built in, creating a fun pair with a ‘peep show'. You can wear them with sneakers or team them up with stilettos to reflect a fun twist to your personality.

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Thanks For Coming, Now Go Away!

Don't you sometimes wish that you could tell your guests to leave? Maybe it's not that they bore you, you're just not in the mood for company. Well, come in and see this crazy doormat....

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Great Butt Service: Subtle Butt

"Subtle Butt" is a piece of fabric that has undergone activated carbon anti-microbial treatment. When inserted into underwear, these small pieces promise to absorb and neutralize gas and odors before they escape from your clothing.

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7 Ways To Vote For President With Your Tongue

Food lovers! If you'd rather support your candidate with your taste buds than your t-shirt, here are seven hot companies cashing in on the political season and tallying your votes. Oh, you can vote more than once in these Presidential races; actually, it's encouraged.

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10 MORE Hilarious International Pet Ads

MORE pet ads? Yes, 10 more crazy, funny, clever, right on pet advertisements, just waiting in the wings for the laughter and applause to subside from the first ten of Lady Bee's Hilarious International Pet Ads last week. This time we are heavily weighted with canine ads -- eight dog product advertisements, one cat food ad, and one bird food ad - again playfully taking jabs at man and pet.

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An Enema For and By the People: Russian Resort Unveils Monument

No, there is no typo here. We are talking about enemas, but this one is made of bronze and was inspired by well.. inspired. It is meant for human appreciation rather than application. Read on and resist the temptation to “say it isn’t so.”

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For Cats Who Want To Serve Their Country There's The "Cat Playhouse"

Did you ever think of enlisting your cat in the Army or the Air Force? If I were you I'd give a Cat Playhouse some serious consideration, because your cat may have heroic ambitions one day, and not know where to turn. Our kids play at being soldiers and firemen. Why not our cats?

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Toys Meant To Drive You Bananas

One of the newest Japanese fads coming to America is the adorable and inventive Elite Banana series. There are multiple versions of Elite Banana, from the blushing banana to sweaty business banana to tuxedo banana. Each seems to have their own unique personality and flavor. With so many options, why not play with your food?

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Top 10 Most Unusual Rings of 2008

I realized that there are some really innovative, whacky, cool, and downright outrageous rings out there. Here is a list of my favorite Top 10 Coolest Rings of 2008.

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A Doggie 'Who Done It:' CSI To The Rescue

In the central Israeli town of Petah Tikva, just east of Tel-Aviv, dog poop was found lying near the steps of the town's library. CSI was called in, examined the dog poop and interviewed witnesses, but no dogs were seen leaving the scene of the crime.

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New York City Tap Water - TAP'D NY™ - Now Available In Bottles!

You knew that New York City had the finest water in the world, right? You heard that from a New Yorker. Well, a new company called TAP’D NY™ has recently been formed to exploit that fact and bring that tap water to you… in a bottle. This company has been making a big splash lately, particularly in the press…..

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Origami Candidates Play Presidential Politics

Origami Candidates Play Presidential Politics

Origami, the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, has now been applied to the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Are the candidates - and their wives - more than just paper tigers or do they just leave you flat? Print, fold and find out!

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USBs and Phones and Bears -Oh My!

Ever wish technology could cuddle? Not to worry, with these new gadgets, you can take care of business while enjoying cute, soft snuggles....or, if you prefer, bear torture.

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There's Always Room For J-E-L-L-O Art

People over the years have found many uses for Jell-O, some more vulgar than others, but artist Liz Hickok has created an entire scene of San Francisco out of Jell-O.

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10 Hilarious International Pet Ads

Whether we have pets or not, most of us are familiar with their idiosyncracies, as well as those of their owners. Like great cartoonists, pet product advertisers exaggerate, or play on, the absurdity of those idiosyncracies... and that's what makes the ads so darn funny. Here are 10 ads you've got to see!

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I Love Big Butt Backpack

Do you love big butts and want to show off your love everywhere you go?

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